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  • Dispelling the Myths Surrounding the Overturning of the Chevron Doctrine: What the LoperBright and Relentless Cases Really Mean for Federal Regulation

    In late June, near the very end of their 2023-2024 term, the Supreme Court made a landmark decision in the case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, overturning the Chevron Doctrine by a decisive 6-2 vote, with one Justice recused. This ruling represents a significant shift in the relationship between federal agencies and the courts, particularly in how statutory interpretations are handled. However, it has sparked a wave of alarmist rhetoric from prominent figures like Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Chuck Schumer, who claim that this decision will severely hamper federal agencies’ ability to regulate. These claims, while sensational, are not entirely accurate. The reality is that federal agencies can still regulate, but they can no longer make questionable statutory interpretations and expect courts to defer to them uncritically. The Chevron Doctrine: A Brief Overview To understand the significance of this ruling, it is crucial to revisit the origins of the Chevron Doctrine. Established in 1984 in the case of Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., this doctrine effectively granted federal agencies significant latitude in interpreting ambiguous statutes. If a law was unclear, courts were instructed to defer to the agency’s interpretation, provided it was "reasonable." Over the years, this deference allowed agencies to expand their regulatory reach, often to the detriment of clear statutory language and, arguably, democratic principles. The doctrine led to several controversial interpretations and actions by federal agencies, often resulting in regulations that seemed to stretch the boundaries of statutory authority. The power granted by Chevron deference effectively allowed unelected bureaucrats to wield legislative-like powers, crafting regulations that carried the force of law, with little judicial oversight. The Reality Post-Chevron: Agencies Can Still Regulate Contrary to the claims made by some political figures, the Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright does not strip federal agencies of their regulatory powers. Instead, it simply redefines the boundaries within which they must operate. The core of the Court’s ruling is a return to the pre-Chevron standard, where courts, not agencies, are the ultimate interpreters of statutory meaning. This shift ensures that regulations are grounded in a clear and accurate reading of the law, rather than the potentially biased or expansive interpretations of agency officials. Importantly, the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) still governs the regulatory process. Under the APA, agencies must ensure that their regulations are not "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with the law." This standard remains intact and continues to provide a robust framework for the creation and enforcement of regulations. Agencies are still free to use their subject-matter expertise in crafting regulations, but those regulations must align with a reasonable and fair interpretation of the underlying statutes. Courts will not substitute their judgment on technical matters, such as science or engineering, but they will now have a greater say in ensuring that regulations do not stray beyond what the law actually permits. Dispelling the Alarmism: The Role of Courts and Agencies The notion that courts, by rejecting Chevron deference, will begin to "second-guess" agencies on complex technical matters is a misconception. What the Supreme Court has made clear is that while agencies have expertise in specific areas, this expertise does not extend to interpreting statutory language in a way that significantly alters the intent of Congress. The judiciary’s role is to ensure that the statutes are applied as intended, not to defer blindly to agency interpretations that may go beyond what Congress envisioned. This does not mean that agencies are powerless or that regulations will become ineffective. Agencies will still be able to draw on their expertise to address complex issues within their regulatory domain. What changes is that their interpretations of ambiguous statutes will now be subject to greater judicial scrutiny. This move restores a critical check on executive power, ensuring that agencies cannot unilaterally expand their authority without clear statutory backing. The LoperBright and Relentless Cases: A Victory for Judicial Responsibility The Loper Bright case, along with the Relentless Inc. v. Department of Commerce case, which also involved challenges to agency interpretations, represents a significant victory for judicial responsibility and the separation of powers. By overturning the Chevron Doctrine, the Court has reaffirmed the judiciary's role in interpreting laws, a role that had been diminished under Chevron. This ruling restores the balance of power, ensuring that agencies cannot act as both interpreters and enforcers of laws without meaningful judicial oversight. Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority in Loper Bright, emphasized that "courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority." This decision signals a return to a more balanced approach to regulation, where agencies must operate within the clear bounds of their statutory mandates, and where courts play a critical role in safeguarding those boundaries. The Implications for Federal Regulation The decision to overturn Chevron will undoubtedly have significant implications for federal regulation, but these implications are far from the doomsday scenarios painted by some political figures. Instead of leading to regulatory chaos, this ruling will likely result in more carefully crafted regulations that are closely aligned with congressional intent. Agencies will need to be more precise in their statutory interpretations, and regulations will need to be more clearly justified within the scope of the law. This shift may lead to an initial period of adjustment, as agencies recalibrate their approaches to regulatory interpretation. However, this adjustment is a necessary correction to decades of regulatory overreach. It will result in a more transparent and accountable regulatory process, where the limits of agency authority are more clearly defined and respected. Moreover, the ruling does not invalidate past regulations or interpretations that were made under Chevron. The principle of statutory stare decisis means that existing regulations will remain in place unless directly challenged. This continuity ensures that the regulatory system will not be upended overnight, but will instead evolve towards a more balanced and lawful framework. A New Era of Accountability and Transparency The Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright marks the beginning of a new era of accountability and transparency in the federal regulatory process. By reining in the power of federal agencies, the Court has taken a crucial step towards restoring the constitutional balance of power and ensuring that regulations are crafted and enforced with greater respect for the rule of law. This ruling is a victory for all who believe in limited government and the importance of maintaining clear and effective checks and balances. It reaffirms the principle that agencies must operate within the bounds of their statutory authority and that any ambiguities in the law must be resolved by the courts, not the agencies themselves. As we move forward, it is important to recognize that the ability of federal agencies to regulate effectively has not been diminished by this ruling. What has changed is the standard by which their interpretations will be judged. This change is a positive development that will lead to more accountable and law-abiding governance, ultimately benefiting the American people. Celebrating a Return to Constitutional Principles The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Chevron Doctrine is a momentous occasion that should be celebrated by all who cherish freedom and the principles of limited government. By restoring the judiciary’s role in statutory interpretation, the Court has taken a bold step to return power to the people and ensure that federal agencies operate within the limits set by Congress. This ruling is not a threat to effective regulation; it is a necessary correction that will lead to a more balanced and transparent regulatory process. The myths and alarmism surrounding this decision are just that—myths. In reality, the Supreme Court has paved the way for a regulatory system that respects the rule of law and the rights of individuals, ensuring that our government remains accountable to the people it serves.

