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  • America Uncanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Matt Whitaker

    CPAC submitted a letter calling for Congress to investigate the attacks and threats against Supreme Court Justices Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and their families. CPAC board member Matt Whitaker joined Mercedes Schlapp on this episode of America Uncanceled to break down the situation and the letter. “None of this is done in a vacuum,” said Whitaker of the Left's attacks on the justices and their families in the media. “So many things are completely coordinated and funded on the Left. They have a whole PR machine. These articles and these news stories don’t get placed and then repeated over and over without a pretty sophisticated operation backing it.” Getting to the bottom of these attacks is important because the Left’s orchestrated attacks on conservatives go beyond the ones on Supreme Court Justices. They’ve weaponized the FBI against traditional Catholics and the justice system against President Donald Trump and his allies and will continue to do so if not stopped and held accountable. Whitaker also weighed in on the debate between President Trump and President Joe Biden happening this Thursday. “Obviously, Donald Trump’s going to be three versus one in this debate,” said Whitaker. “It’s going to be unfair, but Donald Trump, and we know him well, is unafraid of this, and I’m sure he’ll be able to handle himself quite well.” Watch the full conversation on social media @CPAC, and for more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • CPAC Supports Safer Michigan Act

    Last week, CPAC travelled to Lansing, Michigan to speak before the state Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the Safer Michigan Act. The act proposes productivity credits for inmates who participate in reintegration programs. The credits would incentivize good behavior by reducing time in prison. They also hold the potential to reduce recidivism and ease reentrance into society by providing prisoners with valuable job skills. Policy Analyst Helen Weston represented the CPAC Foundation Nolan Center for Justice before the Senate Judiciary Committee. She argued for the act’s potential to positively contribute to modernizing the criminal justice system, uplifting convicted criminals into productive members of society, protecting victims, and reducing strain on the justice system’s and taxpayer resources. “The justice system should focus on public protection, deterrence, and rehabilitation, ensuring that prisoners are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive once they return home because we know they will and ensure victims are educated and protected throughout the process. Luckily, the Safer Michigan Act checks both boxes,” stated Weston. The Safer Michigan Act is similar to the CPAC-backed First Step Act signed by President Donald Trump which has proven successful in reducing recidivism rates to 12% as of 2023. Legislation like the First Step Act and the Safer Michigan Act aligns with CPAC’s mission to promote liberty, protect life, and advance public safety. Watch Weston’s remarks online here.

  • America UnCanceled: Yesli Vega joins Mercedes Schlapp

    Former Republican congressional candidate Yesli Vega joins Mercedes Schlapp on this episode of America Uncanceled to discuss the importance of Latino voters in the upcoming elections. Vega is the first Latina voted into office in Prince William County. “I think that is an indication of where we are going as a party, and the future looks very promising, I believe, for the Republican Party. We have to be proactive. We have to engage. I think that the key to success is showing up, and we’re doing just that,” said Vega. Indeed, Latino participation in the Republican Party is rising. Hispanic voters were a major part of Virginia Governor Greg Youngkin’s victory. In Vega’s experience in her own campaign and Youngkin’s campaign, pressing the issues, like the open border and transgender movement, wins over the Hispanic community. These are issues that they care about most but are not hearing the truth about from the Left. Vega says Latinos are disappointed with Joe Biden and sick of the lies the Left has fed them for years about immigration reform and other issues and are now turning to the Republican Party for the truth and real solutions. “I think this is a year where Latinos are going to come out in full force and they are going to have their voices heard at the ballot box and no longer will our votes, Mercedes, be taken for granted,” stated Vega. Watch the full episode on CPAC+ and for more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • It’s Not About Us with Elaine Beck and Saurabh Sharma

    Saurabh Sharma of American Moment and Elaine Beck discuss expressing political beliefs in the public square on this episode of It’s Not About Us. In a political climate where wearing pro-Hamas and pro-Communist regalia in public is acceptable and even praised but wearing a MAGA hats prompts outrage, discrimination, and violence, courage is needed from conservatives to take the message of freedom to the public square. “Ultimately, the shortest resource in supply in American life is courage,” commented Sharma. “I think everyone could do with exhibiting a lot more of it, especially our men because at the end of the day men play a leading role in society and determining what direction civilization goes, and it’s time people buck up and speak out.” Courage is necessary especially in the current presidential race. With President Donald Trump confined to New York, Sharma and Beck urge grassroots patriots to pick up the banner and campaign for him on the ground in the rest of the country. Watch the full conversation on X @CPAC, and for more visit or find Elaine Beck on social media @ElaineEBeck.

