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  • Kash Patel Speaks at CPAC 2024

    Political plants in the administrative state of the federal government are rigging our elections, weaponizing the justice department, and poisoning the minds of children in public education. Author of “Government Gangsters” and national security expert, Kash Patel addressed these issues and more at CPAC in DC 2024. Patel also announced at CPAC that he is collaborating with Steve Bannon and War Room Entertainment to expand conservative media and turn his book into a film. Patel’s book and now movie are part of his efforts to expose the deep state and motivate Americans to reclaim their democratic republic from corrupt bureaucrats. The American people are the key to solving the corruption of our federal government government and taking our country back, but doing so requires initiative, perseverance, and action. “You pick one thing, whether its health care, education, sheriff, law enforcement, countering drugs, narcotics, weapons, what have you, ending the forever wars, veterans affairs. You pick one thing and you go out in your communities and you do it 245 times, and you will see that message resonate because Americans across this country are tired of the swamp,” Patel advised. Patel invited Americans to join him in busting government gangsters and restoring our constitutional republic. Watch Patel’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

  • Investing in a Polarized America: Federalism and Entrepreneurship with Jim Pinkerton

    In this lively episode of the Bill Walton Show, Bill talks with Jim Pinkerton in a thought-provoking discussion about investing in the turbulent waters of today's toxic political climate. With a focus on the stark Red-Blue divide in America, Jim offers a contrarian view that it’s fertile ground for what he terms "directional investing." Drawing from his upcoming book, "The Secret of Directional Investing: Making Money Amidst the Red-Blue Divide," Pinkerton—a veteran of the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and a long-time Fox News contributor—unpacks the intriguing idea that political polarization, while daunting, can be a goldmine for the astute investor and entrepreneur. The conversation digs into a deeper exploration of Federalism and the concept of states as laboratories, not just of democracy, but also micro-economic innovation hubs. Pinkerton paints a picture of a "United States of Arbitrage," where individuals and businesses pick states for their cultural climates and regulatory frameworks, much like how businesses today scout for tax havens. Bill and Jim weave through topics with ease, touching on the explosive potential of AI and its voracious energy demands, the dynamics of state-driven economic incentives, and the possible futures shaped by these forces. They muse on how states compete to attract burgeoning industries by aligning social policies with corporate needs, imagining a nation where your address might reflect your ideology as much as your lifestyle. “If a red state were really on its game, thinking for itself,” says Jim, “it would announce to the world that any student who got an 800 on his or her math SAT would get a free ride.” The episode doesn't just dissect current trends; it offers a visionary look at how today's divisions could be tomorrow's opportunities, making it a must-listen for anyone intrigued by the intersection of politics, economics, and the future of innovation in America. Also, you’ll learn which state seems to think its idea of economic development is transgender surgery, hoping to become to transgenderism what the Cleveland Clinic or Johns Hopkins are to cancer. Watch the full episode here.

  • CPAC Documentary Captures Southern Border Crisis in Arizona

    A new CPAC documentary captured the horrific reality of the border crisis in Arizona. The documentary follows Matt and Mercedes Schlapp on a tour with border officials in Nogales, Arizona, where the border crisis is at some of its worst. “The reason we got involved in this issue is because DHS decided to pull CDP, customs, men and women in blue, off the ports of entry so that they could help with migrant processing. So that, to us, that is a dereliction of duties,” said Director of the Nogales Port Authority, Jamie Chamberlain. Frighteningly, “Through Nogales-Mariposa port of entry, we catch more fentanyl than any of the other ports of entry put together,” Chamberlain reported. Contrary to the narrative of the mainstream media, migrants are not just women and children coming over as refugees. Many are able bodied young men apparently seeking work. And many are not even coming from Mexico anymore but South and Central America, Africa, and the Middle East. One migrant the Schlapps interacted with in the documentary was a thirty-year old male from Guatemala and admitted to arriving illegally in the United States seeking work “to come support the family” back home in Guatemala. Chamberlain, commented, “That is not an asylum reason to be here and so, the administration knows this. Clearly, that is not a reason. 99% of the people that are crossing are not actually being persecuted from their own government.” Indeed, many of the migrants shown in the footage are young adult males crossing over with the aid of cartels and under pretenses that do not qualify for asylum. At the same time, migrants are bringing lethal fentanyl and human trafficking over the border, killing and endangering thousands of innocent Americans. Watch the full documentary on X @CPAC.

