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  • Schlapp Down with Matt & Mercedes Schlapp: Episode #3

    Matt and Mercedes Schlapp weigh in on the first presidential debate, Kamala Harris’ BET awards cameo, and more on this edition of the Schlapp Down.   The Schlapps react to a clip of Jill Biden speaking to supporters after the debate and the moment during the debate when President Biden falsely claimed to be endorsed by Border Patrol. Both clips indicate the president’s deteriorating health condition and point to someone else pulling the strings behind the scenes.   “I did always have moments where I thought he was going to fall over. [It] was so scary,” Mercedes Schlapp said of Biden’s appearance during the debate.  “The biggest lie in the history of America is Dr. Jill Biden saying that Joe Biden’s fine to serve. She knows he’s not. Hunter Biden knows he’s not. All those people around Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, all these people, they’re all lying to us on a daily basis,” commented Matt Schlapp.   Biden’s bad health is eclipsing the fact that his campaign is also losing on the issues. Border patrol, in fact, is not endorsing him because they see the evil and danger that has resulted from his open border policies, and minority communities are not relating to the Biden campaign, despite Harris’ efforts, because they see how crime and cost of living have risen under Biden.   Watch the Schlapps’ full reactions to the Biden campaign and Leftists’ hysterics after the Supreme Court ruling in Trump v. United States on social media and Rumble @CPAC.

  • America UnCanceled: Sean Spicer joins Mercedes Schlapp to discuss the new documentary, Front Row Joes

    Sean Spicer breaks down his new documentary on the loyal followers of President Trump, Front Row Joes, with Mercedes Schlapp on this episode of America Uncanceled.   Front Row Joes interviews conservative leaders like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Steve Bannon, Mercedes Schlapp, and President Trump himself and Trump rally attendees to understand what keeps Trump supporters returning to rallies and often braving the weather, traveling long distances, and spending thousands of dollars to show up for President Trump.   For one supporter, Rick Frazier, who’s daughter was a victim of the fentanyl epidemic, showing up consistently for Trump at rallies is personal.   “There’s another scene in it where one of the Front Row Joes by the name of Rick Frazier talks very passionately and movingly about the passing of his daughter, Kaley, through fentanyl and why he believes that Trump will fight for the security and safety of this country and Joe Biden wouldn’t,” said Spicer. “There’s a lot of those moments, listening to their personal stories, why they’re doing what they’re doing.”  Personal connections and admiration for Trump’s fighting spirit fuel the phenomenon of Front Row Joes, and Front Row Joes are a key part of maintaining conservative enthusiasm all the way to November. A lot could still happen that would favor Democrats before election day, and conservatives need to avoid complacency and be on high alert between now and November.   Watch the full episode on CPAC+ and for more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • Steve Bannon at CPAC in DC 23

    Host of War Room, Steve Bannon spoke at CPAC in DC 2023 on the role of the average American in politics and the Washington, D.C. establishment’s treatment of the silent majority. Bannon blames the inaction of the Republican establishment, including Fox News’ coverage of the 2020 election, for the Democrats’ victories and the disastrous state of the United States and even the world. Our foreign foes in China, Russia, and the Middle East have been empowered under President Biden, and American money, resources, and lives are going to a war in Ukraine instead of to the numerous crises in our own country. Bannon attributes the existence and bad policies of the Biden administration to Fox News’ betrayal of President Trump. Fox News has colluded with the rest of the elitist media to disregard the average American voter by demeaning President Trump. They called the 2020 election early on for Biden, ignored Trump’s campaign announcement for 2024, and given air time to his opponents. “He’s not up against DeSantis, or Nikki Haley, or Mike Pompeo. He’s up against Ken Griffin, and Mitch McConnell, and Murdoch. [Fox News has] deemed if he wins the primary, they’re going to work for the Democrats, just like they worked for Hilary Clinton,” Bannon concluded. “All they are is about money, and the only people [who] can stop them on the face of the earth are you, you, and you.” See more on and on social media @CPAC.