  • Every State is a Border State: Local Leaders Step Up While Biden Administration Falls Behind

    Earlier this month, President Joe Biden attempted to finally address the ongoing invasion at the Southern Border through executive order, which came with a resounding response – too little, too late. Four years into these open border policies it has become clear that the Federal government is failing to protect American citizens from the increasing threats posed by illegal immigration. No part of our country is safe as long as the current administration continues to allow unchecked entry into the United States. Despite political rhetoric from the White House, the heartbreaking result of these open-border policies reared its ugly head again in Houston, Texas where 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was beaten, murdered, and thrown into a creek bed. According to the Houston Police Department, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, both Venezuelan nationals, have been charged with capital murder in her death. This tragedy did not occur in a dangerous border town or a rundown part of Houston, but in a seemingly safe suburban neighborhood. With the current border policies, such incidents can and will happen anywhere in the country. Safe neighborhoods are now at risk of becoming hotspots for crime, illegal activity, and even human trafficking. Regrettably, incidents like this are not isolated. Just last Friday, five men were arrested in Missouri for allegedly attempting to traffic a 14-year-old girl to California. According to reports, Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers were alerted around 2 a.m. about a young woman missing in Indiana and thankfully took quick action to track down the victim. The perpetrators, five adult men, all reportedly undocumented immigrants, were taken into custody and charged with attempting to traffic the girl from Indiana to California. Yet again, we saw the horrors of the unfettered illegal entry into this country far from our Southern Border. CPAC’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking is not willing to wait until an administration change to take action. Earlier this year, we co-hosted a roundtable with the Missouri Attorney General’s Office with the goal of improving response times for law enforcement and services for victims. The rescue of the young child coming across state lines is a testament to the work our heroes in State and local law enforcement can do while we await policy change in Washington. However, it remains imperative that Congress and the current administration take immediate and decisive action to stop illegal immigration, combat the surge in crime, and eradicate human trafficking. The future safety of our neighborhoods and the well-being of our great nation depends on it.

  • Andrew Cooper Speaks at CPAC 2024

    Nigel Farage once called Australia the wokest nation on earth but founder and director of CPAC Australia Andrew Cooper has a more positive update on the country down under at CPAC in DC 2024. Though the country had some of the strictest and most draconian rules of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has since then demonstrated a change of heart and shift towards a more conservative viewpoint in politics. During the pandemic, the left-wing party introduced a proposal to add a third house to the Australian federal governing body that would be exclusively for indigenous people. Members of this proposed chamber could only be indigenous and would hold veto power over the other two houses. The proposal gained traction at first out of concern for remote, poor indigenous communities but also out of fear of being called racist for opposing it. The CPAC Australia team campaigned across the country against the proposal, bringing to light the divisive and racist nature of it. Ultimately, the Left lost on this proposal, and CPAC Australia succeeded in changing Australians’ minds. Polling in favor of the new chamber shrunk from 70% to just 40%. The conservative victory on this issue gives Cooper and other conservative Australians hope that a conservative revival is in the future for Australia. “I think there is a renaissance, a pendulum swinging back in Australia,” said Cooper. “I’m really hopeful that it’s well and truly underway here in the U.S.” Watch Cooper’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC. Make plans to see more great speeches live at CPAC in DC 2025 at

  • The A Team/Freedom (Caucus) Fighters: Ed Henry, Rep. Scott Perry, Rep. Russ Fulcher - CPAC in DC 2024

    Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher, Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry, and Newsmax anchor Ed Henry weigh in on the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. The Republican majority in the House of Representatives is still a minority among the Democrat-run Senate and Executive Branch, but they are doing what they can to frustrate the Democrats’ plans and advance productive conservative legislation. At the forefront of House Republicans’ agenda is cutting the budget by cutting frivolous programs and spending. The Freedom Caucus in particular is looking to trim wasteful military spending, limit monetary aid to Ukraine, cut funds for DEI and ESG initiatives, and block funding for open border policies and illegal immigrant welfare. Conservative representatives’ goal in seeking to cut these is to block the Left’s attempts to fundamentally change the social fabric of our nation with these spending programs and policies. “People need to understand that there is about half the members that we serve with fundamentally [that] want to change the social and economic fabric of this nation, and that’s why you see this open border,” said Fulcher. “That’s what’s part of the plan to have this energy policy that is this utopian windmills and solar cells and electronic vehicles”. After Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s betrayal, conservative representatives realized the need for other strong and loyal conservatives in Congress to really be an obstacle to Democrats’ relentless attempts to push through their agenda. “There are certain things that are perennial and that is that the government is too big, it’s involved in our business, it’s bankrupting our country, it’s failing us on an international scale, and if you can’t be for fixing those things, then run in the other party,” said Perry. Watch the full discussion on Rumble @CPAC. Make plans to see more great speeches live at CPAC in DC 2025 at

