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  • America UnCanceled: Natasha Owens joins to discuss her new song "The Chosen One"

    President Donald Trump is a chosen one in Owens’ newest song, “The Chosen One”. She breaks down what the song means on America Uncanceled with Mercedes Schlapp. Some in the Christian community have reacted negatively to the song, thinking it glorifies and deifies President Trump. On the contrary, Owens put a great deal of consideration of Scripture into the song and consulted pastors before releasing it. “We have to make sure if we do, we write it in such a way that we show how an imperfect man can be used by a perfect God, and we see examples throughout the Bible and throughout time,” explained Owens. “I want to make it clear I’m not calling him the Messiah at all. I’m just saying that throughout time people are chosen.” The concept is based on the numerous stories in Scripture of God using humans to realize His will. Owens’ song simply presents Trump as an instrument for God’s will. She also calls it “a source of hope” through all the persecution the Left has thrown at Trump. Watch the full conversation on CPAC+.

  • Join Fellow Patriots at the 2024 CPAC Investor Summit at Mar-a-Lago

    CPAC is returning this year to Mar-a-Lago for the annual CPAC Investor Summit. The CPAC Summit is a yearly event that connects and empowers patriots in a weekend of fellowship and speeches from top conservative leaders. The CPAC Summit gives our grassroots patriots the opportunity to shape the future of CPAC and ensure that our mission to defend freedom lasts for generations to come. Last year’s Summit to Save America in Las Vegas, Nevada featured remarks from a star-studded lineup including Steve Bannon, Kari Lake, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, former Ambassador Ric Grenell, Kash Patel, Representative Roger Williams, and the list goes on. This year, patriots will hear from CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp, CPAC Senior Fellow Mercedes Schlapp, former Acting Attorney General under President Donald Trump Matt Whitaker, and more to be announced soon. The Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida will be the breathtaking backdrop for a weekend of conservative community. Join us in growing the conservative movement November 14-16, 2024, and reserve your spot at the 2024 CPAC Investor Summit on

  • Human Trafficking Has No Borders: CPAC Presents to Delaware Leaders on the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery in Local Communities

    When CPAC founded its new Center in 2023, our goal was not only to influence policy change in the Nation’s Capital but provide leaders in communities across the country with the resources to root out trafficking. Earlier this month, our team had the opportunity to do exactly that – meeting with local leaders outside of Wilmington, Delaware to share more about the growing problem of labor and sex trafficking while discussing solutions to give us the upper hand in this fight against criminal cartels. Human trafficking is often viewed through the lens of our country’s border crisis – and for good reason. The United States Department of State estimates that between 14,500 and 17,500 victims are trafficked within the United States each year, and an estimated 72% of these victims are immigrants. Looking at the darker side, more than 370,000 unaccompanied children have come through the southern border under the Biden administration. This may lead some observers in communities like Wilmington to believe the problem only impacts border states such as Texas and Arizona, yet the statistics tell a different story. Delaware finds itself in the top half of States based on reports of labor or sex trafficking and yet has some of the lowest prosecution rates in the country. That’s why CPAC is prioritizing meeting with leaders in communities across the country. Strategizing plans to keep local law enforcement officials informed of suspicious activity, creating new networks to push for legislative change that protects victims, and leading efforts to shine a light on criminals operating in these cities are vital in our push to end modern day slavery at home and abroad. Our Center is ready and willing to assist any communities looking to step up their effort in pushing traffickers out of the United States and looks forward to fostering a nationwide network of activists focused on our shared goal of supporting survivors.

  • America Uncancled: Tony Shaffer joins Mercedes Schlapp to talk Hunter Biden’s trial and more

    Hunter Biden was found guilty in his gun trial, but the Biden administration and family tried everything to defend him. Tony Shaffer and Mercedes Schlapp discuss the trial and what could happen to Hunter Biden in the aftermath of the trial. The Bidens played what Shaffer called “the poor Huner defense”. “He’s an artist. He’s a troubled artist. He’s had drug problems. He’s a victim!” Shaffer imitated their defense. That the defense did not work to convince the jury though, and Shaffer expects that President Biden will simply pardon Hunter so that his son will escape any repercussions. On the other hand, Biden’s political opponent, President Donald Trump, is facing actual time in jail for a fabricated crime from a rigged trial. The sentencing will take place on July 11, and Shaffer fully expects Judge Merchan to put the former president in jail but to the benefit of Trump’s presidential campaign. “I think they’ll do it. I think if Merchan can find a path to do it, he’s going to do it, and if you think the fundraising was significant for [Trump] during the conviction, I think he’s going to get double that, maybe even more,” said Shaffer. “Any rational human being sees what a setup this. That’s why you have first time people showing up to donate to the Trump campaign.” Watch the full conversation on Rumble @CPAC. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • Steve Bannon – CPAC Hungary 2024