  • America UnCanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Matt Kita discuss President Trump's Speech at the Bitcoin Conference

    Bitcoin has taken off in the last ten years. Now, it’s received the endorsement of President Donald Trump. Matt Kita weighs in with Mercedes Schlapp.   At the recent Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, President Trump was a keynote speaker, coming out and publicly supporting Bitcoin, which boosted its popularity and relaunched into news headlines On a deeper level, Kita says, “It means that people are taking notice of what we’ve have been saying for over a decade now, which is, it’s important to really take the state out of money, that people can control their own bank accounts or transactions without the interference of the state.”  Trump’s enthusiasm is a stark contrast to Joe Biden’s opposition. Biden blocked a bill that would have allowed more financial institutions to hold Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and instead allowed an alternative that picks and chooses select Wall Street players to hold cryptocurrency. This is in addition to SEC Chairperson Gary Gensler’s hostile policies toward cryptocurrency.   “The current administration has been very hostile to both the Bitcoin space and the broader digital assets crypto space, and most, if not everyone, sees Gary Gensler as kind of that large speed bump that’s preventing both the U.S. and just the space in general from really achieving exit velocity and worldwide adoption,” noted Kita.  Trump’s support of Bitcoin has won him some extra votes on the hope that his administration will allow Bitcoin to really flourish and will protect the privacy of financial transactions. His support has already generated more interest in the cryptocurrency, and as more people look into investing, Kita advises, “Get off zero and don’t sell.”  Watch the full conversation on CPAC+.