  • Schlapp Down: Episode #2 with Matt and Mercedes Schlapp

    The Schlapps react to footage of President Biden freezing on stage and requiring the help of President Obama to find his way off stage at a fundraiser in L.A. and much more on the second episode of Schlapp Down. “Look, we just have to know with the campaign team and the White House team this is nothing new, just a little bit worse. This’ll get worse every week, every month. It's a progressive problem,” commented Matt Schlapp on Biden’s obvious decline. He added sarcastically, “Look, I’m for Joe Biden running. I think it’s great that he’s showing that a senile man can win the presidency...We got to leave him alone, and then we ought to beat him.” Biden’s decline was also on full display at the G7 Summit and at the president’s visit with Pope Francis in the Vatican. Later in the show, the Schlapps reacted to videos of antisemites threatening Zionists on a subway, Jillian Michaels ranting against woke victim culture, and Nancy Pelosi calling for the psycho-evaluation of President Trump and intervention from his family. Watch the Schlapps’ full take on current events on the Schlapp Down on social media @CPAC.

  • Will The Biden Administration Upend Medical Innovation?

    At the time this blog post is being drafted, we're anticipating a new "guidance" document from the National Institute of Standards and Technology on when the federal government may invoke "March In" powers when it comes to seizing patents under the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980. CPAC, the Coalition Against Socialized Medcine we lead, and the Center for Regulatory Freedom we launched last year, have all raised concerns regarding this proposed new guidance, and we felt it important to remind folks of those concerns in advance of this new guidance being released. First, it's important to remember that federal agencies are increasingly using guidance documents and regulatory interpretation letters to enunciate federal policy, as opposed to going through a more rigorous, formalized, and thorough regulatory process under the auspices of the Administrative Procedure Act. Our colleague at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Wayne Crews, has coined such proceedings (and the resulting policies) as "regulatory dark matter" (which is where our Swamp Secrets podcast gets part of its name), since it exists and has an impact, but it's difficult to quantify or determine where that power comes from. To be clear, though there has been a process by which NIST has solicited comments on their guidance proposal, what kind of weight they need to give to those comments or whether they can completely upend America's intellectual property rights regime through such guidance, is very much a matter of deep concern. But procedural processes aside, serious concerns have been raised against this proposal - and not just from traditional conservatives and free-market organizations. Former officials in Democratic administrations have fundamental problems with what the Biden administration is doing. The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 has been a cornerstone of America’s groundbreaking advancements in medicine, treatments, and cures. The law incentivizes private sector investment in products developed using government-funded research, empowering universities and small businesses to advance key innovations. This has been especially crucial in drug development. Lita Nelsen, former director of the MIT Technology Licensing Office, remarked, “The Bayh-Dole Act has indisputably helped the U.S. life sciences sector become the envy of the world.” From 2018 to 2022, over half of new drugs were launched first in the U.S., with an average delay of about a year before becoming available in other major markets. This achievement is a testament to America’s robust medical innovation ecosystem, which has consistently delivered new cures both domestically and globally. The Biden administration’s proposed “march-in” framework poses a significant threat to this success. The new framework proposed by the Biden administration aims to apply the law’s “march-in” provisions to drug prices, potentially jeopardizing this thriving innovation ecosystem. Instead of promoting public-private sector collaboration and enabling universities, nonprofits, and small businesses to license and develop these inventions, the framework could impose price controls on medications that have received even minimal federal funding. This move would grant the federal government the power to seize drug patents if the prices are deemed excessive. Historically, every administration has interpreted Bayh-Dole as excluding price control provisions. The law's authors, former Senators Birch Bayh (D-IN) and Bob Dole (R-KS), clarified this in a 2002 Washington Post letter, stating, “Bayh-Dole did not intend that government set prices on resulting products.” They emphasized that this omission was deliberate to encourage public-private sector collaboration. The Biden administration’s proposed framework distorts the original intent of Bayh-Dole, which was to incentivize research and development. By threatening to seize drug patents from developments made through public-private sector collaboration, the framework could dissuade future partnerships. Innovators, aware that federal agencies might strip their intellectual property rights if their pricing does not meet government standards, may avoid government collaboration altogether. Intellectual property rights are fundamental to our nation’s success. This new framework, if unchanged from the proposal, represents a significant federal overreach, which could undermine the research that has positioned America as a leader in global drug development. This unprecedented move by the Biden administration could harm patients and disrupt the U.S. innovation ecosystem. It is crucial for the Department of Commerce and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to resist this overreach and halt the implementation of this detrimental program before it’s too late.

