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  • Rick Santorum Speaks at CPAC Hungary 2024

    Former Pennsylvania Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum powerfully called for religious revival in America at CPAC Hungary 2024. After World War II, America fell into the dangerous trap of naive contentment. Americans took for granted that they lived in the greatest and freest country on earth and forgot that freedom requires hard work to maintain. As such, they let their guard down and allowed Leftism to slowly creep into the country. “Who needs an invading army when you can use the freedom in the West to systematically gain control of every lever of power, unions, schools, colleges, news media, entertainment, social media, big business, and increasingly the Church to indoctrinate masses to believe their lies? How did they do this? Well, the most benign answer is the axiom, ‘Evil triumphs when good men and women do nothing,’” explained Santorum. They became lax in their faith and their family lives. They entrusted their children to schools and universities infected with the disease of Leftism and failed to pass on conservative values to them. As time went on, conservatives isolated themselves from the rest of the country rather than taking the conservative message out into the world and bringing more people into their ranks. “We stopped participating in social groups, including churches, clubs, and institutions that shape society, but not on the Left. They joined, contributed, and they organized. We became self-sufficient, disconnected, and blissfully ignorant of the dramatic changes in our institutions and in our culture,” recalled Santorum. Though the Left made great headway in overhauling American society and culture, it’s not too late to reverse course. But doing that requires conservatives to return to their roots. They need to place God at the center of their values and politics and return to a core Christian morality that respects life and defends the family. Hungary is a light in the darkness to Americans, demonstrating that a cultural revival is possible. To achieve that cultural revival in America, Americans need to start with themselves. “Do the hard work of strengthening your faith, committing to your spouse, and forming your children in truth, and you and your country will triumph in more ways than one,” advised Santorum. Revival starts with each person looking in the mirror and practicing what they preach. Watch Santorum’s full speech on here.

  • Congressman Matt Gaetz Speaks at CPAC 2024

    Washington, D.C. has become corrupted with career, self-interested, and weak politicians. The Republican Party especially has been afflicted for years with disloyal, lukewarm conservatives. Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz lets those swamp creatures like Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and Mike Pence know that there days in Washington are numbered. Gaetz and his staunch conservative colleagues are draining the swamp and challenging the status quo by caring about the priorities of average Americans and bringing common sense to Congress. “I actually want orderly things like budgets that balance, single-subject spending bills, term limits, block grant Medicaid, drill for oil, export liquified natural gas to anyone willing to buy it in dollars, demand that, I don’t know, if the government wants to spy on Americans, they should have to get a warrant and we should secure the southern border,” stated Gaetz. Republicans still have a lot of work to do. Many lukewarm representatives still need to be ousted and many others need to learn to take a stand for the principles on which they campaigned. Watch all of Gaetz’s comments from the CPAC 2024 stage on Rumble @CPAC.