  • Recess Review: A Look Back on Landmark Legislation of 2024

    As Congress enters its August recess, here’s a look back on some of the landmark pieces of legislation of 2024 so far.   Federal Prison Oversight Act (Public Law No. 118-71)   The U.S. Senate passed the Federal Prison Oversight Act on July 10. The act had the support of Republican Senators Mike Braun, James Comer, and Kelly Armstrong and was later passed by the House of Representatives with bipartisan support. The act became Public Law No. 118-71 on July 25.   The Federal Prison Oversight Act establishes a risk ratings systems for the 112 federal prisons and subjects the facilities to regular inspections. All in all, it promises to improve accountability and standards for federal prisons. Read more about CPAC’s commentary on this law  here .   SAVE Act   The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act was passed by the House of Representatives on July 10 with majority conservative support. The act requires proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections and empowers states to clean up voter rolls.   “The SAVE Act prevents noncitizens from voting in federal elections by requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote. Thank you to Chip Roy of Texas (CPAC Lifetime 98%) and Mike Lee of Utah (CPAC Lifetime 99%) for sponsoring the SAVE Act,” said CPAC on X.   The bill has stalled at two readings in the Senate. Learn more about the SAVE Act here .   H.J. Res. 165   House Joint Resolution 165 spearheaded by Illinois Representative Mary Miller passed July 11 as a victory for protecting girls’ sports.   The resolution pushes back on the Biden administration’s rewrite of Title IX that allows biological men in women’s locker room facilities and sports.   CPAC commented on X on the occasion of the resolution passing the House, “We, CPAC, agree with Rep. Mary Miller and House GOP, biological men should not be allowed in girls’ sports and locker rooms!”  Read more about H.J. Res. 165 here .  H.R. 192   On May 23, House Republicans once again championed election integrity with the passage of H.R. 192. H.R. 192 repealed a Washington, D.C. law allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. The bill fights back on the Left’s open border policies and election interference efforts. House Democrats rallied against in the bill, once again demonstrating their desire to disenfranchise American citizens.   H.R. 5403 – CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act   H.R. 5403, or the Central Bank Digital Currency Anti-Surveillance State Act, passed the House in a victory for conservative monetary policy. The act puts restrictions on the power of the Federal Reserve and prevents it from issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency. “Thank you GOP Majority Whip [Tom Emmer] and House GOP for passing this strong legislation,” wrote CPAC on X.   H.R. 8282 – Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act    On June 4, the U.S. House passed H.R. 8282: the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act by a vote of 247-155. Sponsored by Texas Representative Chip Roy, H.R. 8282 protects U.S. citizens and our allies, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, by sanctioning the International Criminal Court if they pursue illegitimate cases without jurisdiction.   Stay on top of all the latest developments from Congress with CPAC on social media @CPAC.

  • The Good Doctors: Dr. Brooke Miller, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jan Jekielek – CPAC in DC 2024

