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  • Woke Colleges Need Calling Out for Antisemitism

    Classes have resumed at colleges across the nation. Unfortunately, so have pro-Hamas protests on woke campuses.   Pro-Hamas and antisemitic riots broke out across campuses earlier this year in the spring semester. Buildings and landmarks were destroyed and graffitied with pro-terrorist propaganda, and Jewish students were harassed, attacked, and silenced. Many of these riots were publicly supported by school administrations and faculty.   Now that the fall semester has started, the same antics are ramping up. Indoctrinated, pro-Hamas students are back to their rioting and bigotry with little recourse exercised by college administrators.   In the spring, Columbia University was a notorious setting for violent, damaging riots. Riots struck up again earlier this month with rioters defacing a monument in red paint, leaving crews to restore the monument.   CPAC has been calling for these universities to be held accountable. Taxpayer dollars are being used to fund their woke DEI programs and antisemitic, pro-terrorist activities. Your tax dollars deserve to be used for better initiatives, instead of politically motivated, anti-American agendas.   Tell your representatives you don’t want your money going to woke universities, and sign CPAC’s petition at .

  • America UnCanceled: Sen. Marsha Blackburn & Matt Schlapp

    Marsha Blackburn joined Matt Schlapp on America Uncanceled to reveal further details from the Butler, Pennsylvania assassination attempt. She learned from a Secret Service briefing with Senators that at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally, the Secret Service knew of the shooter, notified the sniper team, and elevated him to a threat but still allowed President Trump to go on stage at 6:00 without neutralizing the shooter beforehand.   This still has left a lot of questions that the Secret Service is refusing to answer. In fact, the briefing with Senators was cut short and multiple Senators, including Blackburn, were prevented from asking their questions. Director Cheatle continued to side-step questions at the RNC when she chose to throw a cocktail party over meeting with Blackburn and another Senator.  “There are two assassination attempts in a two month period of time, and we know more about what happened in Florida than we know about Butler, Pennsylvania, and when I went after Director Cheatle at the convention, it was out of frustration,” recalled Blackburn. “I was taken aback that she was [at the RNC] but she was hosting a cocktail party, that she had time for that, but she didn’t have time to meet with Senators.”  Blackburn is also involved in the fight to protect women’s sports from biological men and children from the highly sexualized and violent, but unregulated, spaces of social media.   Blackburn is working on legislation as well as meeting with the NCAA to shirk the Biden-Harris administration’s new Title IX that requires that biological men identifying as women be allowed to participate in women’s sports and have access to female only facilities. Additionally, she is working on the Kids Online Safety Act that would protect minors in the online space and hold social media platforms to safety standards similar to ones applied to television programs and movies.   “There are laws in the physical world. You cannot sell alcohol, tobacco, firearms to a minor child. You cannot expose a minor child to pornography, take them to a strip club, or take them to a casino. We as a society have decided there are things kids can’t do. They can’t drive a car until they’re sixteen. They can’t vote until they’re eighteen, but in the virtual space, they are exposed to all of these harms 24/7 365. There is nothing to protect them,” she said.  Watch Blackburn’s full conversation with Matt Schlapp on these top issues on CPAC+.

  • America UnCanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Mark Morgan

    Last weekend, President Trump survived a second assassination attempt in the last two months, prompting questions about the competence of Secret Service and the role of rhetoric in the recent incidents of political violence. Former Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection and Heritage Foundation Visiting Fellow, Mark Morgan, joins Mercedes Schlapp on America Uncanceled to explain.   It’s clear now that the Secret Service is failing on multiple points in their job to protect the former president and current presidential candidate, and a debate has emerged surrounding the causes behind the failures. In talking to the press, President Biden blamed the failures on personnel issues, vowing to ask Congress for more money and resources for the Secret Service. Morgan, on the other hand, blames nothing other than top Secret Service officials and Director of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.   “What is [the Left’s] answer when they screw something up? Just throw more money and more resources at it. That’s not the problem, especially these two assassination attempts. If you look at Butler, that was not a resource issue. That was a leadership issue. The same thing here,” explained Morgan.   Not only are the failures of the Secret Service being exposed but the extreme language the Left uses to describe President Trump that is prompting violence is also being exposed thanks to conservative media. Clips of Kamala Harris calling Trump “an existential threat to democracy” and instances of other Leftists comparing Trump to Hitler and calling him a dictator have resurfaced.    “Some of the rhetoric has literally said that he’s a threat to democracy and then they go on to say and that’s why he should be quote “eliminated”,” said Morgan.   He believes the answer to protecting President Trump from further violence lies in a reevaluation of Secret Service processes and holding leadership accountable. Watch Morgan’s full commentary on the assassination attempts on CPAC+.

