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  • Saving Bethlehems - CPAC 2024

    The nationwide fentanyl epidemic is disproportionately affecting Pennsylvanians, claiming life after life and devastating family after family. Thousands of innocent individuals are being horrifically slaughtered, held hostage, and relentlessly attacked in Israel by Hamas, and here in America, Jewish students are living in fear on college campuses as universities permit anti-Semitic activities, protests, and attacks on Jewish students. Former Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs Dave McCormick is running for Senate in Pennsylvania to address these issues. He sat down with former Special Assistant to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Milstein on the CPAC stage where he outlined his position on these issues and his vision for the future of the country. McCormick’s vision includes a secure border, the eradication of Hamas, the cutting of funding for universities that condone anti-Semitic activities, and strong leadership from Congress and the White House. The country needs a shake-up in leadership from the self-interested, unprincipled, and unproductive norm, and McCormick poses himself to be that refreshing change that will represent the interests of the people, not the interests of himself. “We had leaders, and Bob Casey is a perfect example of this, who won’t stand up, who won’t say the difference between right or wrong, who won’t lead and push back against these Progressive ideologies that are taking our country over a cliff. So, yeah, we need to shake things up in a dramatic way, and that’s what I would do in Washington,” McCormick promised. Hear McCormick’s full plans on Rumble @CPAC.

  • America UnCanceled: Mercedes Schlapp discusses the antisemitic protests on college campuses

    Antisemitic protests in support of Hamas are sweeping college campuses across the nation, bringing terrorism and bigotry to American universities. Mercedes Schlapp weighs in with demands to defund universities that participated in antisemitic activity on this episode of America Uncanceled. Pro-Hamas protestors are far from peaceful. They are threatening and exercising violence toward Jewish students and faculty and spewing hate toward America’s closest ally, Israel. Worse yet, these protests are receiving the passive endorsement of university administrations and even the White House. The lack of action from those in authority is allowing the violence and bigotry to continue. “It needs to end,” said Schlapp. “Not only do these university administrations need to take control of what’s happening on their campuses and send a very strong message to these protestors, but we also need to ensure that the Congressmen, that the Biden administration, that they speak up and condemn this violence. That’s why we want you to sign on to the petition to defund antisemitic colleges and ensure that you contact your representatives to make your voice heard.” Our leaders are failing to take a stand against antisemitism. So, join CPAC in taking the stand and demanding that your hard-earned tax money stop funding these antisemitic universities. Stand up at

  • CPAC Joins Congressmen in Press Conference Standing up to the World Health Organization

    CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp joined Congressmen Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) and Bob Good (R-VA), Senator Ron Johnson, and more at a press conference standing up to the Biden administration’s collusion with the World Health Organization ahead of the May 27 World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva. The Biden administration is colluding with the CCP to surrender our sovereignty through new World Health Organization documents. The proposed Pandemic Treaty and new International Health Regulations threaten to place the United States under the authority of the WHO in the event of another worldwide pandemic. This would utterly destroy the United States’ autonomy and ability for Americans to decide for ourselves how best to handle a pandemic. In short, it kills our democratic republic, the very foundation of our nation. Among other things, these documents disregard intellectual property rights and free speech and give ultimate power to an organization that cooperates with China’s cover-up of the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. “What we saw with COVID is an attempt to rein back people’s rights in the name of health, and they will use health to push through all the most radical elements of their agenda to destroy constitutional order here in America. You can see what’s going on on the streets of Brazil. You can see what’s happening in the entire free world as conferences are being shut down in Europe because the hard Left wants to shut down dissent, and they want to shut down political speech, and they will use health to do it,” stated Schlapp at the press conference outside the nation's capital. Join CPAC in standing up against the tyranny of the Biden administration and the WHO and stand for free speech and national sovereignty. Demand that President Biden submit the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty to a vote in Congress and demand that state legislatures pass language stating the following into law: “No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of STATE NAME or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity.” Visit and let the Biden administration know you will not tolerate unelected foreign bureaucrats controlling your rights and freedoms.