    Host of WarRoom Steve Bannon addressed the international crowd of conservatives at CPAC Hungary 2024 via recorded message with high praise for Hungary’s strong conservative culture and leadership in the international sovereignty movement. He described Hungary as “a nation that is a leader and an individual that is not just a leader in Viktor Orbán but inspiring young leaders throughout the world to step up, and that’s why we can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing in this fight.” With America falling from glory as the Left imprisons and bankrupts President Donald Trump and his political allies, including Bannon himself, the free world needs a new leader, and Hungary has risen to the occasion. Hungary under the guidance of Viktor Orbán has demonstrated that conservative principles in action work and that it’s possible to stand up to globalism of the Left. Bannon had these encouraging words for the conservative movement, “If we don’t quit, we win. If we don’t quit, we win, and they will do everything to make sure you quit.” Watch Bannon’s full remarks here.

  • The CPAC Movement Protects Freedom Worldwide

    CPAC is so much more than a yearly conference. It’s an entire movement of passionate patriots defending freedom all year long all over the world. Our movement is made up of conservative thinkers, elected officials, grassroots activists, and regular Americans just living their lives. Our efforts combined spread the message of conservative values, which is that we flourish when freedom reigns, the rule of law is respected, and God is at the center of our lives. As an organization, we work to defend life, liberty, and property for all Americans through advocacy. We also empower our grassroots activists to do so in their everyday lives in their churches, families, and friend groups. The CPAC annual conferences are just the launch pad to take the conservative message everywhere. They are meant to invigorate patriots to go out into the world, outside of conservative circles and share the truth and beauty of freedom with everyone they meet, and with CPAC international conferences, the movement is now global, rallying grassroots conservatives in all four corners of the world. The CPAC movement is a movement of strong and determined patriots who love their country and are out in the world every single day working to defend liberty from the evil forces of the Left. Join the CPAC movement and learn more at

  • Between Trump's Regulatory Agenda and Biden's, the Numbers Tell The Whole Story

    As Americans become more-interested in the choices they face during this election cycle, one thing remains clear: economics is on the mind of everyone - America's small business owners, and the working families they depend on. The anemic economic growth, accompanied as it has been by a massive run up in costs, is front and center for voters each and every day--and while many understand the role that federal regulatory costs can play in this, few understand the actual numbers. And the comparison between this administration and the previous one couldn't be more stark. Scenario 1: Modest Growth in Regulatory Costs From 2017 to 2021, under the Trump Presidency, the cost of regulations to the American economy increased modestly from $2.25 trillion to $2.28 trillion, representing an annual growth rate of approximately 0.33%. This was an unprecedented near-stability in direct federal regulatory costs over the four year term of a president, unseen since the rise of the modern regulatory state (during the Obama presidency, the regulatory state grew by 9.53% annually, which caused the cost of regulations to double from $1.2 trillion in January of 2009 to $2.25 trillion in January of 2017 - 9.53% is 28 times higher than .33%!). In contrast, consider if Hillary Clinton had been elected President in 2016 - assuming for a moment that she had merely stuck to Barack Obama's regulatory tempo (increasing regulatory costs by 9.53% each year), federal regulations would have cost $3.24 trillion by January of 2021, $4.35 trillion by this point (assuming she had been re-elected in 2020 and the tempo of regulatory growth remained unchanged), and would be at $7.35 trillion by 2030. On the other hand, had the modest growth rate under President Trump been allowed to continue, projections indicate that regulatory costs would have only reached approximately $2.31 trillion by 2025 and $2.35 trillion by 2030. At first glance, this growth might seem relatively manageable. However, considering the broader economic impact, the scenario becomes more alarming. Using Dawson and Seater’s $19 multiplier for indirect opportunity costs, the economic implications of this growth are significant: By 2025: With direct costs at $2.31 trillion, the indirect opportunity cost would be: 2.31×19=43.89 trillion dollars By 2030: With direct costs at $2.35 trillion, the indirect opportunity cost would be: 2.35×19=44.65 trillion dollars These figures underscore the far-reaching impact of even modest increases in regulatory costs. The opportunity costs reflect potential economic activities foregone due to the regulatory burden, including innovation, business expansion, and job creation. Scenario 2: Rapid Acceleration of Regulatory Costs Under Joe Biden In a more dramatic scenario, regulatory costs increased from $2.28 trillion in January 2021 to $3.58 trillion by April 2024, translating to an annual growth rate of 14.06%! If this rapid growth rate continues, the projections indicate: By 2025: Regulatory costs will be approximately $3.95 trillion. By 2030: Regulatory costs would soar to approximately $7.52 trillion (slightly higher than they would have been under an Obama/Clinton regulatory tempo). Applying the $19 multiplier to these projections reveals a staggering economic impact: By 2025: With direct costs at $3.95 trillion, the indirect opportunity cost would be: 3.95×19=75.05 trillion dollars By 2030: With direct costs at $7.52 trillion, the indirect opportunity cost would be: 7.52×19=142.88 trillion dollars These projections highlight the exponential increase in economic burden associated with rapid regulatory cost growth. The difference between the two scenarios is not merely in the trillions of dollars in direct costs but extends to hundreds of trillions in lost economic opportunities. Conclusion The contrast between the two approaches to regulation couldn't be more stark. Under one, recognizing the important role that regulatory costs play in suppressing economic growth, the economic stability of a modest, conservative approach to regulations saves the American economy $5.17 trillion in direct regulatory costs ($7.52 trillion minus $2.35 trillion) - and in terms of lost opportunity cost, the difference couldn't be more stark - a savings of almost $100 trillion in lost opportunity costs! Preventing $100 trillion from being taken out of the American economy is the difference between life and death for the future of the United States. One path makes America an economic powerhouse, the other a vast wasteland where Americans will wonder "what could have been."

