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  • America UnCanceled: Dr. Brooke Miller Speaks at Ranchers for Trump Rally in Nevada!

    CPAC board member, doctor, and rancher himself, Brooke Miller addressed fellow ranchers at the Ranchers for Trump Rally in Fallon, Nevada.   “I’m like you. I’m a rancher, and I understand the problems that you all face,” assured Miller.   Those problems include monopolies taking over the cattle industry and shoving small, American ranchers out of the market. It has caused America to become a net importer of beef, often beef of lower quality than what is produced domestically.   Yet another result that Miller also understands intimately is the declining health of Americans.   “I’ve seen during my career, my almost 40-year career, the gradual decline in the metabolic health of people in this country. It is a massive drain on our treasury and our society. Last year, diabetes mellitus cost this country $415 billion,” revealed Miller.   “I am very worried about the future of this country,” he added. “I’m worried that my children and my grandchildren and your children and your grandchildren will not enjoy the same prosperity and freedoms that we have enjoyed. So, that’s why we’ve got to get out and encourage every legal citizen to vote in this upcoming election.”  Watch Miller’s full remarks on CPAC+.

  • Americans Are Behind President Trump; Let Him Know You Stand with Him

    What started as lawfare meant to throw him in jail and take him off the 2024 ballot, has turned into attempts on President Trump’s life. In just the last year, President Trump has been targeted in four criminal cases and two assassination attempts.  The Left has shown the extents to which they are willing to go in order to impose their agenda. We have also witnessed the great force President Trump is for freedom and to foil the Left’s plans to replace democracy and freedom with globalism and communism.    The Left knows Americans are behind him and are doing everything they can to keep him from the American people. In this final stretch of the campaign, let President Trump know that you’re behind him.   Add your name to our petition at .

  • Make Diplomacy Great Again - CPAC 2024

    The Trump administration established peace in Russia, China, North Korea, the Balkans, and the Middle East, all areas experiencing tension or conflict today under the Biden administration. Ambassador Ric Grenell explains how the Trump administration did it and what a second Trump administration would do to fix it the Biden administration’s foreign policy disaster. The Trump administration established peace by putting pressure on its NATO allies to finally carry their weight and contribute 2% of their GDP to NATO’s defense of their countries. They curbed Europe’s reliance on Russian energy and sanctioned the Nord stream pipeline. Now, NATO has gone soft and member dues are funding woke initiatives like climate change programs, and Russia is waging war on Ukraine. In the Middle East, Trump ended funding to terrorist groups and states, such as Iran, funding that the Biden administration resumed. Now, Israel is fighting for its life in an existential war with Iran-backed Hamas. Tough diplomacy is the solution to the wars and aggression from our enemies. An assertive America leading the world from a position of economic and military strength worked to bring peace and prosperity in Trump’s first term, and it will work again in a second term. In Grenell’s words, “You better have an SOB diplomat if you want to avoid war.” Watch the full conversation on Rumble @CPAC .

  • It's Not About Us with Elaine Beck and Matt & Mercedes Schlapp discussing the upcoming election

    Hurricane Helene left Tennessee and North Carolina communities devastated. Hundreds are dead and many are still stranded without power. While the federal government has been slow to aid victims, state and city officials, non-profits, private companies, and Good Samaritans have rushed to Tennessee and North Carolina to help piece lives back together. Matt and Mercedes Schlapp join Elaine Beck to discuss the mismanagement of FEMA and the impact the Biden administration’s lack of response to the hurricane could have on the 2024 election.  “Are we taking care of our citizens first? Are we taking care of our people first?” queried Mercedes Schlapp. “When you look at the fact that FEMA did put close to $9 million into this kind of secure and settlement program to help resettle illegal migrants on top of that, so much of that money going into the NGOs that are facilitating the flights for illegal immigrants into these different communities, and here you have individuals who have lost, Americans, who have lost everything.”  “The government can’t do everything. We can’t do everything in our lives. You make choices, and their choices have been to open the border and to put the priority on people who are non-citizens, who are illegal,” added Matt Schlapp.   Scandalously, FEMA has prioritized illegal aliens over taxpaying, American citizens so that just as hurricane season is starting, FEMA is already running out of money, is unable to help Hurriance Helene victims, and is actively preventing private citizens from filling the void and helping victims themselves.   The FEMA fiasco is waking Americans up to the reality that the federal government is being mismanaged under the Biden administration and that the federal government should not and cannot be relied upon to rescue Americans in times of need.   Watch the Schlapps’ full conversation with Elaine Beck on social media @CPAC.

