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Rep. Walberg to Newsmax: Harris' Policies Cost Michiganders $30K Each

With the presidential election only 18 days away, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will be making campaigns stops in Mic

ACU Foundation Releases Latest Scores of New Hampshire General Court

In our latest ratings of the New Hampshire General Court, the new Democratic majority would’ve implemented their entire agenda if it weren’t for Governor Sununu leading a historic veto campaign and conservatives upping their game.

The American Conservative Union Foundation conducts an annual, in-depth analysis to rate all 8,000 lawmakers in America, revealing their positions on a wide variety of issues directly affecting our communities and families.

In 2018, New Hampshire Republicans lost trifecta control of state government, with the Democrats flipping both chambers of the legislature and leading to a worse overall rating for the legislature as a whole.

The state’s overall score fell by nine points (from 47.75% to 38.30%).

However, Republicans improved their average score by fourteen points (from 77.69% to 91.87%) by upholding fifty of Governor Sununu’s vetoes.

We want New Hampshire to start moving in the right direction, and we need your help.

Check out the press release below with more details and please take action!

It only takes three minutes to let your legislators know that their score from the American Conservative Union Foundation is important to you, and you expect them to support more conservative policies.

Seven New Hampshire’s Conservative Lawmakers Stood up to New Democratic Majority

Alexandria, VA—New Hampshire’s state lawmakers would have imposed a slew of new radical left legislation in the 2019 session, if not for Governor Sununu and the renewed commitment to conservative governance from New Hampshire Republicans, according to the just-released ratings of the 2019 session published by The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), host of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

While the new Democratic majority in the General Court qualified as one of the country’s most liberal caucuses in the country (1.63% average score), Republican lawmakers stopped 50 veto override efforts and improved their average conservative score by 14 points (from 77.69% to 91.87%).

CLICK HERE for the latest scores of New Hampshire lawmakers.

“Thanks to Governor Sununu’s leadership and a renewed commitment from conservative lawmakers, the new leftist majority in the General Court failed to impose much of their radical agenda,” said ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp. “While the Left continues their failed experiments with ‘democratic’ socialism, we stand with New Hampshire’s conservative leaders in defending opportunities for Granite Staters to succeed.”

ACUF’s Ratings of Congress and Ratings of the States are initiatives of ACUF’s Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA). These ratings are designed to reflect how over 8,000 elected officials across the nation view the role of government while illustrating the differences between chambers of the legislature and revealing lawmakers’ positions on a wide variety of issues that directly affect citizens.

ACU Foundation reviewed each piece of legislation voted on in both chambers of the legislature to produce average scores of each chamber as well as individual scores for each sitting member.

Click Here to view the 2019 Ratings of New Hampshire online and Click Here to visit our website.


Chip in to support ACUF’s Ratings

Our staff spends thousands of hours analyzing more than 105,000 pieces of legislation voted on by Congress and every state legislature in the country. Your support is critical to be able to provide this level of insight and transparency. Will you please make a tax-deductible donation today to support transparency and ratings of New Hampshire legislators?



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