  • From Darkness To Light: Passover Reflections

    Passover is often referred to as a holiday of freedom, as it marks the most iconic freedom story of all: the exodus of the ancient Hebrews after hundreds of years of servitude in Egypt, as they are miraculously extracted from powerful Egypt, guided across the sea and into the wilderness to receive the Law, eventually making it to the promised land. This story of G-d’s deliverance has captured the hearts and minds of humanity for thousands of years, serving as a glimmer of hope for all peoples and providing the evocative imagery which frames the ultimate triumph of those facing tyranny and adversity. So evocative, in fact, that Benjamin Franklin (as conveyed by Thomas Jefferson)  suggested this image as the Great Seal of the United States: "Pharaoh sitting in an open Chariot, a Crown on his head and a Sword in his hand, passing through the divided Waters of the Red Sea in Pursuit of the Israelites: Rays from a Pillar of Fire in the Cloud, expressive of the divine Presence and Command, beaming on Moses who stands on the shore and extending his hand over the Sea causes it to overwhelm Pharaoh. Motto: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God." During a visit to The Museum of the Bible a few years ago, I learned about the “Slave Bible”, which was a special bible printed by English slave owners to give to their slaves in British colonies in the Caribbean. Apparently concerned that this story would ignite their imagination, it removed any and all references to the exodus story, resulting in a Hebrew Bible missing 90% of the original content! While the message of the exodus is universal, it finds particular significance in Jewish homes at the Passover Seder, observed this year on the evenings of April 22 and 23rd. The seder, the Hebrew word for “order”, is just that - a framework for an experiential and orderly recounting of this great story. As they have for literally thousands of years, Jews around the world come together to read ancient texts about their ancestors and celebrate survival. They eat bitter herbs to literally taste the bitterness of slavery, Matzah to recall the unleavened bread they ate in their haste to leave Egypt, and many other foods and activities to drive this story home to another generation that is passing down the torch of tradition. This year, the Jewish people will be gathering with a heavy heart, after having spent the last 6 months in a state of crisis. Weighing on all of our minds are all of those Passover Seders that are missing seats - those of the hostages as well as those of the thousands of fallen and wounded. Just a few weeks ago at CPAC we hosted Jonathan Dekel-Chen, whose American-Israeli 35-year-old son Saguie remains in captivity. Mark & Julie Levine sensitively shared Sagui’s story with the conference attendees [link]. Sagui’s newborn daughter - who he has never met -  will likely experience her first passover without her father. This heartbreaking scene will be repeated in hundreds of homes. Our minds are clouded with images that belong to a dark past, of tyranny and evil. However, at the same time the Passover story also provides a glimmer of hope, as we know how the story ends. Playing in the background of the Seder will also be the story of all the adversity that has been overcome throughout the generations. And as the Seder concludes with the words “Next Year in Jerusalem”, Jews around the world are joined by friends and allies in reaffirming our commitment to speak out proudly against evil, to be a force for good, and - most importantly - to do our part to educate those around us to live in the image of G-d by endowing all of humanity with freedom to make the choices that uplift all of us.

  • "Modern Dilemmas: Regulatory Capture, Global Governance, and the Surveillance State" with Dr. Robert W. Malone

    In this episode Bill Walton is joined by Dr. Robert Malone in a wide ranging and engaging discussion about modern societal and financial control mechanisms. Their great concern is the relentless and growing overreach of both governments and corporations into personal freedoms through the guise of security, safety and public health. Robert W. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. He has developed some 100 scientific publications with over 14,000 citations of his work. He now focuses on daily podcasts, interviews, op-eds, advocacy with legislators and building a twitter feed of over a million people. His life changed from that of a scientist to an advocate because of his personal experiences and concerns regarding the safety and bioethics of how the COVID-19 genetic vaccines were developed and forced upon the world. He discovered the many short-cuts, database issues, obfuscation and frankly, lies told in the development of the Spike protein-based genetic vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Some of the topics covered: The regulatory capture of the federal government has warped and shaped the work of Congress and Federal agencies to such an extent that they no longer represent what is in the best interests of the nation, the world, and humanity. WHO's Pandemic Treaty is intended to override most of our national sovereignty in health policy decisions, effectively allowing a global body to dictate local health measures. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) which have the potential to be a sinister tool for government financial surveillance and social control. Financial Privacy Concerns The payment processor Stripe, which recently demanded Malone's financial details, reflecting broader concerns about privacy and autonomy in financial transactions. Labeling Dissent as extreme, such as "far-right" or "Nazi," to delegitimize and silence criticism, comparing it to historical tactics used during the McCarthy era. Surveillance and Control under the guise of safety and security, suggesting a slippery slope toward more intrusive governmental and corporate practices. Robert Malone is a courageous and deep thinker, a man who should be listened to. Watch here.