  • Conserving America's Heritage is The Core of the National Parks Service's Mission... Not Pushing Woke Ideology

    Late last week, a strange story broke out of Denali National Park in which contractors repairing a highway claimed that the Superintendent of Denali, Brooke Merrell, had contacted their offices demanding that construction crews discontinue flying the American flag at these sites. The National Parks Service has denied these claims, hiding behind a defense of "these sites aren't even under our jurisdiction" claim (as though a federal official wouldn't go beyond their administrative purview in the name of some woke ideological goal). It would be one thing if this were an isolated incident--but it's not as though NPS is a stranger to such decisionmaking--and this week, the CPAC Foundation's Center for Regulatory Freedom sent a letter to the Director of the National Parks Service (as well as the Secretary of the Interior and members of Congress) demanding answers, not just about this incident, but more generally asking the question, "just what is going on at the National Parks Service"? The letter (which can be seen below) ties this incident together with what NPS tried to do with William Penn's statue earlier this year, as well as efforts by a regional bureaucrat with the Department of Veterans Affairs to get rid of an iconic "end of World War II" photograph. As the Biden Administration continues to hit the gas pedal on remaking American society in some kind of woke image, the Center for Regulatory Freedom will continue to be aggressively pushing back on their efforts. Here is the letter:

  • Steve Bannon - CPAC in DC 2024

    Host of WarRoom Steve Bannon spoke on the political persecution of President Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s usurpation of power. “Trump won! Trump won! Trump won!” Bannon asserted in his remarks. He called Biden “an illegitimate regime head. He’s a usurper in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” The Left even openly recognizes that themselves with The New York Times and other Democrat outlets and leaders not giving him the same respect they would if he had legitimately won. Yet, stealing the election was not enough for them. The Left is now weaponizing the justice system to lock up President Trump and Bannon himself, but Bannon turned the tables on them in his speech, calling for Biden and his corrupt cronies to be the ones locked up. “Lock ‘em up! All of them! Garland, Ray, Biden, all of them, Mayorkas! What they did to this country is unforgivable, and we will not forget it and we will never forgive it until justice is done,” Bannon declared. He added, “Biden you and your crime family are nothing but trash. Ok? And on the 20th of January of 2025, we’re going to take out the trash.” Watch his full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

  • It’s Not About Us with Elaine Beck: We Are Not Enemies

    Elaine Beck goes solo this episode to talk directly about the We Are Not Enemies program. God spoke to Beck calling her to start We Are Not Enemies. “God said, when he talked to me, was that the really true wickedness of the world is not forgiving others,” explained Beck. We Are Not Enemies is all about forgiveness. It is a year-long program that unites America in prayer. Americans are praying specifically for the healing of our land and the reunion of Americans in God. It is based on the Sermon Mount where Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but I say to you, love your enemy lest those that curse you do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” “When you do, it’s like this huge weight is lifted off you,” said Beck. “When you pray for them to be forgiven, God can open their mind. You can’t but He can. He can help them take the veil from the front of their face.” Join Beck and fellow Americans in living this out through We Are Not Enemies at For more visit, or find Elaine Beck on social media @ElaineEBeck.