    Physicians Drs. Brooke Miller and Robert Malone sat down with Senior Editor at The Epoch Times Dr. Jan Jekielek to discuss what a good doctor is and the challenges he faces in the current state of the medical field.   The panel concurs that a good doctor approaches his trade from a patient-centric perspective, a perspective Miller and Malone have long employed effectively in their work.  The medical field, on the other hand, is changing and no longer shares Miller and Malone’s perspective. Corporations are overtaking small, private practices. The Biden administration is rolling out broad federal regulations. The World Health Organization is going a step further and rolling out global regulations. They are all violating the Hippocratic Oath and disregarding the human behind each patient, eradicating patient-centric medicine and centralizing medicine.  “That’s where they want to go is standardized medicine where you’re all a number and you are processed through the system, given a diagnosis, and then basically you have checklist-driven medicine. This is what’s being taught in medical schools right now, together with wokeism. This is what’s being pushed all the way through the system, and if you want to live in a world, in which, you’re treated by people like Brooke that treat you as an individual, instead of being treated as just another number, you got to get with the program and make it clear that you find that unacceptable,” warned Miller.   Though this standardizing of medicine has been developing for a long time now, it emerged with greater force and publicity in the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic was, for doctors like Malone and Miller, a huge wake-up call that the medical field was moving in a very dangerous, socialist, and totalitarian direction. Miller and many other good doctors spent the early days of the pandemic searching for treatments in repurposed medicines, therapeutics, and more, only to discover that their findings that did not fit the WHO and the CDC’s guidelines were not welcome.   “When I presented them to my colleagues, they didn’t want to hear about it,” recalled Miller. “They only wanted to follow what the central planners told them to do. That was a huge realization and a great disappointment to me because I thought my profession was a cut above, and now that I see this, I am very concerned about the practice of medicine in this country and how far it has fallen between the doctor-patient relationship.”    Some countries, including Canada and France, have gone so far as to pass legislation that censors doctors from publicly speaking about and offering alternative treatments. Here in the U.S., California has attempted to impose similar restrictions and fortunately has failed.  As medicine becomes increasingly centralized in and tightly controlled by large corporations, governmental bodies, and international organizations, the person in each patient is lost. Miller and Malone call for resistance to this movement and for a simplification of the medical process that reduces reliance on and the complexities of insurance and most importantly reprioritizes the individual person in each patient.   Hear all of Miller and Malone’s discussion on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to see more informative panels at CPAC in DC 2025 at .

  • Prison CPAC: "Second Chances"

    In November 2019, we hosted a CPAC inside of a medium-security prison in Pennsylvania. The first of its kind, over 400 incarcerated individuals attended the conference where they learned about criminal justice reform efforts, received job training, and learned about job opportunities that await them after release. "Sometimes we don't get looked at as human beings a lot," said one inmate at the event. CPAC through the CPAC Foundation Nolan Center for Justice is committed to criminal justice reform that changes that. Conservative criminal justice reform emphasizes the human behind each inmate and criminal. It looks like humane prison conditions and proper treatment of inmates, but it also looks like professional development opportunities and rehabilitation programs. Conservative criminal justice reform looks beyond punishment for a crime at the long-term well-being of the individual and offers opportunities for ex-convicts to break the vicious cycle of crime and transform themselves into productive members of society. The 2019 Prison CPAC, appropriately themed "Second Chances", brought that message of hope as well as resources to life for Pennsylvania inmates and contributed in a tangible way to our mission of promoting freedom and prosperity for all. Learn more about Prison CPAC: "Second Chances" here .

  • Vivek Ramaswamy – CPAC in DC 2024

    “We are in the middle of a war in this country,” stated businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy at CPAC in DC 2024.   “It is a war between those of us who love the United States of America and our founding ideals and a fringe minority who hates this country and what we actually stand for, and right now, more than ever, we need a Commander-in-Chief who is going to lead us to victory in that war, and that man is Donald J. Trump, the next 47th President of the United States of America.”  The Democrats have done everything they possibly can to put Americans last and dilute American culture. They have devalued American citizens’ votes, weakened our military, turned Americans against each other, and demonized the founding and family values.   Frustration with the situation is permeating all communities. Donald Trump is uniting a diverse group of people with his common sense, America First policies.   “The principles I"m talking about right here of putting our own national interests first to say that America First includes every American, black or white, man or woman, southside of Chicago to California, that’s a message that I think will deliver us a landslide of what Reagan delivered in 1980. That’s what we can do again this year in 2024,” Ramaswamy predicted.   Watch Ramaswamy’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to hear more great speeches at CPAC in dc DC 2025 at .

  • Join the Fight for Freedom as a CPAC Circle Member

    America has reached a turning point in its nearly 250-year history, and patriots everywhere are rallying together to ensure America turns in the direction of freedom.    CPAC Circle Members are at the forefront of this movement. Circle Members are grassroots patriots who are passionate about freedom. They are fighting for a bright future for our country and are crucial to supporting and promoting the mission of the conservative movement to preserve America and our founding principles.   Circle Members form a widespread network of patriots who share their time, talent, and resources to advance freedom. In a political climate where conservatives are made to feel isolated, Circle Members feel encouraged by a vast and supportive community.   They receive unique opportunities to meet with one another at investors summits, join exclusive correspondences with lawmakers and leaders, and are the first to know about CPAC events and updates.   Join the fight for freedom by joining a circle today at .