  • CPAC Now: Swamp Secrets w/ Andrew Langer

    Net neutrality is hardly neutral. Director of CPAC Foundation’s Center for Regulatory Freedom Andrew Langer breaks down the implications of the Biden administration’s resurrections of the Obama-introduced net neutrality. These regulations, imposed by the Obama era FCC, slowed innovation and Internet speed and decreased Internet quality. When the Trump administration removed net neutrality regulations, the United States enjoyed a time of Internet prosperity with high-quality and high-speed Internet even during a time of heavy use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, after a 2020 presidential election filled with disinformation spread through the Internet, censorship of conservative voices on social media and search engines, and amidst another presidential election, the Biden administration is reintroducing net neutrality. “This is a very different net neutrality proposal than it was under the Obama administration. What’s different about it? Well, now, the Left is unabashed about not caring about content neutrality online. Right, the Biden administration leading up the election in 2024, they’re all about combating misinformation online, disinformation online in the name of supposed national security,” Langer explained. “So, there is a huge national security component to this new net neutrality proposal that has come out of the FCC. And that is incredibly disturbing.” The new proposal is bound to be challenged, and the Center for Regulatory Freedom will be monitoring the developments of the regulation and challenge of the regulation. Watch the full episode here.

  • Protecting Innovation: The Essential Role of the Bayh-Dole Act

    The recent efforts to reinterpret the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act's provisions—specifically the "March-in" rights—are not just attacks on a piece of legislation but on the very foundation of university-led innovation that sustains the United States' global leadership in technology and medicine. The efforts of the CPAC Foundation's Center for Regulatory Freedom, our partners in the Coalition Against Socialized Medicine, and our allies working to protect Bayh-Dole, clearly must have been doing something right, because in recent weeks those working to undermine the act have gone on the offensive--challenging us and our allies in social media, and publishing articles trying to shift the narrative. Helen Santoro’s recent article for Lever (and republished at Jacobin), is but one example, particularly targeting how universities like UCLA profit from federally funded research, like the cancer drug Xtandi. However, this criticism overlooks the fundamental benefits of the Act, especially for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their crucial role in fostering academic and community growth. The Bayh-Dole Act was a legislative milestone that transformed the landscape of federally funded research by allowing universities, small businesses, and non-profits to own patents on their innovations. This pivotal change facilitated a surge in technology transfer activities and has been crucial in translating academic research into real-world applications. Universities can patent discoveries made with federal funding and then license these patents to the private sector, creating a revenue stream that sustains further research and educational excellence. Critics of the Act, like Santoro, argue that it encourages universities to prioritize profits over public good, particularly in the context of pharmaceutical pricing. However, such critiques miss the broader picture of the Act’s impact. The revenue generated from these patents is a lifeline for many institutions, particularly smaller colleges and HBCUs, which often operate with limited budgets. This income supports further scientific research, academic programs, and scholarships, contributing to a cycle of innovation and education that benefits society at large. David Kappos, a staunch defender of intellectual property rights and a key figure in shaping modern patent policy, has emphasized the importance of the Bayh-Dole Act in maintaining a vibrant national economy centered on innovation. According to Kappos, the ability to secure patent rights on federally funded research encourages private sector investment in potentially risky but high-reward areas. This is not just about creating profits but about bringing scientific breakthroughs to the market where they can have real impact. For example, the development of Xtandi involved significant investment in terms of money and research hours, which was made possible only through the incentives provided by the Bayh-Dole Act. The revenue UCLA has earned from Xtandi is reinvested into the university, funding research facilities and academic scholarships that might otherwise be unaffordable. This model is especially crucial for HBCUs, which have historically been underfunded compared to other institutions. The ability to patent and license inventions provides these schools with a financial boost that can be transformative, promoting not only further research but also greater educational opportunities for traditionally marginalized communities. Moreover, the current debates around "March-in" rights—a provision that allows universities and research institutions that receive federal seed monies to license patents to third parties under specific circumstances—are particularly contentious. Critics pushing for a broader interpretation of these rights argue that it would help reduce drug prices. However, such a move could also undermine the financial model that has enabled university research to flourish. Kappos points out that broadening march-in rights to control prices was explicitly excluded from the Act's provisions, as it would introduce significant uncertainty into the patent licensing process, deterring private investment and stifling innovation. It's important to consider what is at stake if the Bayh-Dole Act is undermined. Without the revenue from patent licensing, universities might struggle to fund research at current levels, potentially slowing the pace of scientific discovery. This is particularly critical for HBCUs and smaller institutions, where such funds play an outsized role in resource allocation. The Bayh-Dole Act has been a cornerstone of America's innovation economy, particularly benefiting universities and research institutions, including HBCUs. Any efforts to reinterpret its provisions must carefully consider the potential impacts not just on drug prices but on the health of the institutions that drive American innovation. The ongoing success stories of universities turning research into real-world solutions affirm that those defending the Act's original intent are indeed on the right path. As the debate continues, it is crucial that the academic and broader communities understand the stakes involved and advocate for policies that support sustainable innovation and access to advancements in healthcare.