  • It's Not About Us: Elaine Beck Joined by Tom Homan

    Former Acting Director of ICE under President Trump, Tom Homan joins Elaine Beck to discuss solutions to the border crisis. “An open border is not humane,” Homan said. The open border is taking the lives of migrants in the dangerous journey, encouraging human trafficking, empowering and enriching the cartels, and taking the lives of Americans with the fentanyl epidemic. Solutions begin by demanding the attention of representatives in Congress. Our elected officials need to start enforcing our laws, increasing the number of border patrol agents and empowering them to do their job to protect the border rather than process illegal immigrants. Further, the United States needs to incentivize Mexico to work with the us to stop migrants in Mexico before they ever reach America. “What we got to do is threaten these countries like President Trump did one time and just said, ‘Look, I’m not going to give you money to create opportunity zones. I’m going to start taking international aid away unless you prove to me it’s going to the right people.’ That’s how you fix it,” advised Homan. “Turn the tables on them. Make them take care of their people or [they] don’t get international aid.” For more visit, or find Elaine Beck on social media @ElaineEBeck.

  • America UnCanceled: Larry O’Connor Joins to Discuss Antisemitism at Colleges & the 2024 Election

    Pro-Hamas protests are violently erupting on college campuses across the country creating unsafe environments for Jewish students and bringing terrorism to American college campuses.  Larry O'Connor weighs in on this episode of America Uncanceled. “It’s the lunatics running the asylum,” summed up O’Connor. Protests on the Columbia University campus are especially receiving attention for the protestors’ violent attack on and occupation of an academic hall. University administrators need to be held accountable and federal funding pulled for those colleges that have facilitated these protests and other antisemitic activities. “This is programmed and planned and coordinated, and it usually helps the Left out. The difference, though, is the American people now are weary of this, number one. We’re done with it, and they picked the wrong issue. I think they really overplayed their hand here, thinking that Americans in some way sympathize with the residents of Gaza. We sympathize with Israel. We know who the good guys are here,” O’Connor commented. Recent polls indicate Americans are more sympathetic to the Israeli and American hostages that Hamas is continuing to hold than to the Palestinians, and the threats from major university donors to pull funding reinforces this. Many universities have seriously damaged their reputation and endowment and in order to recover, need to start from scratch and reinstate freedom on their campuses. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • President Donald Trump Speaks at CPAC Hungary 2024

    President Donald Trump joined many current and former world leaders at CPAC Hungary 2024 in taking a stand against the radical Left. He addressed the audience via recorded  message,  and his remarks emphasized the need for unity among conservatives. CPAC Hungary highlighted the common struggle of conservatives in every corner of the world against the rise of communism from the Left but more importantly highlighted the united front conservatives worldwide have in this struggle. President Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s friendship during Trump’s term in office exemplified the kind of prosperity the world can achieve when conservatives unite. “As president, I was proud to work with Prime Minister Orbá advance the values and interests of our two nations. We cracked down on illegal immigration, protected our borders, created jobs, and defended our traditions and Judeo-Christian values,” said Trump. President Biden has erased all of that progress and damaged our relationships with some of our closest allies. Americans are coming to their senses, however, and another Trump victory in November will revive the prosperity and friendships of prior years. “I look forward to working closely with Prime Minister Orbán once again when I take the oath of office as the forty-seventh president of the United States,” Trump said. He was optimistic in his message about the future of the free world and the outcome of the 2024 presidential election, but emphasized again that unity among conservatives is central to securing a bright future for America and the world. “As long as we remain united in our visions, true to our principles, and fearless about defending our values, conservatives will win the battle to save our civilization from the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists and restore the reign of conservatism and common sense to the world,” he concluded.