  • Federal Prison Oversight Act is Signed into Law: A New Era of Accountability and Safety

    Washington, D.C. — The Nolan Center for Justice is pleased to announce that the Federal Prison Oversight Act has become Public Law No. 118-71. The Bipartisan bill signed into law Thursday and championed by Representative Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) and Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) promises to usher in a new era of accountability and safety within the federal prison system.     This bill was born from numerous investigations revealing a dire lack of accountability and oversight for federal prisons. These investigations exposed systematic failures that jeopardize the health and safety of both incarcerated individuals and staff, ultimately undermining the integrity of the system. This new law aims to address these issues head-on, ensuring a safer, more transparent federal prison system that keeps our corrections officers safe.    The law mandates the Inspector General of the Department of Justice to conduct regular inspections of all 122 federal prison facilities. Each facility will receive a risk score based on its conditions, with higher-risk prisons subject to more frequent inspections. The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) must respond to inspection reports within 60 days, detailing plans to rectify any identified issues.    To further accountability, this law establishes an independent Ombudsman office within the Department of Justice. This office will handle complaints and inquiries from inmates, their families, and representatives through a secure hotline and online form. The Ombudsman will investigate issues such as sexual assaults, understaffing, escapes, and high-profile deaths.    The passing of the Federal Prison Oversight Act represents a significant victory for conservative criminal justice reform. By instituting rigorous oversight and ensuring accountability, this law will enhance the safety and efficiency of the federal prison system. It underscores a commitment to making the BOP accountable to Congress and, more importantly, to the American people.

  • WATCH: Schlapp Down #4 with Matt & Mercedes Schlapp on CPAC Now!

    The Schlapps react to the Olympics, the Harris presidential campaign, and more on this episode of Schlapp Down.   “It was blasphemous. There was actually a child involved in addition to the drag queens and the bearded men and just almost sexually exposed men as well. It’s absolutely disgusting, and you had Thomas Jolly who is the artistic director who basically said, ‘We did this for inclusion and for tolerance.’ Yet, they end up being intolerant towards Christians,” Mercedes Schlapp said of the mockery of the Last Supper in the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris.  “It is normalizing all this crazy transgenderism and also they want to take what is most holy and most sacred. This is a Passover meal. So, it’s sacred for Jews, and obviously this is the beginning of the institution of the Eucharist for Catholics. I can’t think of anything more sacred, and they’re trying to destroy it like they’re trying to destroy gender and family,” added Matt Schlapp.   Meanwhile in the United States, the Left is working overtime to make Kamala Harris appealing to the American public and cover up her failures as Vice President.   “She failed to secure the border or even basically visit the border. Failure. And what you’re noticing is that most Americans aren’t very political. They don’t watch cable news, most Americans don’t, and so, there is this moment where she gets a chance to reintroduce herself. You have the woman saying, ‘I’ve never even heard her speak until this week.’ So, it’s interesting. It’s going to be effective. They’re going to put her out there. She’s going to sound good, and they’re going to make her look good,” weighed in Matt Schlapp.   Watch the Schlapps' full commentary on current events on Rumble and social media @CPAC.

  • World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: Our Kids Are Not for Sale