  • God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust Rallies Christians to Live Faith Publicly

    Reverend David Hill has overcome many challenges in the four previous God’s Not Dead films. In this latest one, he encounters what might just be his greatest challenge.  When incumbent to a Congressional seat suddenly dies, Reverend David Hill decides to throw his hat in the ring.   As Hill ventures into the world of politics, he encounters obstacles to maintaining his values and beliefs while campaigning for office. He runs on a message of freedom and faith, a message met with hostility and criticism from established political figures and a contrast to his opponent’s determination to keep God out of government.    Though Hill is told time and again that he cannot win while sticking to his morals, his faith and challenge of establishment figures, methods, and ideas strike a chord with constituents and starts a movement to restore God and integrity to government.   Like the films before it in the God’s Not Dead franchise, God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is an inspirational story of living faith when it’s unpopular to do so.   Yet, it’s more than just a story. It is a call to action.   An estimated 40 million Christians in America do not vote in elections. This passivity has been taken advantage of, and for decades, faith in schools, government, and the public square at large has been under siege.  Christians have been hiding for too long. It’s time for Christians to live their faith in the public square.  God's Not Dead: In God We Trust empowers Christians to be active, to share their faith, and defend their beliefs.   Find a theater near you at .

  • Issue with receiving emails

    Alexandria, Virginia — Monday, September 16, 2024 at 3:27 PM ET Restored general and operational email sending to Google users via various email sending domains. Please note that CPAC, CPAC Foundation and CPAC Action PAC may send emails from the following domains: ... along with a various subdomains @[Sub-Domain]. for example CPAC, CPAC Foundation and CPAC Action PAC had been experiencing issues with sending emails to Google users. We did not have an issues with receiving messages from Google users or any other user type. Our contracted IT company is aware of the issue and working to resolve the issue. We will continue to update this post as new information is provided by our contracted IT company.

  • Kari Lake Speaks at CPAC 2024

    Dubbed “Trump in heels” for her tough and honest attitude, Kari Lake delivered an empowering speech at CPAC 2024 on the bright future she and President Donald Trump have planned for America. Lake left her lucrative television career to pursue a political career that could bring positive change to her home state of Arizona. She was moved by the concern she has for the safety of Arizonans with the border wide open to do something to better her state. Since embarking on her campaign for governor and now her campaign for Senate, she has drawn inspiration from the person who turned her Republican in the first place, Ronald Reagan, and from the bold approach to politics of Donald Trump. Lake is following these examples to be a fighter for the average American in a political scene filled with powerful elites concerned with their own gain. She promised, “I think its about damn time that the people of this country, the American, people have some powerful back east working for them, and come January, you and your families will have some powerful people back east fighting for you, not for endless wars, not for big pharma, not for big banks.” Watch her full remarks on Rumble at CPAC .

  • Supporting God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust Supports a Faith-Based Film Revolution

    God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is in theaters now! It needs your help to keep it in theaters and to spread its message of faith!   Last year, Americans rallied to make Sound of Freedom the movie of the summer, keeping it in theaters all over the country, and making it a box office success. The film grossed over $250 million worldwide in box office sales, despite receiving limited media coverage and being censored and cancelled by theaters.   The ultimate success of Sound of Freedom showed that, contrary to the mainstream media narrative, there is a demand for faith-based movies, and it demonstrated the impact the conservative and faith-based community can have when we rally together.   Now, it’s time to rally for God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust. The film’s theme of keeping faith in the public square is not popular with the mainstream media. Just like Sound of Freedom, God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is sure to face obstacles from the media, big tech, and Hollywood.   We need you to get the word out to your friends, family, and neighbors. Experience the film together in theaters. Show theaters again that there is high demand for faith-based movies.  You won’t just be supporting God’s Not Dead, you’ll be supporting an entire industry of faith-based filmmaking that is censored and suppressed by Hollywood. God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is giving the people what they want: a film with wholesome, family values that tackles real issues facing us today.   God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is in theaters now. Find a theater near you at .

  • CPAC Screens God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust at U.S. Capitol on Opening Day

    After premiering the film, God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust, in Dallas, Texas, CPAC rolled out the red carpet again, this time at the U.S. Capitol.   CPAC hosted a special screening of God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust at the U.S. Capitol on the opening day of the film in theaters.   A full audience along with stars of the film, David A.R. White, Dean Cain, Newsboys, and more, attended the screening, which appropriately took place at the movie’s setting.   The film follows Reverend David Hill’s journey to Congress all while overcoming obstacles from establishment figures and hate toward his religious beliefs. Hill’s perseverance and dedication to his faith capture the hearts and minds of his constituents as well as that of the audience. The film will inspire and empower you to live and share your faith boldly in the public square in the face of opposition.   God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is in theaters now! Find a theater near you at .