  • Genesis 1/27: Meg Brock, Dr. Eithan Haim, Terry Schilling- CPAC 2024

    Our children are being attacked by transgender ideology and maimed by doctors performing experimental transgender procedures. Dr. Eithan Haim, Terry Schilling, and Meg Brock discuss at CPAC in DC 2024. Sex change procedures on minors are now increasingly being considered medically necessary procedures, and parents are being punished, silenced, and even investigated if they oppose them for their children. “The blue states and the federal government, fueled and supported by the federal government, are right now passing laws that incriminate parents for doing their job, for protecting their children from this industry that will quite literally chew them up and spit them out with destroyed bodies,” commented Schilling. “I think it’s important for people to understand that what is happening to these kids is not medicine. In no way is this medicine. The reason is because you can’t treat a psychological problem with a solution of the body,” stated Haim. The same faulty logic was used in lobotomy procedures, which are now widely accepted as dangerous, cruel, and horrific. Haim urges doctors and parents today to not make the same mistake with sex changes. Get the panelists’ full take on Rumble @CPAC.

  • CPAC Honors Top Rated Michigan Conservatives at Award Ceremony

    CPAC took to the road this week to honor representatives in the Michigan state legislature who received high ratings in the CPAC legislative scorecard. The CPAC ratings award ceremony in Lansing recognized state legislators who worked hardest to defend liberty in the 2023 legislative cycle. In a state where a Democrat super majority voted with the conservative position a record 0% of the time in both chambers, the few true conservatives in Michigan really stood out. Only three legislators earned a perfect 100% conservative rating: Senators Jon Bumstead, Michele Hoitenga, and Jim Runestad. The CPAC ratings ceremony honored these representatives and more who received the Award for Conservative Excellence for scoring 90% or higher and the Award for Conservative Achievement for voting with the conservative position at least 80% of the time.  Forty-one of the best conservative legislators in the state gathered at the ceremony with CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. As a battleground state, Michigan is a key state to winning America back, and CPAC supports and applauds the critical work of conservative elected officials there to defend freedom. See how the Michigan legislature scored on the CPAC legislative scorecard at

  • The Doctor Is In: Dr. Ben Carson - CPAC in DC 2024

    Conservatives are being persecuted from every facet of American society and even the federal government. Former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson addressed the corruption of the federal government in his speech at CPAC in DC 2024. America is currently experiencing what Carson describes as “a crisis of legitimacy”. Conservatives are failing to find a place in their own country as their country turns its back on them and the federal government perverts its responsibilities to the people. Instead, the Left has weaponized the administrative state and justice system against the people who the government is supposed to answer to. “Our government and our legacy institutions are losing credibility in the public eye at breakneck speed even though their systematic takeover of America has been going on for years. The federal bureaucracy, the mainstream media, academia, Hollywood, big tech, and every other nexus of power in America today has turned its fire against conservatives, against Christians, against anyone who stands in their way,” said Carson. The open border, identity politics, the perversion of the education system, the Green New Deal, inflation, the persecution of President Donald Trump by the justice system, and more are further causing Americans to lose faith in their government, and they beginning to struggle beyond disguise under the increasing chaos and neglect of citizens at the hands of the federal government. “There is nothing radical about what we the people are demanding from our elected representatives. We want safety and security. We want freedom of speech and to practice our religion as is our God-given right. We want secure borders. We want a government that puts our interests first. These are things that used to be the norm in the country, and none of these demands are extreme or outrageous. They should be the simple baseline of legitimate political leadership,” Carson stated. Watch Carson’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

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