  • America UnCanceled: Charlie Spiering Joins to Discuss His New Book "Amateur Hour"

    Who is the real Kamala Harris? Charlie Spiering’s new book, “Amateur Hour”, dives into details of Harris’ political career and her drama-filled time in the White House. He shared bits of his insight with Mercedes Schlapp on America Uncanceled. From the start of her career, Harris has relied on the success of others to increase her status. She started her career on the coattails of her boyfriend, Willy Brown, former mayor of San Francisco, who connected her with the elite and wealthy classes in California and secured her six-figure jobs in the state government. Again, in present day, she rode the coattails of President Biden to Vice President after a failed presidential campaign of her own. Her time as Vice President has been characterized by embarrassing public blunders, turmoil and turn-over among her staff, and strained relationships with the Bidens. She notably has a weak public relations presence, infamously fumbling foreign policy comments and questions about her not visiting the border. “During the first couple years of their presidency, they sent Kamala out on some of the big issues to sort of help take them off of Biden’s plate, immigration being the number one. Even on foreign policy they sent her to some pretty significant conferences to try to get her some experience on those issues, but each time, she came away as sort of embarrassing herself, embarrassing the president, and that’s why they’ve sort of put her in her safe lane for the duration of the campaign,” explained Spiering. The campaign has settled much of the drama attached to Harris, but Spiering reveals that many Democrats still do not see her as a leading and rallying figure for their party, and he is waiting to see if she returns to blunder-prone self once the campaign is over. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • The Biden Administration’s Open Border Policies: A Red-Carpet for Human Traffickers and Nightmare for Victims

    America’s wide open southern border has become a green light for human traffickers, allowing them to operate freely within the United States moving victims across state lines and into a life of consistent abuse. Despite claims from the White House that ending human trafficking is a priority, this administration’s immigration policies have only fueled the problem. By neglecting border security measures and failing to remove these bad actors from our communities, the Biden administration has effectively transformed the U.S. into a fertile breeding ground for criminal cartels hoping to profit off sex and labor trafficking. It should come as no surprise that the trafficking of persons is a $150 billion global enterprise encompassing sex trafficking, forced labor, and organ trafficking. In contrast to the administration’s complacency, CPAC’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking stands as a way to help fight against this rise in lawlessness. The center is dedicated to protecting victims, holding traffickers accountable, and collaborating with NGOs and law enforcement agencies to keep the most vulnerable safe. By prioritizing victim protection and active intervention, CPAC aims to help advocate for real change – that not only puts criminal traffickers away, but ensure survivors have a second chance in life. But we can only do so much, without meaningful policy reforms to address the rampant illegal immigration, open border policies will continue to perpetuate the suffering of victims while making traffickers bolder to operate freely. It is time for action to protect those most in need and hold traffickers accountable for their crimes. With the administration turning a blind eye to the vulnerabilities at the border, traffickers have been handed a golden opportunity to operate without fear or consequence. CPAC aims to change this by shining a light on the criminals who abuse the current system and through supporting State and local law enforcement in their efforts to root out networks of abuse throughout the country. Thankfully, success in the fight to end modern day slavery is not far out of reach – by closing the southern border and enforcing the law on cartels operating in the United States, we can achieve an American solution to the global problem of trafficking.