  • This Week in Congress: House of Representatives Challenges WHO and China

    Republicans in the House of Representatives wasted no time making progress after returning from the August recess.   This week, House GOP members successfully passed three bills that fortify America against the encroaching power of the World Health Organization and the CCP.   On Wednesday, the House passed both H.R. 1425 – No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act and H.R. 1398 - Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act.  The No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, as the name suggests, establishes a process that requires the WHO’s tyrannical Pandemic Preparedness Treaty to receive official Senate approval in order to be enacted in the United States. The bill is a victory for American sovereignty, protecting the democratic process from outside interference by globalist, bureaucratic organizations and protecting the will of the people.   The Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act bolsters defenses of American industry from spying and trade secret theft by the CCP. It would also require the Attorney General to submit an annual report to the House on the Department of Justice’s progress in combatting threats from the CCP.   On Thursday, the House passed anther bulwark against Chinese interference in the End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act. The bill “exclude[s] vehicles the batteries of which contain materials sourced from prohibited foreign entities from the clean vehicle credit.”  In other words, it delivers a blow to Chinese EV manufacturing and prevents the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from taking advantage of the Biden-Harris Administration’s lenient “foreign entity of concern” (FEOC) regulations for electric vehicle (EV) tax subsidies.   Stay up to date with CPAC on important legislation by following on social media @CPAC.

  • Schlapp Down Episode #5 with Matt & Mercedes Schlapp

    Average Americans sharing their testimonies on the migrant crisis, Tim Walz exposed as a coward, a mother indoctrinating her child with Guess Who, a teacher fired for refusing to use students’ preferred pronouns, Kamala Harris calling for crackdowns from the justice department and social media on so-called ‘extremism’, “hate”, and “misinformation,” and more are all on this edition of Schlapp Down with Matt and Mercedes Schlapp.   “I love the videos of the normal people saying, ‘This is not normal,’” reacted Matt Schlapp to clips of Americans detailing the dangers and burdens of cities welcoming illegal aliens.   This episode of Schlapp Down, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp react to clips of real people struggling to live in Biden’s America.   “We’re on a collision course between any person of faith and all of our public institutions,” said Matt Schlapp of the teacher who was forced out of school for adhering to her religious beliefs.   Kamala Harris’ comments to the NAACP calling for policing speech makes it clear that Biden’s America is also Harris’ America, and Americans will only suffer more under a Harris presidency.   "I think it's the nastiest thing to say, 'Elect me president. I'll use the department of civil rights to go after all my political opponents,' which they ended up doing just with President Biden." commented Matt Schlapp. "And it will only get worse with a Kamala victory," added Mercedes Schlapp. Watch the Schlapps’ full reactions to current events on social media @CPAC.

  • God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust in Theaters Tomorrow

    God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust officially hits theaters across the country tomorrow. CPAC was honored to host a premiere of the film last Thursday in Dallas, Texas. Now, it’s your turn to experience the movie for yourself!  God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is the film for our time. It will move, empower, and inspire you to not only be steadfast in your faith but to share it with the world in the face of scrutiny.   Help spread the word about this film and its message and buy your tickets now. Buying ahead lets movie theaters know that faith-based movies deserve a place on the big screen!  Find a theater near you at .

  • America UnCanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Christy Shamblin

    The media erupted into outrage after President Donald Trump accepted an invitation from Gold Star families to the Abbey Gate ceremony at Arlington cemetery. Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Abbey Gate victim Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, explains the Gold Star families’ relationship with President Trump.   In the wake of the Abbey Gate bombing three years ago that killed thirteen American soldiers after the Biden administration’s decision to pull out of Afghanistan, the thirteen Gold Star families were left searching for answers but received radio silence from the Biden administration. In contrast, President Trump reached out to the families, and offered support, condolences, and answers.   Shamblin described President Trump’s reception of the families, “I was shocked. I didn’t anticipate meeting somebody that had the empathy and relatability. I really expected to meet an arrogant, you know, what you see portrayed in the media...He genuinely cares and wants a better America, and I was shocked.”  Kamala Harris is attacking Trump for helping these families, depicting it as politically motivated theatrics, but the Gold Star families have received more support and answers from Trump than they ever received from Harris and Biden. They place the blame squarely on Harris for the Abbey Gate tragedy but have yet to hear from her, and they fear for the future should she win the election in November. “I fear that we will lose more troops,” said Shamblin. “I fear that other countries will see our vulnerabilities continuing, and they will attack. We will have World War III. I truly fear that.”  Watch the full, moving conversation with Shamblin on CPAC+.

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