  • Cat Fight? Michelle vs. Kamala: Matt Boyle, Kurt Schlichter, Larry O'Connor, Monica Crowley

    Will Joe Biden stay the Democrat nominee? Or will the Democrats switch him out with Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama at the Democrat National Convention? Matt Boyle, Kurt Schlichter, Larry O’Connor, and Monica Crowley gathered on the CPAC in DC 2024 stage to discuss these questions and more about the 2024 presidential election.   The panelists throw around theories as far as suggesting that Joe Biden would not only step down from the nomination but also from the presidency, allowing Harris to take over the presidency and the nomination. The problem is that Harris’ public performances are just as humiliating as Biden’s public appearances.   Because of that, Michelle Obama is suggested as a charismatic replacement for Biden.   “They can position Michelle as the reluctant candidate, really didn’t want to do this, but she needs to save her party and her country. So, she’s been reluctantly recruited. Also, if they wait that long, they can run her as a pristine candidate without getting bruised and bloodied up in any kind of a primary. She only would have to run for ten weeks to November 5,” theorized Crowley.   Ultimately, the discussion leads to the question: Who’s really in charge here?  The conclusion the panelists reach is that it’s definitely not Biden but likely President Obama.   Watch the full discussion on Rumble @CPAC .   Make plans to see more great speeches live at CPAC in DC 2025 at .

  • Swamps Secrets with Andrew Langer

    Regulatory freedom and health care meet in this episode of Swamp Secrets with Andrew Langer, Director of the CPAC Foundation Center for Regulatory Freedom and Executive Director for the Coalition Against Socialized Medicine.   The Biden administration has recently indicated plans to abuse the Bayh-Dole Act to set price controls on pharmaceuticals and thereby, stifle research, violate property and patent rights, and exert unnecessary and invasive control over the free market. CPAC and Langer have filed comments in response explaining the dangers of price controls for the long-term health of the medical field and to alert medical research organizations to not take federal funding and be subject to this new regulation.   This abuse of the Bayh-Dole Act is one example of the Biden administration operating at a high regulatory pace, growing the regulatory state by 15% each year, a jump from the Obama administration. In contrast, President Donald Trump only grew the regulatory state by one-third of one percent each year, or as Langer described, “about as close to zero as we’ve ever seen for any modern president”.  “Joe Biden comes into office, the regulatory tempo jumps to as I said 15% growth per year. What that means is the regulatory state now costs the American economy just around $3.5 trillion annually,” explained Langer. “The point is choices matter, and we can change the trajectory of where we go.”  Stay tuned to CPAC social channels and for white papers and blogs from Langer further explaining the Biden administration’s latest regulatory moves.

  • Left-wing Media Admits Defeat in First Presidential Debate

    President Joe Biden’s performance at Thursday night’s debate was so bad even the left-wing media can’t help but admit it.   Biden’s embarrassing performance had The Washington Post running headlines like,  “Democrats panic over Biden’s debate performance, doubt his future,” and “The Great Democratic Freakout is upon us.”   Over at Politico, the debate had writers going, “‘WTF’: Panicked Dems start looking for alternatives to Biden,” and “Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast,’” and “Here’s how Democrats could replace Biden”.  The New York Times was also thrown into a panic: “A Fumbling Performance, and a Panicking Party,” wrote Peter Baker. “’It’s Frightening’: Democratic Voters Worried by Biden’s Struggles in Debate,” penned Shawn Hubler, J. David Goodman, Eduardo Medina, and Campbell Robertson.  Even CNN, the host of Thursday’s debate, ran an article advertising: “Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Trump won debate over Biden.” Their poll found that 67% percent of registered voters who tuned into the debate believed President Trump to be the winner.   Karen Tumulty at The Washington Post admitted, “[Biden] lost the debate from the first moments. His voice was weak and hoarse, shockingly so. At times, he struggled for words and appeared to lose his train of thought...Though Trump, at 78, is only three years younger than Biden, he dominated throughout.”  Democrat donors and voters ended Thursday night panicked, disappointed, and embarrassed.   Biden’s poor performance of incoherent mumbling, blatant lies, and altogether feebleness is now prompting them to reconsider him as their nominee. In Politico’s “’WTF’: Panicked Dems start looking for alternatives to Biden,” the authors cut right to chase with the opening line:  “Democrats are so panicked over President Joe Biden’s faltering debate performance some are actively discussing what was once unspeakable: replacing him on the ticket. ”  Steven Shepard jumped right to planning just how Democrats could replace him in “Here’s how Democrats could replace Biden” and listing off viable replacement options:  “Other names – from Vice President Kamala Harris, to Govs. Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer and JB Pritzker, to numerous others – could be placed in nomination.”  In stark contrast, President Trump emerged from the night solidified in his base and with a strengthened rapport with the American people. He came off as strong, confident, and capable throughout the night. He hit hard on the major issues, like the economy, the open border, and national security. He put his accomplishments in these areas from his first term on full display and the failures of the Biden administration on full blast.  He succeeded in feeding the Trump-nostalgia Americans are experiencing right now. With rising inflation, two major wars, a drug epidemic, and violence in our cities, Americans can’t help but yearn for the lower taxes, roaring economy, peaceful world, and safe America of the Trump administration.   They know we are better off under President Trump and nothing made that more clear than Thursday ‘s debate.

