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  • Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the First Step Act

    As we approach the fifth anniversary of the First Step Act, CPAC’s Nolan Center for Justice wants to reflect on the transformative impact this criminal justice legislation has had on the American prison system. Enacted by the 115th Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump in December 2018, the First Step Act represents a significant shift towards a more rehabilitative approach to federal incarceration. One of the key provisions of the act mandates the development of a risk and needs assessment system by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), enabling a more individualized and targeted approach to inmate rehabilitation. According to the First Step Annual Report on January 28, 2023, over 13,500 individuals have been released from various facilities, including Residential Reentry Centers and home confinement, through credits earned under the First Step Act. By incentivizing success and offering time credits and benefits, the legislation encourages prisoners to engage in programs that address the root causes of criminal behavior, ultimately aiming to reduce recidivism rates. Five years into the implementation of the First Step Act, the positive outcomes are becoming increasingly evident with a recidivism rate of only 12.4%. Additionally, the act has allowed inmates to earn increased good conduct time, fostering a culture of rehabilitation within the prison system. Judges now have greater flexibility in imposing mandatory minimum sentences, promoting fairer and more just outcomes. The act's emphasis on housing inmates closer to home not only facilitates family connections but also supports successful reintegration into society upon release. While challenges persist, the First Step Act stands as a testament to creating a criminal justice system that is not only punitive but also focused on rehabilitation and second chances. As we celebrate its fifth anniversary, it is crucial to recognize the strides made and continue advocating for further reforms that prioritize justice, compassion, and the well-being of all Americans.

  • The Staggering Cost of Regulation - Insights from NAM's Latest Study!

    For decades, every five years the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy would produce a report assessing the impact of federal regulatory costs to the American economy. When those costs skyrocketed under the Obama Administration, the federal government stopped producing such reports. Thankfully, when Dr. Chad Moutray, the former Chief Economist for the Office of Advocacy, joined the National Association of Manufacturers, he resurrected this report--and contracted with two of the economists responsible for the analysis to start conducting it for NAM once again. NAM recently released their 2023 report, and the results are both alarming and unsurprising at the same time. Alarming, because of the sheer amount that we are talking about, but unsurprising because the NAM report confirms the assessments and projections of the Center for Regulatory Freedom: that federal regulations currently cost the American economy over $3 trillion per year. When added to the data CRF currently uses for regulatory projections, it adds to our concern that without significant changes to our regulatory trajectory, regulatory costs will be at $7 trillion per year by 2030. NAM's Alarming Findings: NAM's study reveals a startling cost of federal regulations in 2022, estimated at $3.079 trillion, or 12% of the U.S. GDP. This figure surpasses the total economic output of the entire manufacturing sector. Manufacturers, especially smaller ones, face a disproportionate share of this regulatory burden: The average U.S. company spends approximately $13,000 per employee per year on regulatory compliance. For manufacturers, this cost more than doubles to over $29,000 per employee annually. Small manufacturers, with fewer than 50 employees, face the highest costs at an estimated $50,100 per employee per year. The Growing Regulatory Burden: The study indicates a 26% increase in the cost for manufacturing firms since 2012, with the total regulatory burden on this sector now larger than the economies of 29 American states. This highlights the escalating challenge that regulations pose to the sector's sustainability and growth. The Impact on Business Dynamics: According to NAM's study, reducing regulatory costs could significantly enhance competitiveness for manufacturers. Funds saved could be reallocated to employee compensation, hiring, and other growth-oriented initiatives. Sector-Wise Regulatory Costs: The NAM study breaks down regulatory costs by sector, with manufacturing facing the most significant burden. This sectoral analysis provides crucial insights into how different industries are affected by regulatory policies, a point the CRF emphasizes. Conclusion: NAM's study confirms the underlying reasons CRF is engaged in this work and paints a clear picture of the heavy toll federal regulations take on the U.S. economy, particularly on small manufacturers. It calls for a critical reexamination of the regulatory framework, advocating for a system that achieves its intended objectives without impeding economic growth and innovation. These insights serve as a call to policymakers and industry leaders to seek a balance in regulatory practices. If we do not, we will be facing an even-more-massive regulatory burden by 2030.