  • "NATO Taunts Russia" with Stephen Bryen and Brandon Weichert

    This episode examines the three explosive national security crises the United States and world are embroiled in today, any one of which could escalate into igniting a World War III. Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Hamas and Taiwan/China. Disturbingly, there’s a lot of sabre rattling with far too many politicians in both Europe and the United States engaged in reckless rhetoric. To provide cogent analysis and a healthy dose of sobering realism at a time when we face dire risks, Bill is joined by national Security experts and returning guests Stephen Bryen and Brandon Weichert. Dr. Stephen Bryen, a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy, has over 50 years national security experience including many stints in the Pentagon where he became one of the world’s leading experts on the arms trade. Brandon J. Weichert, author of The Shadow War: Iran's Quest for Supremacy is publisher of the Weichert Report and author of the soon to be published A Disaster of Our Own Making: How the West Lost Ukraine. Some excerpts: “The neoconservative, neoliberal cabal running Washington believe fully that they have to fight everywhere all the time to preserve America's unipolar standing and our hegemony in the world. But this quest for hegemony has led to the absolute destruction of America's post-Cold War primacy,” warns Weichert. “And if we are not careful, in the next six months, we will not only lose that primacy., but we may become like the declining Ottoman Empire or Austro-Hungarian Empire on our way out. We’ve overcommitted and overextended, and we’re paying the price.” “NATO is flirting with war and extinction,” worries Bryen. “France is now "officially" sending troops to Ukraine and NATO countries are demanding strikes deep inside Russia.  Meanwhile the US has secretly made a "policy shift" that somewhat falls short of what Zelensky wanted, but opens the door to deep strikes by the US on Russian territory.” “It’s very hard to see how NATO could defend Poland or the Czech Republic or Estonia. These are not easy countries to defend, and NATO doesn't have today the core countries of NATO, the French, the Germans, the British, it doesn't have the wherewithal to do it. It doesn't have the army or armed forces. It doesn't have the air defenses. It doesn't have the air forces, it doesn't have the tanks. It doesn't have anything sizable enough, and the ability to actually logistically move it to the battlefield.” “So the notion of NATO fighting a war, which is what French President Macron and all these clowns are essentially taunting the Russians with, is a very dangerous thing because it means that Europe could be enveloped in a war can't win.” “Russians have developed a pretty sizable air defense capability,” explains Bryen. “They have very good artillery capability. They have increasingly shown their capability with drones and drone warfare, none of which we’re prepared for, and our best tank, the Abrams, which our only tank, we’ve put all our eggs in this one tank. The Abrams is a disaster.” “The think tank community and the Biden Administration have a plan to contain Russia by rolling it back to its medieval borders, so that it's never again a threat to Europe and the West,” marvels Wiechert. “This is utterly fantastical thinking, this is childish thinking. Russia is not going to let it happen without a fight.” “Well, their plan not going to happen,” agrees Bryen. “The underlying error, and I think it was a huge error, was that we should confront a nuclear power, a significant nuclear power with the dismemberment. We were going to break up the Soviet Union, now Russia. We're going to dismember it, and we're going to sponsor the opposition in Russia, and somehow create this great transformation. But we're messing around with a nuclear power.” “We’ve essentially forced the Russians into the arms of the Chinese through our policies, which was complete stupidity,” says Bryen. The neocons are very explicit the US must be the unchallenged superpower. In every place in the world, in every region, we must dominate. This is the thinking that got us into the Middle East. This is the exact thinking that led us down the wrong path in Iraq and then the Arab spring. “They believed the notion that there was going to be only one superpower and it was going to be the United States,”reminds Bryen. “And since we were to be the only superpower we had to take on these responsibilities. Well, we weren't the only one superpower, and today, we’re just one of three, and increasingly the weaker of the three.”

  • America UnCanceled: NextGen Marxism with Matt Schlapp, Katie Gorka, and Mike Gonzalez

    Violent pro-Hamas protests by woke college students were taking American campuses by storm. Katie Gorka and Mike Gonzalez discuss next generation Marxism on this episode of America Uncanceled with Matt Schlapp. “We’ve got a very serious problem on our hands,” commented Gorka. “What we are seeing today has been in the works for a hundred years.” The indoctrination of America with Marxist ideology has been a long and deliberate process by the Left though it seems quite sudden. This process is all just coming to light and the forefront of American culture. Gorka and Gonzalez liken it to the Bolshevik Revolution which sowed the seeds of Marxism in Russia. It's on the cusp of having the same disastrous results in America, upending our society and erasing our legacy institutions. “That’s what people need to understand here that what the radical Left and actually now that’s more and more synonymous with the Democrats, what they want here is not to make things better. They want to tear down. They want to utterly destroy what we have built in America over the last four hundred years, and they want to replace with their Marxist utopia,” said Gorka. “Marx and Engels never made a distinction between [Communism and Marxism]. They used them interchangeably in the Manifesto and other writings. Communism was the end goal,” explained Gonzalez. Gorka and Gonzalez elaborate on the presence of Marxism in America and its influence on American youth in their book, “NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It.” For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

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