  • 'Wokebusters' at CPAC Hungary 2024 Drain the Worldwide Swamp

    ‘Wokebusters’ from around the world gathered in Budapest last week for the third annual CPAC Hungary. Speakers such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and President Donald Trump drained the swamp with their messages to the international crowd of grassroots conservatives at CPAC Hungary 2024. The event united the Western world in solidarity against the encroachment of wokeism and the radical Left. As President Trump stated in his recorded message to CPAC Hungary 2024, “Together we are engaged in an epic struggle to liberate our nations from all of the sinister forces who want to destroy them. Everyday we’re battling to preserve our culture, protect our sovereignty, defend our way life, and uphold the timeless values of freedom, family, and faith in Almighty God.” This battle often feels isolating from country to country. "The communists want you to feel alone, but you are NOT alone!", Mercedes Schlapp commented in her remarks at CPAC Hungary. Events like CPAC Hungary 2024 serve as reminders that conservatives around the globe are fighting the same battle and are in it together to save our countries and advance freedom. Matt Schlapp declared that America is ready to join that fight reinvigorated and reenergized. "We’ve been woken up from our slumber. We’ve been woken up from our coma, from our stupor,” he said. “The virtue of hope is now overtaking fear. You can take my word for it that America in 2024 will reelect Trump...America will once again realize that she needs to be great”. See more inside coverage from CPAC Hungary 2024 on social media @CPAC, @mschlapp, and @mercedeschlapp.

  • Swamp Secrets with Andrew Langer

    Regulations not only take freedom away from average Americans and business owners. They also take trillions of their hard-earned money in opportunity cost. Andrew Langer breaks it down on Swamp Secrets. “It’s not that you’re just losing money by paying [an employee] to fill out paperwork for the government, but in terms of the productive time that that employee is missing out on that has a cost to business and the economy, etc. If you’re forced to buy a new-fangled pizza oven because your pizza oven pollutes too much, that’s money you can’t spend in your business buying more sauce, expanding, getting other equipment, hiring other employees, all kinds of things that you might otherwise want to do,” said Langer. The American Action Forum released a report estimating that in the first three years of the Biden administration, direct regulation costs have increased by $1.3 trillion, but given Langer’s additional considerations of indirect effects, regulations have actually cost the economy a total of $25 trillion in lost opportunity cost. Langer also addresses in this episode a recent op-ed he co-authored with CPAC Executive Vice President David Safavian on upcoming hearings on UnitedHealth Group, their monopoly on healthcare, and their relationship with advocacy-group-in-disguise, AARP. Read their article at The Washington Examiner and follow @CPAC and @Andrew_Langer on social media for more updates.

  • America UnCanceled: Honest Graft: Chad Connelly, Sigal Chattah, Hogan Gidley

    Vice Chair of AFPI Center for Election Integrity Hogan Gidley, Founder and CEO of Faith Wins Chad Connelly, and RNC Committeewoman for Nevada Sigal Chattah talked how conservatives can get involved to secure election wins on the CPAC 2024 stage on this episode of America Uncanceled. As Gidley stated, “More involvement matters.” Gidley and Connelly’s involvement in local churches and with pastors in Virginia buoyed Governor Glenn Youngkin to victory. They’ve seen firsthand that more involvement does in fact matter. They registered hundreds of thousands of voters in that race and as a result, contributed to a Republican victory. Likewise, in Nevada, Chattah and a team of grassroots activists are hitting the ground running registering voters, getting them to the polls, encouraging early voting, recruiting poll watchers, and harvesting ballots. Chattah and the Nevada GOP are perhaps leading the nation in a multi-faceted offensive called No Excuse Nevada to defend election integrity and secure Republican victories. More involvement from grassroots conservatives and better voter turnout from the Christian community is indeed the way forward to Republican success in elections. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • CPAC Will Return to Hungary for Third Year in 2024

    This month will mark the third year of CPAC Hungary. This international CPAC was born out of a partnership with the Center for Fundamental Rights who continues to host CPAC Hungary in beautiful Budapest. As the only CPAC conference in Europe, CPAC Hungary has been a uniting force for European conservatives and will certainly be no different this year. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is set to deliver the keynote speech for the third year in a row and will be joined by President of the Dutch Party for Freedom Geert Wilders, President of Spanish Vox Santiago Abascal, and more conservative leaders from Europe and around the globe at this year’s conference on April 25 and 26. Stay tuned for more updates on CPAC Hungary 2024 at and on social media @CPAC.