  • The "Max Power" Approach to Regulations, Redux

    During the Obama Presidency, when it came to regulations, one was reminded of the Simpsons episode where Homer changed his name to "Max Power", and told his son, Bart, that there were three ways of doing things: the right way, the wrong way, and the "Max Power" way. To which Bart retorted, "Isn't that the wrong way?" and Homer replied, "yes, but faster!". But the Obama administration had nothing on the Biden administration's "Max Power" approach! Under the Biden administration, the United States has seen an unprecedented surge in the cost of federal regulations, presenting a clear and present danger to our economic prosperity and the financial well-being of every American citizen. Let's put the numbers in perspective: under President Obama, the cost of federal regulations doubled, climbing from $1.1 trillion to $2.25 trillion over eight years. During President Trump’s term, these costs held relatively steady, growing by a mere $30 billion. On a percentage basis, that's the least growth we've had in the modern regulatory state for any president, only 1.3% (the prior Republican president, George W. Bush, grew the cost of regulation by 10% in his eight years in office, and he was considered by the left to be "anti-regulation"!). In stark contrast, in just over three years, President Biden has added a staggering $1.37 trillion in direct regulatory costs, according to a recent report by the American Action Forum (AAF). This surge in regulatory costs under Biden is approximately 45 times the amount accumulated under Trump and nearly matches the entire regulatory cost of the Obama presidency. The magnitude of these costs cannot be overstated. The most expensive single rule—the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) tailpipe vehicle emissions rule—racked up $870 billion in costs, nearly equating the total regulatory costs of the entire Obama administration. Such astronomical figures signal a dramatic escalation in the regulatory state, one that promises to ripple across the economy, stifling growth and burdening industries and consumers alike. The broader economic impact of these regulations is even more alarming. For every dollar of direct regulatory cost, there is an estimated $19 in lost opportunity cost. This implies a total economic impact running into the tens of trillions of dollars—costs that will ultimately be borne by American businesses and consumers through higher prices and reduced economic activity. House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington has rightly pointed out the dire implications of such policies: "Biden’s burdensome regulations along with his tax hikes and unbridled spending are fueling the cost of living crisis under which working Americans are suffering." This statement captures the essence of the regulatory overreach we are witnessing—an overreach that not only impacts our immediate costs of living but also our long-term economic sustainability. What is required now is a concerted effort to reverse this trend. The solution lies in cutting wasteful spending, reducing taxes, and importantly, rolling back unnecessary regulations. Such measures would not only alleviate the cost of living pressures but also spur economic growth and help reduce our unsustainable national debt. The trajectory of regulatory costs under the Biden administration serves as a stark warning: without immediate action, we risk entrenching a bureaucratic quagmire that could undermine the economic gains of the past decade and curtail our future prosperity. As policymakers, industry leaders, and citizens, we must advocate for a regulatory environment that fosters innovation and growth, not one that suffocates it under the ever-growing weight of costly and unnecessary rules. Homer Simpson's quip about the "Max Power" way being the "wrong way, only faster" makes for good comedy. It's a cartoon, after all, and a parody of real life. For the Biden Administration to double-down on their predecessor using this approach to grow the impact of the federal regulatory is just the opposite - it's real life, in the most-real way, and is anything but funny.

  • America UnCanceled: Elaine Beck joins to discuss antisemitism on college campuses and more

    Elaine Beck joins America Uncanceled to discuss antisemitism on college campuses. Beck remembers and witnessed Vietnam War protests on college campuses. The difference she finds between them and the current protests is that law enforcement and the country’s leadership did not tolerate the disruptive protests in the past, but today they are not just tolerating it but are even encouraging it in some cases. Those Leftist leaders are attempting to justify the Pro-Hamas protests under the rights to free speech and protest, but the protests are far from the peaceful demonstrations protected by the Constitution. “There’s no such thing as a right to do evil things,” Beck commented. The solution that she suggests is to return to our Christian roots. “The only thing we can do is turn back to God,” said Beck. American society has lost respect for life and the family, and Beck advises we take a page out of Hungary’s book and use our laws to encourage life, the family, and Christian values. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • Campus Antisemitism Another Manifestation of Academia’s Moral Relativism