  • Become a Warrior and Support CPAC's Freedom Fight

    We are at a critical moment in our nation’s history. CPAC is one of the few conservative organizations in the thick of the battle to save America’s soul. Now it is your time to become a warrior and support CPAC that is fighting everyday on the frontlines to protect our Constitution and our freedoms. We are focused on winning and ensuring that strong conservatives are united nationally and internationally to stop the Marxist ideology from destroying our families and children. Explore all the ways you can support CPAC’s mission here.

  • Give to an Organization You Can Trust this Giving Tuesday

    While many corporations and organizations are using average Americans’ hard-earned money to fund the anti-Semitic activities of Black Lives Matter, the abortions of employees, and radical racial and sexual ideologies, CPAC is exclusively committed to causes that advance respect for life, family, and freedom. This Giving Tuesday, give to an organization you can trust. Unlike mainstream organizations dictated by and pushing ESG and DEI standards, CPAC does not mock your values. Your values are our values, and we are on the frontlines every day to protect them. Give to an organization that shares and defends your values today at

  • Student Tickets Bring the Next Generation to CPAC

    Every year CPAC welcomes high school and college students by the numbers, all eager to join the fight to preserve freedom. Students have the unique opportunity to attend CPAC at a special price of $50! This is a great opportunity for young people to engage with the conservative community and network with other like-minded individuals. In order to protect America, we need to ensure that the next generation of leaders are equipped to fight in the ideological battle our country is facing. You, our supporters, have the ability to secure that opportunity for our student attendees. Your donation contributes not only to the great work of CPAC but also to supporting student tickets so that more young people can attend CPAC and join the conservative movement. Visit to secure your ticket and to support the next generation of conservatives.

  • Make the Future Bright for the Conservative Movement

    You have the power to ensure a bright future for up and coming generations of Americans and the conservative movement through Legacy Giving with CPAC. A planned gift means your resources are guaranteed to support the causes of life, liberty, and truth that you believe in and which CPAC works daily to advance. The future of the country currently hangs in the balance, but Legacy Giving can give hope for a free and thriving America to the generations that follow. Learn more about our Legacy Giving options at

  • Become a CPAC Circle Member Today

    Join the CPAC family through our CPAC Membership Circles and advance the fight for freedom. As a CPAC Circle Member you directly contribute to the work of CPAC to keep America free. You also gain access to exclusive updates on CPAC’s work, special events, and interactions with conservative leaders. A CPAC Circle Membership enhances CPAC’s work to save America and forms a nationwide network of active conservatives. Become a CPAC Circle Member today at

  • A Thanksgiving Message from CPAC

    On this Thanksgiving Day, we invite all Americans to join us in praying for our nation and the world. The past year has been challenging for many Americans. We have witnessed countless instances of tyranny, abuse, and corruption in addition to a failing economy and horrific wars around the world. We need to unite in prayer. Thanksgiving is the perfect occasion to draw ourselves together in community to God to express our gratitude for the blessings He has bestowed on us and to ask for continued blessings, protection, and forgiveness. As President George Washington penned in the very first Thanksgiving Proclamation, “Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be...that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions”. Let us take this opportunity to return to God as a nation and appreciate the special blessings, opportunities, and comforts that He has granted us through this great country. Most of all, let us ask for God’s mercy to preserve us from evil and reunite us as a God-fearing people once more. From the CPAC family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

  • CPAC Works on the Issues You Care About Most 

    Our conservative values are under attack from every side, which is why CPAC has a total of five different advocacy centers at our CPAC Foundation. Through these five centers, we are committed to tackling the biggest and most pressing issues in criminal justice reform, regulatory freedom, human trafficking, health care, and legislative accountability. We work every day with legislators and grassroots leaders worldwide to fight for freedom. By supporting CPAC, you are directly supporting our efforts to uphold freedom, life, and family and counter the Left’s agenda in all these areas and more. For more information on CPAC’s work and for ways to support our work visit