    On this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the CPAC Center for Combating Human Trafficking has a message for the world: Our Kids Are Not for Sale.  Children worldwide are vulnerable to the heinous crime of human trafficking, constituting about one-third of the nearly 30 million victims (about the population of Texas) globally. In 2021 alone, the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline recorded 2,365 cases involving minors. The UN underscores that children are twice as likely as adults to endure violence during trafficking.   Children are trafficked for various cruel purposes, including sex trafficking, forced labor, and organ harvesting. Saving these children from such horrific fates has been a central mission of the CPAC Foundation Center for Combating Human Trafficking since its open, which coincided with the premiere of Angel Studios’ "Sound of Freedom," a film depicting the heroic efforts of a former Homeland Security Agent to rescue trafficked children.   Just last week, we hosted the second International Summit Against Human Trafficking which explored the ways lawmakers and activists worldwide can end human trafficking and save our children. One panel with former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker, investigative journalist Sara Carter, and former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan highlighted the impact of open borders on the rise of human trafficking, especially in the United States—the world's largest consumer of trafficked humans.   Transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) from China, the Middle East, and Latin America exploit the open U.S. border and the desperate conditions in South and Central America, where some parents, out of sheer desperation, sell their children to cartels. These victims, upon entering the U.S., often face severe physical and sexual abuse, slavery, and even death.   To combat human trafficking effectively, we need comprehensive legislation, criminal justice reform, and a firm stance on border security. Americans must recognize that human trafficking occurs in their communities and urge their leaders to take decisive action to assist victims and eradicate this crime. Securing our southern border is a critical step in protecting our children and sending a clear message: Our Kids Are Not for Sale.

  • Tom Fitton at CPAC in DC 2024

    The integrity of our elections and federal government is in question. President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton rehashed the corruption of the Left and what Judicial Watch is doing about it in his remarks at CPAC in DC 2024.   Corruption runs deep in the federal government, led by President Biden and his family.  “Joe Biden is the most corrupt president since he was Vice President,” commented Fitton.   Biden and his family are marked by personal corruption, taking bribes from China and Russia, leaving cocaine lying around the White House, and allowing the president’s dogs to attack Secret Service members.   In his official role as president, Biden has facilitated the influx of illegal immigrants and attempts to allow them to influence elections and has overseen a DOJ that has abused its power to prosecute innocent conservatives on false charges.   Fitton notes that Biden and his DOJ have already compromised the 2024 presidential election with the host of criminal and civil cases brought against President Trump by the DOJ and radical Left-wing judges. This does not even touch on the day-of tactics such as ballot harvesting, early voting, mail-in ballots, and counting ballots after election day, that Democrats have used and are likely to use again to rig the election.   “How do we overcome it?” queried Fitton. “Well, Judicial Watch knows what to do. Sue them!”  Fitton and Judicial Watch are uncovering the Left’s tactics and most importantly, using the judicial system to hold the perpetrators accountable and prevent further corruption.   “Now, we have over a dozen FOIA lawsuits on Biden family corruption, and I think we’re going to need to hire some more lawyers to keep up,” reported Fitton. “The good news is Judicial Watch remains powerful because of the rule of law. That's why the Left wants to destroy the Supreme Court and hates so much Justice Thomas. I, for one, say loud and clear: God bless Justice Clarence Thomas.”  Watch Fitton’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

  • CPAC Launches Storefront with Trump-inspired Collection and More

    Have you seen the new CPAC store? Our storefront is your newest source for items that show and share your patriotism.   The Left has tried to scare conservatives into hiding our beliefs in public, but we are determined to exercise our freedom of expression. The new CPAC storefront challenges the Left’s censorship and asserts freedom of thought and our right to free speech.   Each collection in the CPAC store touches on different issues and powerfully conveys the message of freedom.    Our Fight For Our Country collection bears the iconic scene of President Trump’s raised fist and his determined words, “Fight. Fight. Fight.” Fight For Our Country responds to President Trump’s call. Take up the fight, and express your solidarity with President Trump and spread his bold message of resiliency with shirts, shorts, towels, and more in this collection.   Our other collection, Stop Human Trafficking, spreads awareness of the tragedy of human trafficking. Nearly 30 million people are victims of this horrendous crime worldwide. CPAC is committed to helping victims of trafficking and prosecuting their traffickers. Now, you can join the fight to end modern day slavery by making the prevalence and cruelty of human trafficking known with a variety of shirts and hoodies declaring the powerful phrases, ‘Our kids are not for sale’ and ‘Stop human trafficking’.   See all the CPAC storefront has to offer and make the cause for freedom known here .

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