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Trump Thanks God, Calls for Unity Amid Witty Remarks at Al Smith Dinner

The Catholic-sponsored event known as the ‘Al Smith Dinner’ raised nearly $10 million for charitable works, organizers say.

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How CPAC and the Conservative Movement Are Offering Home to Jewish Americans

By Ken Abramowitz

The Jewish community plays a vital role in the Republican party in general and CPAC, in particular. With some extra focus on resources for outreach, the Jewish community could and should play a far larger role.

The Democrat Party is now systemically antisemitic and therefore represents an existential threat to the American Jewish community and the Jewish State of Israel.

Here are a few examples: 

1) The Democrat Administration did not supply Israel with a sufficient quantity and required quality weapons to win the war against Iran's proxies Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen. This caused the unnecessary lengthening of the war, increased tensions in the region and heightened animosity of Israel and threats to Jews everywhere.          


2) The Administration did not immediately call to stop the illegal protests on 200 college campuses that have threatened Jewish students.

3)  The Administration did not sue the major universities for illegally not disclosing their sources of their foreign financing.                                                                                                                              

4) The Administration has not demanded that Governors and Mayors protect their Jewish and Christian residents.

In contrast, the previous Trump Administration was highly supportive of the Jewish community. A future Trump Administration could be even more supportive in numerous ways:                                                                                      

1) A new Trump administration could criminalize antisemitism (as racism).                                            

2)  A new Trump administration could insist that state and local police properly protect Jewish synagogues and schools.                                                                                                                              

3) A new Trump administration could encourage states to adopt universal school choice, thereby facilitating attendance in Jewish day schools.                                                                                      

4) A new Trump administration would send enough munitions for Israel to win its wars with Iran's proxies and with Iran itself.                                                                                                                              

5) A new Trump administration could force Qatar and Turkey to stop funding the Muslim Brotherhood and related radical Muslim organizations.                                                                                      

6) A new Trump administration would stop insisting on the creation of a Palestinian terror state on Israel's border.                                                                                                                                                


7) A new Trump administration could dramatically increase the production of weapons to support our key regional allies such as Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, among others.                                    

8) A new Trump administration could re-activate the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 to protect America from enemy penetration of Latin America.                                                                                              

9) A new Trump administration would close our northern and southern borders from invasion by  illegal migrants, criminals, and enemies.                                                                                                    

10) A new Trump administration would deport many of the new 15 million illegal migrants.

In sum, Jews and Christians are looking to the new Trump administration for protection from the migrants, criminal gangs and enemies that have entered the country illegally.

Far enhanced outreach is necessary to educate both Republicans and Independents as to what the new Administration could accomplish, and the evil of what a second Biden administration could accomplish. CPAC could play a major role in planning the outreach process through regional conferences and support for 5-10 surrogate speakers throughout the country, and additional 2-3 speakers in key swing states and cities. 

On a personal level, CPAC has played a key role in educating me and in encouraging me to become far bolder in my support for policies that would benefit the Jewish and Christian communities. I am personally determined to increase Jewish support for President Trump from the 30% level of the last election to the more appropriate 50% level, if not higher. 


America Uncanceled

Hosted by Matt and Mercy

It's Not About Us

Hosted by Elaine Beck

Liberty and Justice

Hosted by Matt Whitaker

The Bill Walton Show

Hosted by Bill Walton

Stream the Movement

The Culture Killers: The Woke Wars

Watch this award winning documentary by CPAC. The woke wars are coming to a neighborhood near you. From major corporations to school boards to social media, free expression is under attack.

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