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VIDEO -- Kamala Harris: Police Can Search Legal Gun Owners' Homes to 'Check'

As San Francisco DA, Kamala Harris stressed that being a legal gun owner does not bar police from searching your home "to see if you're being responsi

Would Moses Go To Harvard? - CPAC 2024

This panel discussion at CPAC in DC 2024 poses the question, “Would Moses Go to Harvard?”, as anti-semitic movements take over American universities. Josh Hammer, host of The Josh Hammer Show, moderates a panel discussion with Brooke Goldstein, founder of the Lawfare Project, and UC Santa Barbara sophomore and End Jew Hatred fellow Ephraim Shalunov on the rise of anti-semitism in America since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.

Shalunov shares shocking testimony of the violence and hatred he has encountered on his college campus. From an entire pro-Hamas protest to personal attacks to publicly hostile faculty, Shalunov has encountered many instances of bigotry. The Israel-Hamas war was really the catalyst for these waves of violent anti-semitism, but as Goldstein points out there has long been silence on Jewish rights despite the great involvement of Jews in all other civil rights movements. Now is the time to break the silence with movements like End Jew Hatred and by using the law to challenge the bigotry of Harvard and other higher education institutions and uphold Jewish civil rights.

Shalunov summed up the current bleak situation, “It’s not safe to be a Jew at Harvard. It’s not safe to be a Jew anywhere in the Ivy League, and it’s not safe to be a Jew at any top university in America.”

See more of the panel discussion on Rumble @CPAC.


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The Culture Killers: The Woke Wars

Watch this award winning documentary by CPAC. The woke wars are coming to a neighborhood near you. From major corporations to school boards to social media, free expression is under attack.

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