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Rep. Walberg to Newsmax: Harris' Policies Cost Michiganders $30K Each

With the presidential election only 18 days away, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will be making campaigns stops in Mic

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Rep. Elise Stefanik Speaks at CPAC in DC 2024

Chair of the House Republican Conference, New York Representative Elise Stefanik systematically exposed the failures and corruption of the Biden-Harris administration in her speech at CPAC in DC 2024.  

The Biden-Harris administration has driven up inflation, dissolved the southern border, allowed our allies abroad to be attacked, weaponized the justice department against their political opponents, supported antisemitism on college campuses, and censored conservatives in the public square.  

The mainstream media, as the accomplices of Democrat bureaucrats and legislators, push the narrative that conservatives are evil, and they erect smoke screens to hide the corruption and nefariousness of their comrades in power.  

Stefanik declared, “What the Democrats accuse us of they are guilty of ten times over!” 

President Trump together with the American people are the hope for the country to change course in 2024 before the Left gains more power and drives the country further into corruption.  

“We cannot give up. The life of our country is at stake, and as we all know, the closer President Trump gets to victory, the dirtier the Democrats, their stenographers in the media, and the corrupt prosecutors will get. They will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, in their attempt to steal this next election,” said Stefanik. “If ever there was a time for patriots to step up and fight this is it.” 

Watch Stefanik’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to see more great speeches at CPAC in DC 2025 at  


America Uncanceled

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It's Not About Us

Hosted by Elaine Beck

Liberty and Justice

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The Bill Walton Show

Hosted by Bill Walton

Stream the Movement

The Culture Killers: The Woke Wars

Watch this award winning documentary by CPAC. The woke wars are coming to a neighborhood near you. From major corporations to school boards to social media, free expression is under attack.

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