  • CPAC to Host Townhall with J.D. Vance in Arizona

    On Wednesday, October 9, CPAC will host a townhall with Vice Presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance at Redeemer Apostolic Church in Mesa, Arizona.   Vance will take questions from and speak directly with concerned Arizonans on the issues affecting them most. Arizona is a battleground state with known election integrity issues and serious border security concerns. Vance and President Donald Trump offer policies that can secure Arizona’s elections, towns, and border. Vance touched on these policies in Tuesday's Vice Presidential debate. The townhall is the opportunity to hear him expand on those positions and engage in productive discourse. CPAC is honored to host Vance to articulate these policies directly to Arizona voters.   Learn more and register to receive express check-in for the townhall at .

  • Congress Takes Action on CPAC Led Legislation to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking

    CPAC’S Center for Combatting Human Trafficking was proud to join the House Judiciary Committee in celebrating unanimous support for H.R. 7137, the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act (TSRA) during a markup last week. Too many victims of human trafficking have suffered the consequences of their offenders’ criminal acts. The TSRA provides a legal framework at the federal level for states to follow that will close the gaps in unjust victim criminalization that results from the abuse of modern-day slavery.   All too often human traffickers take advantage of their victims, forcing them to commit criminal acts and “take the fall” for the horrific actions of their abusers. The heinous acts these traffickers commit should not be punishable through their victims. The TSRA will provide relief to those who were convicted of crimes due to their association in the criminal acts as a victim of human trafficking. Statistically, there is not a problem when identifying the victims in human trafficking cases. Yet, these victims often are unable to assist law enforcement and rebuild their lives because the existing legal framework punishes the survivors instead of the traffickers. Now, Congress is joining CPAC, victims’ advocates, and law enforcement in flipping this paradigm to punish the real offenders. Our Center remains committed to ensuring our elected leaders prioritize ending the evil of modern day slavery and looks forward to working alongside Congress to ensure the TSRA becomes law.

  • CPAC UNIDOS: CPAC Mexico 2024 with Matt & Mercedes Schlapp

    In the setting of CPAC Mexico 2024, Mercedes Schlapp welcomed CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp to CPAC Unidos to discuss the growing international conservative movement and CPAC’s role in rallying the world around freedom.   “Every time I watch these videos and seeing really what you’ve done in expanding CPAC internationally through Hungary, Japan, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, we’ve done it in Israel, the list keeps growing. It looks like we’re going to be also in Argentina. That’s one of the next stops. When you step back and look at CPAC and see how its just become this international brand, what are your thoughts about it?” Mercedes Schlapp posed to Matt Schlapp.   “Part of it is negative because part of it is the reason why it’s become such a big deal is there’s such serious problems. The world needs CPAC because you bring up the Sao Paulo Forum and these other institutions or groups that where the Left all gets funding and intel and they coordinate their attacks on civilization and we don’t really have anything like it on the Right,” said Matt Schlapp. “In the ashes of everything we used to have, groups like CPAC are building up. What I think is great is we don’t foist ourselves on these countries. They want us to come.”  CPAC Mexico 2024 demonstrated this. The great enthusiasm at CPAC Mexico 2024 indicates a bullish future for freedom in the Western Hemisphere, and CPAC is taking on the role of rallying all freedom-loving patriots, regardless of political party.   Mercedes Schlapp observed, “I’ve learned that with Hispanics, in particular, they don’t want to be Republicans. They don’t want to be Democrats, but they do like the CPAC world because we are being able to really connect so many in Latin America and Spain, as well, in order to make sure they know, look, we’re fighting for freedom, we’re fighting against the Communists. We want to protect your freedoms and your family.”  Watch the full conversation from this episode and more CPAC Unidos episodes with world leaders from Latin America on social media @CPAC.