    That many of America’s elite colleges and universities are hotbeds of moral decay is not news to the conservative movement. Conservative political leaders, activists, and journalists have been ringing alarm bells about this phenomenon for decades, and now the proverbial chickens have come home to roost in a most disturbing way. Decent Americans know evil when they see it, and the vast bulk of our nation’s populace  - on both sides of the political aisle - still rise to the occasion to unequivocally stand on the side of good. However, rhetoric that started at the fringes of the Democratic Party has become increasingly mainstreamed, exposing an underbelly of left wing radicals who are disturbed by the basic notions of American patriotism and - more importantly - lack a basic moral instinct to differentiate between good versus evil. The “anti-Israel” protests that swept many American campuses in recent weeks is another symptom of this moral rot. Pro-terror activists in the service of Hamas succeeded in weaponizing their cause by disingenuously linking it to other popular left-wing causes, like the anti-police movement and BLM. In doing so, they mobilized large numbers of low-information students and anti-American activists to take to the streets in support of what they call the Palestinian cause. One of the defining characteristics of anti-semitism is the double standard. Ask yourself: are these students similarly activated by true massacres and war crimes being committed in numerous parts of the world? A simple google search will easily bring up numerous humanitarian crises that are claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands; despots cavalierly flaunting human rights and getting a pass from the world. But when the world’s one Jewish state is brutally attacked on its sovereign soil by a recognized terrorist entity - resulting in 1,200 deaths, thousands of wounded, and hundreds of hostages taken- and responds by taking military action to defeat those who have vowed to continue to massacre and maim - that is the sole “human rights” cause championed by these campus activists. This is a textbook example of antisemitism because of the stark double standard on display, in addition to the numerous publicly available sources pointing to Israel’s military taking precautions to avoid civilian casualties literally unprecedented in the history of modern urban warfare. So when these young people use violence to occupy university buildings and try to take down the Stars and Stripes, it is natural for good and decent Americans to realize that these fringe protests are just another example of the moral relativism that threatens America’s core ethos as a lighthouse for moral clarity and a force for good. In recent weeks many Americans are waking up to the dangers of allowing this relativism to fester, and in addition to the dark images coming from some campuses we have also seen some bright moments. Young Americans are reconnecting to what our nation stands for, and recognizing their obligation to stand up for good. Almost 80 years ago the American flag led the fight against evil that culminated in the utter defeat of Nazi Germany and the moral decay and unmitigated evil it represented. For Jews around the world that flag became synonymous with all that is good in the world, a republic that has its imperfections but instinctively rises to the occasion to be a force on the side of good time after time. During this unique moment in history, the Biden administration needs to stop equivocating and needs to start leading with clarity on this issue. The United States of America has an opportunity now to reinforce its core ethos by standing unequivocally with Jewish students, standing with Israel in its war for basic security, and living up to the virtues that our ancestors sacrificed so much for. CPAC is taking action to stand up against antisemitism on college campuses. Join us in calling for the defunding of these woke and bigoted universities at

  • America UnCanceled: Dr. Robert Malone joins to discuss gain-of-function virus research in Wuhan

    The House of Representatives COVID select committee called for an investigation into criminal charges for the gain-of-function virus research in Wuhan this week. Dr. Robert Malone weighs in on America Uncanceled. Six hours of testimony with Dr. Peter Daszak from federally-funded EcoHealth Alliance went around in circles but ultimately revealed that the organization had been illegally using federal funds to fund COVID research at the Wuhan lab all while denying the laboratory-origin of the virus. “He was held accountable for a series of actions that he took or didn’t take in his repeated failure to comply with NIH regulations in terms of disclosures and transparencies, and the committee really got a bit testy over the fact that every time they got Daszak kind of cornered on one of his, let’s say gently, misrepresentations about the facts they had been able to ascertain through other testimony..., he resorted to saying, ‘Well, it’s in documents that I have [that] I will get to you,’ and they were just sick and tired of hearing this because he’s had quite a long time to produce all of the documents,” explained Malone. Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance are now facing possible criminal charges and banning from receiving federal funding again and doing research on behalf of the federal government. The House COVID committee is working through doctors involved and is approaching Dr. Anthony Fauci’s turn to face the committee, which Malone expects to be an important testimony. As to a future pandemic, according to Malone, the United States is “overprepared” based on the federal government’s excessive promulgation of fear of a pandemic, its overreaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the growing industrial government sector that benefits from public health crises. The World Health Organization’s World Health Assembly is coming up on May 27 and Malone predicts that the new treaty and governing laws of the WHO will be “rammed through” though he has heard talk of revising some of the problematic pieces. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • Kari Lake at CPAC Hungary 2024