  • CA Enviros Go After Trains, CRF Responds

    Earlier this week, it was reported in the press that California has another target for its green lunacy: railroads. The CPAC Foundation's Center for Regulatory Freedom was on top of the issue and filed comments with the EPA. To summarize the situation, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) submitted a request for authorization to enforce its In-Use Locomotive Regulation, aiming to "revolutionize" the locomotive industry within the state by imposing zero-emission standards by 2030. This ambitious directive mandates that all locomotives be no older than 23 years and operate entirely emission-free. Regardless of the intentions behind this proposal, the practical implications could spell disaster for the uniformity and functionality of the United States' railway systems. The Impracticalities of Zero-Emission Locomotives In our comments, CRF argues that the zero-emission goal set by CARB is currently unattainable with existing technology. Locomotives that meet these standards simply do not exist in the U.S. market today, and the requirement for operators to allocate substantial funds annually towards zero-emission equipment seems both premature and financially burdensome. The costs projected for large and small rail operators are staggering, potentially reaching into the billions annually, diverting crucial funds from safety and operational efficiency improvements. Furthermore, the required overhaul of the American electrical grid to support such a fleet underscores the enormity of this undertaking, suggesting a fundamental mismatch between CARB's aspirations and the current technological landscape. Threats to National Railway Uniformity, Constitutional and Legal Concerns Beyond the technological and financial hurdles, CARB's proposal threatens the necessary uniformity of U.S. railways. If California's request is granted, it could set a precedent that allows for a patchwork of state-specific regulations that disrupt national standards set by federal law. Such a scenario would not only complicate logistics but also increase operational costs significantly, which would likely be passed on to consumers. This is not just a challenge of logistics but of legal precedence as well, potentially conflicting with the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The proposal also raises other significant constitutional questions. The Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act (ICCTA) frames a clear argument against CARB's regulations. The ICCTA provides exclusive federal oversight of railway operations, which would preempt state laws like those proposed by CARB. Moreover, accepting CARB's rules could violate the Dormant Commerce Clause by allowing California to impose its regulatory standards on interstate commerce, effectively dictating national commerce policies through state-specific legislation. A Call for EPA’s Consideration In light of these considerations, CRF urged EPA to reject California’s waiver request. Granting such a waiver would not only acknowledge an impractical and legally dubious regulatory approach but could also set a dangerous precedent affecting the fundamental principles of federal oversight in interstate commerce. The risks associated with disrupting the national railway system's uniformity, potentially inflating costs, and undermining proven emissions reduction strategies are too great to overlook. In this pivotal moment, the EPA's decision could dictate the future not just of California's railways but of the entire nation's railway system. It is imperative that regulatory actions are grounded in feasibility and federal consistency to protect the interests of all stakeholders involved.

  • America UnCanceled: Mike Davis Joins Mercedes Schlapp to Discuss the Trump Witch Hunt Trials

    The Left is abusing every means of the justice system to prevent President Trump from winning the 2024 election. Mike Davis of the Article III Project weighs in on America Uncanceled. Corrupt and politically-motivated judges have placed President Trump under an illegal and unprecedented gag order, targeted his businesses, levied astronomical financial penalties on him, and trapped him in a court room preventing him from campaigning and attending family events. “This is part of the Democrats’ pattern. They fear voters. So, they’re waging lawfare and election interference,” commented Davis. He recommends Trump continue to speak publicly about his trials as doing so brings awareness of the Left’s election interference and drums up enthusiasm for him in Americans, and he warns Democrats that throwing President Trump in jail would only secure his victory in November. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

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