  • The Supreme Court Takes a Bold Step: The End of Chevron Deference in Loper v. Raimondo

    This morning, the Supreme Court took a monumental step towards reining in the administrative state. In the landmark case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo , the Court overturned the notorious Chevron Doctrine by a decisive 6-2 vote, with one Justice recused. This ruling is a triumph for those who believe in returning power from federal bureaucrats back to Congress, and by extension, the people. The Chevron Doctrine: A Brief History Nearly forty years ago, the Supreme Court made a grave error in deciding Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. That case established that courts should defer to federal agencies' interpretation of ambiguous statutes that the agencies administer. Essentially, it meant that if a law wasn’t crystal clear, the bureaucrats at federal agencies were given the benefit of the doubt when exercising governmental power. This deference made it nearly impossible for citizens to challenge the decisions and policies of regulators, who often exercised their power without significant checks. Over the past four decades, the Chevron Doctrine has led to a series of regulatory overreaches and absurd outcomes. For instance, the term "navigable waters" was ludicrously defined to include ponds, creeks, and wetlands... even dry patches of desert sand in the high deserts of Nevada, far beyond any reasonable interpretation! Regulators imposed new taxes without any statutory authority from Congress, and law-abiding gun owners faced harassment through burdensome regulations with no legal basis. These examples are just a tiny fraction of the abuses. Moreover, many of these overreaching regulations carried severe penalties, including prison time for technical violations, turning regulatory infractions into criminal offenses. The Loper Decision: A Return to Judicial Responsibility The Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo is a significant victory for judicial responsibility and the separation of powers. The Court's ruling emphasizes that statutory interpretation is the responsibility of the courts, not federal agencies. Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, stated that “courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.” This decision restores the pre-Chevron baseline where courts, not agencies, are the final arbiters of statutory meaning. The decision is grounded in the history and text of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and deploys the doctrine of stare decisis powerfully. The opinion clarifies that statutory interpretation is a judicial function, and while agencies may have expertise in technical matters, they do not have comparative expertise in interpreting statutory text. This crucial distinction reaffirms the role of the judiciary in maintaining the balance of power. Justice Kagan's Dissent: A Predictable Outcry In her dissenting opinion, Justice Kagan lamented that the Loper decision "is likely to produce large-scale disruption. All that backs today's decision is the majority's belief that Chevron was wrong—that it gave agencies too much power.” This outcry is predictable from those who have long supported an expansive administrative state. However, the majority's decision is a powerful statement that the unchecked power of federal agencies must be curtailed to preserve the constitutional order. The Impact and Future Implications The implications of this decision are profound. By rejecting Chevron deference, the Court has reined in the power of unelected bureaucrats, ensuring that they cannot create binding regulations without clear statutory authority. This decision will likely lead to significant changes in how agencies operate, requiring them to spend more time on statutory interpretation and ensuring that their actions align with the best meaning of the statutes, not merely plausible or permissible ones. The ruling also underscores the importance of judicial review in safeguarding individual liberties and preventing regulatory overreach. With courts now reclaiming their role in statutory interpretation, we can expect a more balanced approach to regulation, one that respects the limits of agency authority and upholds the rule of law. Potential Challenges and Economic Impact Trillions of dollars are potentially at stake in the wake of the Court’s ruling. The Biden administration's top Supreme Court lawyer had warned that overturning Chevron would be an “unwarranted shock to the legal system.” While this decision may indeed lead to legal challenges and adjustments in how agencies function, it is a necessary correction to decades of unchecked regulatory power--regulatory power that already costs the American economy over $3.5 trillion annually, and if left unchecked, could reach $7.5 trillion by 2030! The decision does not call into question prior cases that relied on Chevron. Chief Justice Roberts made it clear that such cases are entitled to statutory stare decisis. This means that while the Chevron framework is dismantled, the specific interpretations that were made under it remain valid unless directly challenged. A New Era of Accountability The Loper decision marks the beginning of a new era of accountability in the federal regulatory process. It reinforces the principle that agencies must operate within the bounds of their statutory authority and that any ambiguities in the law must be resolved by the courts, not the agencies themselves. This shift will likely lead to more transparent and accountable governance, where regulations are crafted and enforced with greater respect for the rule of law and individual rights. For too long, the administrative state has operated with a level of autonomy that undermined democratic principles and individual liberties. The Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo is a critical step towards restoring the balance of power and ensuring that federal agencies do not exceed their constitutional and statutory limits. This is a victory for all Americans who value liberty, accountability, and the rule of law. Today's Supreme Court decision is a resounding affirmation of the need to rein in the administrative state. By overturning the Chevron Doctrine, the Court has taken a bold step to return power to the people and restore the proper role of the judiciary in our constitutional system. This is a momentous occasion that should be celebrated by all who cherish freedom and the principles of limited government.