  • Coalition Against Socialized Medicine: Standing Firm Against Government Price Controls in Healthcare

    The Coalition Against Socialized Medicine (CASM) has recently sent two strong messages to Congress, emphasizing the dangers of government intervention in drug pricing. These letters, addressed to key members of the Senate, highlight the coalition’s deep concerns about the impact of policies like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other price-setting measures on healthcare innovation, patient outcomes, and the broader economy. Here’s an overview of CASM’s stance and the urgent need for lawmakers to reject socialist-style price controls in healthcare. 1. The Dangers of Price Controls on Pharmaceuticals CASM’s recent letter to Senator Bill Cassidy, ranking member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), directly addresses the potential harms of imposing price controls on drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy. The letter criticizes the push for federally mandated pricing, describing it as a threat to the innovation that drives the pharmaceutical industry. According to CASM, price controls cut into the revenue streams that fund research and development (R&D), making it less feasible for companies to invest in new treatments. Impact on Innovation:  The letter underscores that innovation in drug development is costly and time-consuming. Revenues from current products are often reinvested into developing new drugs. By imposing price controls, the government not only cuts profits but also diminishes the incentives for companies to take on the high risks associated with drug R&D. Evidence of Harm:  CASM cites the effects of the IRA’s Medicare Drug Price “Negotiation” program, which they argue is already stifling innovation. Since the law’s passage, 36 research programs and 21 drugs have been discontinued as companies face the untenable financial pressures of government price-setting. Leading pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Bristol Myers Squibb have been forced to scale back critical research efforts. A Call to Reject Socialism:  The letter emphasizes that price controls are not just bad economics; they represent a broader ideological shift toward socialism that threatens America’s free-market principles. CASM urges lawmakers to resist these controls, highlighting that while capped prices might appear beneficial in the short term, the long-term consequences include reduced access to new treatments and worse health outcomes for patients. 2. The Inflation Reduction Act: A Threat to Seniors and Innovation CASM’s letter to Senator Mike Crapo, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, takes aim at the IRA, which CASM sees as a fundamental betrayal of America’s healthcare system and free-market values. The letter criticizes the IRA’s healthcare provisions, particularly its so-called Medicare Drug Price “Negotiation” program, as deceitful and harmful to seniors and working families. Marxist-Style Price Controls:  CASM describes the IRA’s price negotiation as “two lies for the price of one,” arguing that it is neither a genuine negotiation nor conducted in good faith. Instead, drug manufacturers are forced to accept government-set prices under the threat of punitive excise taxes, a tactic CASM likens to the coercive practices of totalitarian regimes. Misuse of Medicare Funds:  CASM also highlights the IRA’s diversion of $260 billion from Medicare to fund unrelated liberal priorities, such as electric vehicle subsidies and insurance industry giveaways. This misallocation of resources, according to CASM, betrays America’s seniors, who are now facing higher premiums and reduced access to healthcare plans. Cronyism and Corruption:  The letter further criticizes the alliance between major insurers, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), and political actors, which CASM argues has distorted the healthcare market to the detriment of patients. CASM calls out this “backward Robin Hood” approach, where funds meant for seniors are funneled to enrich large corporations, ultimately raising costs for beneficiaries. 3. A Call to Action for Lawmakers CASM’s letters serve as a clarion call to Congress to resist government overreach in healthcare. The coalition implores lawmakers to recognize the real-world impacts of policies like the IRA, which stifle innovation, harm patient access, and undermine the core principles of a free-market economy. Highlight the True Impact:  CASM urges Senators to use their upcoming hearings to expose the detrimental effects of price controls on patients, seniors, and taxpayers. The coalition warns that while these policies may seem to offer quick fixes, they are, in fact, driving up costs, reducing choices, and limiting future medical advancements. Protect Free-Market Healthcare:  Ultimately, CASM’s position is clear: government-imposed price controls represent a step toward socialism that America cannot afford. By standing against these policies, lawmakers have the opportunity to safeguard the innovation and competition that have long been the hallmarks of American healthcare. Conclusion The Coalition Against Socialized Medicine is unwavering in its commitment to protect free-market healthcare solutions. Through their recent letters to Congress, CASM has made a compelling case against the IRA and other price-setting policies, warning of the dangers they pose to innovation, patient care, and economic freedom. It is now up to lawmakers to heed this call and reject socialist-style interventions in America’s healthcare system.

  • America UnCanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Jack Payne

    Kamala Harris and the Left want total control over the country, even control of the food supply and Americans’ diets. Owner of Nevada Livestock Marketing and leader of Ranchers for Trump Jack Payne breaks down Harris’ war on beef and the impact it’s having on the American ranching industry and the health of average Americans.   The Biden-Harris administration is actively attacking American ranchers with a policy that increased imports of beef by almost 90% from Paraguay, whose beef has the highest levels of foot and mouth disease in the world.   What’s more, Payne notes, “We’re going to start feeding America with crickets and lab-grown beef. First off, it’s just not healthy. Beef is a centerpiece of make America healthy again and this chronic disease that’s taken over that’s basically form ultra-processed food, and we got a chance to turn America around, but we have to have a president that will allow us to do so.”  Ranchers for America is taking action to represent the interests of ranchers and American industry. Payne and his fellow ranchers see Trump as a champion for American beef, food security, and making America healthy again. On September 28, Ranchers for Trump will host a cattle sale fundraiser with artisan vendors and local ranchers to raise funds for the Trump campaign.  Learn more about Ranchers for Trump’s efforts and the Left's war on beef on this episode of America Uncanceled on CPAC+.