  • Providing trafficking victims with a second chance at life during the season of Thanksgiving

    Human trafficking is a grim reality that not only victimizes the vulnerable but also perpetuates a cycle where victims may be hit with collateral consequences, expanding the web of exploitation. Beyond prosecuting traffickers, a crucial aspect of addressing this issue lies in providing a pathway for rehabilitation and reintegration for survivors. Even after surviving abuse, victims of labor and sex trafficking are often left with limited financial resources, damaged reputations, or even criminal records. Breaking the chain of exploitation demands a compassionate approach, recognizing the complex journey survivors navigate. That's why in this time of thankfulness, CPAC's Center for Combating Human Trafficking is focusing its efforts on supporting our partners on the front lines playing a pivotal role in rescuing victims and dismantling criminal networks. The dedication of law enforcement and victims' advocates not only saves lives but also contributes to dismantling the structures that perpetuate human trafficking. Expressing thankfulness for these efforts is paramount, as their work fosters a society where survivors can find healing, and the collective fight against trafficking is strengthened. Join us in our efforts to lift up the voices of victims and hold traffickers accountable at our new home on CPAC.Org.

  • You Can Make a Difference in the Conservative Movement

    Do you want to get involved with the conservative movement but aren’t quite sure where to start? Simply supporting CPAC and its endeavors to preserve liberty in America and around the globe makes a great start! When you join the CPAC family, you instantly become part of a worldwide network of conservatives and have a hand in CPAC’s grassroots movement and liberty-preserving work. Join us and thousands of patriots in protecting America now! Visit to explore all the ways you can get involved with CPAC and support our initiatives today.

  • Ohio's Fight to Protect the Second Amendment

    This week, CPAC sent a letter to the Ohio House of Representatives in support of HB 51, the Second Amendment Preservation Act. The bill successfully passed out of the House Government Oversight Committee on Wednesday, and now awaits action on the House floor. You can read an excerpt from the letter below: Throughout our entire history, CPAC has fought to return America’s government to that which our Founders envisioned. This means a Federalist government characterized by state governments acting as a check on federal power. When those in Washington, DC threaten to trample the rights of the American people, it is not just the right, but the duty of state governments to act as a barrier. Nowhere is this power sharing agreement more clearly laid out than in Federalist No. 45, written by James Madison: The powers delegated by the proposed constitution to the federal government are few and defined . . . The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people. . . It is within this context that we are writing. There is, perhaps, no right that faces a greater threat than Americans’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. It seems that every day, woke progressives of the radical left are searching for new ways to take away the fundamental right of self-defense. Accordingly, CPAC supports HB 51, the Second Amendment Preservation Act. Sponsored by Representatives Loychik (CPAC Lifetime 83%) and Schmidt (CPAC Lifetime 90%), this bill would prevent state law enforcement agencies from enforcing any federal gun laws that infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of Ohioans. Not only would this bill serve to ensure that the people of Ohio maintain their right to keep and bear arms, but it also sets an important precedent that the people of the Buckeye state will not allow the federal government to overextend its reach. The Tenth Amendment provides that those powers not specifically given to the federal government are to be retained by the states. The Ohio legislature now has the opportunity to put the Tenth Amendment into practice by prohibiting state tax dollars from being used to enforce the radical agenda of Biden Administration – or any other Administration seeking to undermine our Constitutional rights. Our sister organization, CPAC Foundation’s ratings team has scored similar bills positively in Texas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Dakota, and Missouri. As such, we will recommend that they positively score a “yes” vote on HB 51 for our 2023 annual ratings of Ohio lawmakers. We urge Ohio to join these other states in advancing the liberty interests of Americans across the nation.

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