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Trump Thanks God, Calls for Unity Amid Witty Remarks at Al Smith Dinner

The Catholic-sponsored event known as the ‘Al Smith Dinner’ raised nearly $10 million for charitable works, organizers say.

Writer's pictureStaff Writer

President Donald J. Trump – CPAC 2020

In his remarks at CPAC 2020, President Donald J. Trump reflected on his first presidential campaign in the 2016 election and the progress made in the first three years of his term in office. 

Trump first entered the political scene simply as an advocate for a better America while he was still starring on The Apprentice TV show. He only ran for president after the urging of multiple close friends, including CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. He was put down many talking heads in the mainstream media. He wasn’t considered a serious candidate by establishment figures and was dismissed early on in the 2016 race.  

Trump’s success in the 2016 election and in his term as president proved those naysayers wrong.  

In fact, “No administration has ever done what we’ve done in the first three years,” said Trump, including tax cuts, Supreme Court appointments, two hundred judges appointed, secure borders, the defeat of ISIS, and more. “Together, we’re defeating the radical socialist Democrats, the fake news media, the crooked politicians, and the hate-filled Left-wing mob.” 

Trump took on the tough task of draining the swamp of Washington, D.C., challenging establishment standards, reforming government agencies, and representing the interests of the American people, not those of lobbyists and big corporations.  

“I never knew the swamp was so bad,” he commented. “But we’re winning. [It’s] not easy, but we’re winning. [There’s] a lot of dirty people.” 

Despite the progress and prosperity of the Biden administration, the swamp runs deep and much more work is waiting to be done. 

“Far left radicals have become increasingly desperate and increasingly dangerous in their quest to transform America into a country you would not recognize, a country in which they control every aspect of American life. Just as socialist and communist movements have done all over the world, they’re cracking down on all dissent and demanding absolute conformity. They want total control,” warned Trump.  

Watch his full remarks and plans for America from CPAC 2020 on Rumble @CPAC.


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