  • Save the Date for CPAC Investor Summit in November

    Every year, CPAC hosts an investor summit to celebrate the achievements of the past year and map out the goals of the next year. Last year, CPAC hosted the summit in Las Vegas with a packed schedule of guest speakers and events.   This year, CPAC is hosting the summit at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. Guest speakers will include CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp, CPAC Senior Fellow Mercedes Schlapp, CPAC board member Matt Whitaker and more to be announced. It is a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the future of the conservative movement Save November 14-16 for this exciting event in beautiful, sunny South Florida and learn more at .

  • Babies-R-Us - CPAC 2024

    The fight for life has turned to the states and to ministering to individual mothers in crisis pregnancy situations. Founder and CEO of Stanton Health Care Brandi Swindell, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Penny Nance, and founder and President of Bienvenido US Abraham Enriquez take the CPAC stage to discuss how the pro-life movement is moving forward. The pro-life movement is not just about saving babies but saving the women who are often victims of abuse, pressured and threatened into abortions against their wills, and emotionally, physically, and psychologically damaged by abortion. “They [the Left] say we’re the people who only care about a baby in it’s mother’s womb when its actually the opposite. It’s them. They want to see a woman for about an hour, take her money and then never see her again even if she is hurt, damaged for life, not matter. We are the people willing to take women even into our own homes, love them and their children, and walk with them for years through life and help them find a better alternative,” said Nance. Swindell’s Stanton Health Care is on the ground of the pro-life movement doing just this, showing women it is possible to live a full life with a baby, helping them do that, and caring for them as persons. Though the Left has made abortion a women’s issue, it requires the involvement of everyone including men to live into their nature as protectors and providers. In effort to expand involvement and resources, Swindell has launched a new program, called End Abortion Abuse, to support pregnant mothers in abusive relationships and facing abortion coercion from partners, family, or others. See the full discussion on Rumble @CPAC .

  • Latinas for Freedom Gives Voice to Disenchanted Hispanic Voters Hispanic voters are quickly becoming a deciding voting block in national elections. Over 36 million eligible voters are Hispanic, and according to Pew Research, they are the second fastest growing racial and ethnic group in the United States electorate. They are not a group to be overlooked or taken for granted.   Yet, for decades, the Democrat Party has done just that, claiming to represent them only to offer empty promises and champion policies contrary to their values.  Under President Trump, winds shifted. Hispanic communities thrived under the Trump economy, especially Hispanic women. More Latinas opened businesses than men during the Trump era in addition to low unemployment numbers.   The pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith policies on social issues aligned with their family- and faith-oriented values.   The Left has long thought they just needed a liberal immigration policy to secure the Hispanic vote, but Trump’s presidency demonstrated that the Hispanic community has more concerns than just immigration.  They care about education, the economy, and community safety, all issues Kamala Harris and the Biden administration are working to undermine with radical transgender ideology, reckless economic policies, and their open border agenda.   Hispanic women especially care about these issues. As the heart of their families, they play an active role in the raising and education of their children and often make household financial decisions.   The indoctrination of children in schools and the rampant inflation of the Biden administration contradicts the values of freedom, faith, and hard work they want to instill in the next generation.   Latinas for Freedom, a joint initiative between CPAC Unidos and Bienvenido Action PAC, is giving a voice to Hispanic women and Hispanic voters at large who want to see change from the Biden-Harris administration.   Latinas for Freedom is reaching thousands of voters in major swing states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, and more through social media outreach, advertising, and roundtables and rallies with major speakers and faith leaders.   Many Hispanics came to America seeking freedom from communist and dictatorial regimes in Latin America, only to see their freedoms in the United States eroded by the Left. Latinas for Freedom is sending the message that the Left's dismantling of this free country will not be tolerated. Latinas for Freedom is rallying the Hispanic community and advocating for the representation of their faith- and family-centric values. Join the movement today and learn more at and on social media @CPAC.

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