    CPAC Hungary 2024 once again revealed Hungary to be an oasis of conservatism in a world ravaged by radical Leftism. The stunning architecture, preserved historic sites, buildings, and statues, clean and safe cities, thriving culture, decreased abortion rates, and high marriage rates of Hungary are a testament to the effectiveness of conservative policy. In her recorded message to CPAC Hungary 2024, Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake shined a light on these accomplishments and presented Hungary as an example to the United States and the rest of the world of what a nation can be when it is united in freedom. Lake credited Viktor Orbán with championing these accomplishments. “It’s a testament to the country’s first leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a man who has delivered historic peace and prosperity to your country. Through strong leadership and national conservatism, he’s done all of that. He reminds me of a certain man who led my country not too long, man who will be leading us again in the not-so-distant future,” said Lake. According to Lake, a recent conversation with Prime Minister Orbán “changed [her] life”. Hungary’s innovative tax policies that have nearly cut the abortion rate in half without changing the laws on abortion blew her mind. Hungary’s policies, such as this one, on life and the family can be an inspiration for the rest of the free world, and a victory for President Donald Trump in November poises the United States to follow Hungary’s example and once again enter a powerful partnership with our ally in Hungary. Watch Lake’s full remarks here.

  • Behind the Curtain: Unveiling the Arabella Network's Vast Influence on U.S. Politics with Scott Walter and Kristen Eastlick

    In this episode of The Bill Walton Show, Bill wades into the murky waters of the Left’s “dark money” manipulation of American politics with Scott Walter and Kristen Eastlick with the Capital Research Center. We often use the phrase follow the money. Scott and Kristen are among the best at doing just that. Centerpiece of the discussion is Scott’s new book Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America. In it, he reveals the vast influence that the Arabella Network - by deploying billions of dollars - plays in American politics under the guise of progressive philanthropy. To name just a few issues, Arabella has played a major role in battles over Supreme Court nominations, abortion, men in women’s sports, school discipline, Medicare for All, environmental policies, fake local news outlets, and the “Zuck Bucks” used to manipulate elections. Many believe that most of the attacks on American institutions by the Left are financed and organized in part by Arabella. This episode’s conversation gets into revealing detail about how this network operates as a "dark money” brain trust with a for-profit manager (of course) at its epicenter, commanding several billion dollar nonprofit action groups. These funds in turn create hundreds of “pop-up” entities that appear suddenly, giving the appearance of huge popular groundswells, when in fact they’re the creations of Arabella and other similarly deeply disguised operations on the Left. Rather than being innocent grassroots outfits, they are the creation of their secretive dark money operations. The sheer quantity of money that has flowed through Arabella’s channels is staggering.  In the 2020 election cycle, Arabella’s nonprofits took in $2.4 billion, more than the fundraising of the Democratic and Republican National Committees combined.  In the 2022 election cycle, Arabella’s fundraising rose to $3 billion. Arabella is a big part of the reason for the Left’s stunning advantage in money and sophisticated political machinery that shapes our lives and elections. Scott and Kristen describe the “three rivers of money” flowing into politics. “With the first river of hard dollars, traditional political giving, the Left has an advantage, but it's slight,” explains Scott. “In the second river, the independent expenditures, dark money and super PACs, the left has a little advantage, but it’s also slight. But in the third river,” and here Scott grows animated, “where the Left’s charitable public policy groups operate, it's not even close. It’s shocking to learn how Arabella has covertly developed the darkest of “dark money” networks. It’s also shocking to learn who has been by far the largest single individual contributor to the abortion industry to the tune of $6+ billion.  (Revealed at the 18:36 minute mark). In fact, the further you go in this episode, the more disturbing the political swamp and the people behind it reveal themselves to be. If you really want to follow the money, start here.