  • Trump's Wall Vs. Biden's Gaps: Julio Rosas, Tom Homan, Rep. Mark Green, Sara Carter- CPAC in DC 2024

    President Joe Biden has completely reversed the progress President Donald Trump made in securing the border. The abandoned border wall stands as an ode to the valiant efforts of the Trump administration to assert sovereignty and protect American citizens while the gaping holes left by the Biden administration demonstrate the carelessness and neglect of the current president and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.   Investigative journalists Julio Rosas and Sara Carter, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security Tennessee Representative Mark Green, and former Acting Director of ICE Tom Homan sat down at CPAC in DC 2024 to discuss Biden’s open border policies, their repercussions, and how to fight them.  Biden and Mayorka’s open border policies have ordered border patrol and law enforcement to not enforce the law but to deliberately and premeditatively skirt the law.   “The reason I wake up pissed off every day is because this administration, Joe Biden’s the first president in the history of this nation who came in office and unsecured the border on purpose,” Homan weighed in.   The results of this lax attitude have been disastrous. Human trafficking has skyrocketed. The stream of fentanyl into the country has exploded into a full-blown epidemic, taking the lives of thousands of innocent Americans, even a young baby killed by fentanyl left by a previous tenant in a Florida VRBO. Not only are dangerous drugs flooding across the border but dangerous people, spies from our nemeses are also flooding the open southern border.   “There isn’t an American who is safe right now because of this open border and the failure of this secretary,” summarized Green.  Fighting back against these results starts with electing, whenever possible, reliable, conservative officials who will support national security and will shut down the border.   Carter put it simply, “The humane way to handle the border for both the illegal aliens, illegal migrants that are heading this way and for our nation is to enforce the law. Period.”  Watch the full discussion on Rumble @CPAC.    Make plans to see more great speeches live at CPAC in DC 2025 at .