  • Saving Bethlehems - CPAC 2024

    The nationwide fentanyl epidemic is disproportionately affecting Pennsylvanians, claiming life after life and devastating family after family. Thousands of innocent individuals are being horrifically slaughtered, held hostage, and relentlessly attacked in Israel by Hamas, and here in America, Jewish students are living in fear on college campuses as universities permit anti-Semitic activities, protests, and attacks on Jewish students. Former Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs Dave McCormick is running for Senate in Pennsylvania to address these issues. He sat down with former Special Assistant to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Milstein on the CPAC stage where he outlined his position on these issues and his vision for the future of the country. McCormick’s vision includes a secure border, the eradication of Hamas, the cutting of funding for universities that condone anti-Semitic activities, and strong leadership from Congress and the White House. The country needs a shake-up in leadership from the self-interested, unprincipled, and unproductive norm, and McCormick poses himself to be that refreshing change that will represent the interests of the people, not the interests of himself. “We had leaders, and Bob Casey is a perfect example of this, who won’t stand up, who won’t say the difference between right or wrong, who won’t lead and push back against these Progressive ideologies that are taking our country over a cliff. So, yeah, we need to shake things up in a dramatic way, and that’s what I would do in Washington,” McCormick promised. He is especially motivated to fix these issues by his experience in the military in the Gulf War, his recent visit to Israel, and his visit to the southern border. Hear McCormick’s full plans on Rumble @CPAC.

  • The Winners and Losers of CPAC’s 2023 State Ratings: Florida

    Florida earned itself the distinction of “setting the standard for conservative policy in the U.S.” in CPAC’s 2023 state ratings, and rightfully so. Florida lawmakers executed a well-rounded legislative year doing everything from bolstering election security  to protecting  Florida children, defending life, protecting Second Amendment rights, striking back against ESG, fighting illegal immigration, and reforming the state criminal justice system. Let’s look at the bills that made 2023 a productive year for Florida. Lawmakers took a proactive approach to election security with S 7050 that established multiple election safeguards, including keeping noncitizens out of the voting process and offering signature matching training to election officials. Bill S 4 (SS) reinforced the consequences and illegality of election interference by making illegal voting activities prosecutable by the Office of Statewide Prosecutions. Florida not only protected their elections last year, but they also protected their children. S 254 prohibits the use of taxpayer dollars to fund transgender procedures on minors and allows the state to revoke the licenses of doctors who practice transgender procedures on minors. H 1 empowers parents to protect their children by expanding school choice and offering vouchers to all families regardless of income or location. H 1069 prohibits the teaching of gender identity and sexuality to elementary school students and protects teachers and students from being forced to use another’s pronouns. Two more laws struck back at ESG initiatives and established safeguards from ESG regulations. H 1281 blocks future Democrat-backed gas stove bans with new regulations that prevent the restriction of household appliances, and H 3 prohibits the use of state tax dollars on ESG initiatives. Lawmakers made it clear in 2023 that they will not be tolerating illegal Immigration either. S 1718 prevents the recognition of driver’s licenses obtained by illegal immigrants in other states and the issuing of documentation to illegal immigrants. S 6 (SS) does even more to fight illegal immigration by relocating illegal immigrants from Florida to blue cities and states that have declared themselves sanctuaries for illegal aliens. In the criminal justice reform realm, legislators passed S 376 that removes potential obstacles to employment and productivity for some arrested individuals by providing for the removal of certain non-conviction arrest records. Further, S 1478 proposed to improve probation processes but was not signed into law. Florida lawmakers also defended life with S 300 that protects unborn children by prohibiting abortions after six weeks, and they bolstered Second Amendment rights through H 543 that does not require an individual to carry a license while carrying certain firearms. All in all, Florida lawmakers had a productive year in 2023, getting wins for freedom on a variety of issues.

  • CPAC International Summit Against Human Trafficking Took Steps Toward Ending Modern-Day Slavery

    CPAC Foundation’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking was presented to the world at the movie premier for The Sound of Freedom last summer, and the center wasted no time taking action. In July, the Center for Combating Human Trafficking hosted the International Summit Against Human Trafficking. World leaders, activists, and survivors met on Capitol Hill to trade ideas for ending human trafficking and share their personal experiences with this tragedy. Former Mexico Congresswoman and activist with Kaleido Rosi Orozco along with West Virginia Congresswoman Carol Miller were among just a couple of the world leaders that met to discuss the horrific reality of human trafficking and work to put an end to it. The comments of Orozco, Miller, and others brought to light the torture that victims experience and the international nature of trafficking. Victims face unimaginable and continuous pain and degradation in this form of modern-day slavery, and their abuse is perpetuated by coordinated efforts from criminal rings around the globe. In response, human trafficking requires a joint effort from international world leaders to work together to put a stop to modern-day slavery.

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