  • Mayor Trent Staggs Speaks at CPAC 2024

    The country is in desperate need of the strong leadership that President Donald Trump brought to the nation. Mayor of Riverton, Utah Trent Staggs witnessed his constituent, Josh Holt, suffer imprisonment under false charges in Venezuela in 2016. The Obama-Biden administration let the situation continue and did nothing to help Holt. Enter in President Trump, and suddenly, action was taken, Venezuelan officials were engaged with, and Holt was freed and returned home to the United States. The country needs that bold and effective leadership again. The Biden administration has run the country into the ground with the weaponization of the federal government against its own citizens, burdensome economic policy, and reckless border policy. “We need a leader back in the White House who will put America first. Like Josh and his family, everyday Americans are now suffering from a government, not a foreign government but tragically from our own,” said Staggs. “We need leaders who will use the full might and power of our country to defend our citizens.” Watch Staggs’ full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

  • Battle Belongs with Coleton Furlow Episode 1: Why I Got Involved With Politics as A Christian

    CPAC Now is welcoming a new show, Battle Belongs with Coleton Furlow, to our weekly lineup of in-depth and social and political commentary. With a title inspired by a Christian artist Phil Wickham song, the show takes on politics and current events in light of God’s guidance in our fight. The show is a rallying point for young conservatives to feel empowered and strengthened in their beliefs with a sense of community. Battle Belongs airs every Friday and will feature guests from both the political and faith communities. On this inaugural episode of Battle Belongs, Furlow shares the origin story of how he got involved in politics. Growing up in a conservative area in Maryland, Furlow never felt compelled to be outspoken about politics until he encountered hostility from radical Leftists in college. One professor in particular demeaned conservative students and threatened them with failing grades, prompting Furlow to stand up for his principles. This launched him into the world of politics, and he began looking for conservative groups in the area to get involved in. Furlow’s experience in college is, sadly, similar to the experiences of many young conservatives all over the country. Battle Belongs, in part, seeks to inspire young conservatives who are facing hostility because of their beliefs. “It only takes one person to stand up against the current and stick up for what you believe in and protect other students from being indoctrinated,” said Furlow. Find this episode and stay tuned for more Battle Belongs episodes on social media @CPAC and @coletonfurlow and online at

  • CPAC Petitions to Defund Antisemitic Universities

    For months now, American college campuses have been ravaged by antisemitic, pro-Hamas protests. Radical students and professional agitators have set up encampments, formed blockades, started riots, defaced property, and attacked Jewish students on college campuses. University administrators have done little to nothing about it. The administration at Northwestern University even reportedly gave into pro-Palestine protestors’ demands and has promised to offer full scholarships to Palestinian students and fund Palestinian faculty for two years. Faculty members at some colleges have joined the protests and defended the students protesting. Faculty at Columbia University formed a human barricade to protect antisemitic protestors from police. Administrators at Columbia allowed such protests to drag on, eventually escalating to pro-Hamas protestors attacking and occupying an academic hall. Billions of dollars of your hard-earned tax dollars are funding universities like Columbia. In the last five years, Columbia University, as just one example, received $5.8 billion of taxpayer funds. Now is the time to take control of your tax dollars. Join CPAC and demand the defunding of these woke, antisemitic universities. Sign our petition at

  • Jack Posobiec Speaks at CPAC 2024

    Host of Human Events Daily Jack Posobiec reveals his “plan to end democracy” at CPAC in DC 2024. His plan includes eliminating paper ballots, election day, proof of citizenship to vote, political opponents, free speech, and more all of which, really constitute the Left’s plan to end democracy. “This is their ‘democracy’. This is the regime we will overturn. They say democracy but they mean authoritarianism and we know it,” declared Posobiec. The mainstream media paints conservatives as threats to democracy while the Left systematically dismantles society. Posobiec calls on conservatives to join ranks to drain the swamp and rally behind President Donald Trump. President Trump is our country’s best hope for the preservation of democracy and freedom. “There is one man who will be standing on this podium tomorrow, one man who will address the world from this very platform, one man who will never be destroyed and never let America be destroyed because he loves her too much, a man who has exposed the elite, a man who knows how to build, one man who knows how to restore our wealth. Ladies and gentlemen, his name is Donald John Trump, and he has one goal, one goal: to restore American greatness,” concluded Posobiec. Watch Posobiec’s full message on Rumble @CPAC.

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