  • CPAC Now: Unidos with Mercedes Schlapp and Senator of Paraguay Gustavo Leite

    CPAC Now’s new Spanish-language programming, CPAC Unidos, debuted with Mercedes Schlapp and Senator from Paraguay Gustavo Leite discussing the conservative movement in Latin America. After developing friendships in the international community, holding conferences in Mexico and Brazil, and traveling to Spain just this year, CPAC is now continuing its global reach and partnership with Latino conservatives through CPAC Unidos. Unidos provides updates from Latino leaders in the United States and around the world on how they are advancing the message of freedom and the challenges they face in their efforts to do so. In this episode, Leite discusses how Paraguay is battling back the Left’s efforts to bring woke ideology to their country and eradicate the strong Catholic and Christian cultures of Latin America at large. Watch the full episode on Rumble and social media @CPAC, and for more, follow @mercedesschlapp on social media and visit

  • CPAC to Join Newsmax for Special Coverage of Presidential Debate

    President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden will square off in the first of two presidential debates tonight hosted by CNN. President Joe Biden has been tucked away at Camp David for the week ahead of the debate, presumably resting before the event and being prepped and programmed by staffers. President Trump, meanwhile, has been preparing for an unfair fight. Unlike previous presidential debates, this one will feature commercial breaks, muted microphones, and no live audience, all moves that will clearly benefit the weak and deteriorating Biden. The obvious left-wing bias of the hosting network and moderators sets a slanted stage from the get-go with monologues and questions expected to be crafted against President Trump and emphasizing his conviction and impending prison time. CPAC and Newsmax will be bringing you the real debate coverage you want to see Thursday night. CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp, CPAC Senior Fellow Mercedes Schlapp, and CPAC board member Ric Grenell will share their expertise and inside knowledge live on Newsmax tonight starting with a pre-debate preview show at 8pm ET. The simulcast of the debate starts at 9pm ET, and the Schlapps and Grenell will stay on afterwards for a debrief of all the debate drama on the post-debate live analysis starting at 10:30 pm ET. Watch the debate commentary you actually want to see live with CPAC on Newsmax+.

  • America Uncanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Matt Whitaker

    CPAC submitted a letter calling for Congress to investigate the attacks and threats against Supreme Court Justices Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and their families. CPAC board member Matt Whitaker joined Mercedes Schlapp on this episode of America Uncanceled to break down the situation and the letter. “None of this is done in a vacuum,” said Whitaker of the Left's attacks on the justices and their families in the media. “So many things are completely coordinated and funded on the Left. They have a whole PR machine. These articles and these news stories don’t get placed and then repeated over and over without a pretty sophisticated operation backing it.” Getting to the bottom of these attacks is important because the Left’s orchestrated attacks on conservatives go beyond the ones on Supreme Court Justices. They’ve weaponized the FBI against traditional Catholics and the justice system against President Donald Trump and his allies and will continue to do so if not stopped and held accountable. Whitaker also weighed in on the debate between President Trump and President Joe Biden happening this Thursday. “Obviously, Donald Trump’s going to be three versus one in this debate,” said Whitaker. “It’s going to be unfair, but Donald Trump, and we know him well, is unafraid of this, and I’m sure he’ll be able to handle himself quite well.” Watch the full conversation on social media @CPAC, and for more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • CPAC Supports Safer Michigan Act

    Last week, CPAC travelled to Lansing, Michigan to speak before the state Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the Safer Michigan Act. The act proposes productivity credits for inmates who participate in reintegration programs. The credits would incentivize good behavior by reducing time in prison. They also hold the potential to reduce recidivism and ease reentrance into society by providing prisoners with valuable job skills. Policy Analyst Helen Weston represented the CPAC Foundation Nolan Center for Justice before the Senate Judiciary Committee. She argued for the act’s potential to positively contribute to modernizing the criminal justice system, uplifting convicted criminals into productive members of society, protecting victims, and reducing strain on the justice system’s and taxpayer resources. “The justice system should focus on public protection, deterrence, and rehabilitation, ensuring that prisoners are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive once they return home because we know they will and ensure victims are educated and protected throughout the process. Luckily, the Safer Michigan Act checks both boxes,” stated Weston. The Safer Michigan Act is similar to the CPAC-backed First Step Act signed by President Donald Trump which has proven successful in reducing recidivism rates to 12% as of 2023. Legislation like the First Step Act and the Safer Michigan Act aligns with CPAC’s mission to promote liberty, protect life, and advance public safety. Watch Weston’s remarks online here.

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