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  • CPAC Around The World

    Over the past eight years, CPAC has extended its reach to countries around the world. Yearly, CPAC USA partners with likeminded groups to host conference in countries such as Japan, Australia, Hungary, Brazil, Israel, Korea and Mexico. These international conferences help to bring unity to conservatives all over the globe using a shared goal of bringing a voice to those who love and respect freedom. CPAC will continue to grow its international presence and spread conservatism around the world.

  • Biden Admin Using ESG to Make China Great Again?

    The CPAC Foundation's Center for Regulatory Freedom is keeping a watchful eye on how the Biden Administration is implementing their extremist ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) agenda through what is called the "administrative" or "regulatory" process. ESG is a leftist buzzword that covers the implementation of an anti-captialist, anti-free market, anti-liberty environmental or social justice agenda--and the Biden Administration hit the "warp speed" button in working to remake American society in the Chinese image (without the reliance on cheap and reliable energy as China has, of course). Two things we're watching at CRF are the imposition of an electric vehicle mandate (which would require that more than half of all new vehicles sold in America be electric by 2032), as well as unrealistic fuel economy standards (that would serve to reinforce this mandate). The second is a story out of the Department of Defense, where it was discovered that the Biden Administration had worked to implement their ESG agenda by installing so-called "green" technologies on military bases. When it comes to EVs, China is working to corner the market globally. They subsidize EV production heavily, rely on slave labor to manufacture the EVs and extract the rare minerals needed to "make them go", and then sell them at a massively reduced rate. So an EV mandate puts China well-ahead of companies that make and sell cars here in the US. At the same time, it's become clear that the DOD was relying on Chinese technology to implement their ESG agenda--until people started demanding answers. It's bad enough that the Biden Administration is harming American working families through policies that drive up the cost of driving (or having goods transported), but to do so in a way that benefits China (especially when it comes to our national security)? That's totally unacceptable. Stay tuned to what we're doing at the Center for Regulatory Freedom to combat these issues, and to get involved with out efforts!

  • Getting Offenders on the Right Track

    Many states have passed reforms to do a better job preparing inmates for their release. Led by the ALEC, a group conservative state lawmakers, 21 states now require their prisons to provide inmates a state issued ID, plus their vocational training record, work record, social security card, and resume. Reentry Reform is Sweeping the States - American Legislative Exchange Council - American Legislative Exchange Council (

  • Polling Trends Tell a Story

    Polling never tells the whole story in political campaigns, they are just snapshot in time that give people a sense of where things stand. Polling trends, on the other hand, can show you how a race is shaping up and how candidates are faring. A Texas based research firm (CWS Research) has polled the head-to-head matchup in the Republican Presidential Primary between Trump and DeSantis four times since December of 2022. In their first poll, Trump led DeSantis by one point, 37% to 36%, each subsequent poll got worse for Gov. DeSantis. The final poll showing former President Trump with a 51%-point lead. This is the same polling trend we are seeing all over the country, which spells bad news for the Florida Governor.

  • The Washington Uniparty's Spending Crisis

    The U.S. national debt now exceeds $32 Trillion. With the interest payments alone on the debt inching closer to $700 Billion a year. That’s right, in the near future, the U.S. government will spend more money annually on interest payments for the debt than it spends on Defense, Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. Never letting a good crisis go to waste, Pelosi and RINOs in the Senate last year reached a pork-barrel latent deal which has further exacerbated inflation and empowered the Biden administration’s woke bureaucracy to continue pursuing problematic programs which cripple our nation, while blatantly ignoring glaring issues like security at our southern border. This week, CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp sent a letter, drawing a clear line in the sand. Conservatives must band together this budget process to stop the spending, secure our border, and fight President Biden’s weaponized bureaucracy. Join CPAC in this fight by contacting your members of congress at

  • The Center for Combating Human Trafficking Takes on Capitol Hill

    Earlier this week, CPAC Foundation’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking testified at “Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad.” We testified alongside victims and advocates with the goal of informing and encouraging Congress to immediately act against the scourge of modern-day slavery. Alongside the other advocates on the witness stand, we informed the Committee of the hard truths of human trafficking such as “annually, 72% of trafficking victims are immigrants, 49% of which are undocumented.” This sad truth reminds us, and hopefully reminds Congress, that human trafficking is deeply integrated with criminal cartels that are exploiting our country’s open borders. We must take thoughtful action to protect victims, hold these evil-doers accountable, and ensure law enforcement can keep communities safe. Our testimony was received with thoughtful and productive questions from the committee, and we know this is just the beginning of the impact we can have on Capitol Hill and beyond to help end all forms of human trafficking.

  • Spreading the Conservative Movement through Events

    CPAC uses events as a way to bring together groups of supporters, elected officials, and VIPs to raise awareness for conservative issues and continue education on why the conservative movement is important. Being surrounded by those who share common beliefs and values and who are passionate about the fight to Save America is beneficial to knowing that we are not in this battle alone.

  • Fight Back Against Woke "ESG" Investing

    Woke political leaders and their globalist cronies in the private sector have created a new way of evaluating companies which is being weaponized to divert government pensions and contracts away from profitable companies and toward firms which instead meet politicized criteria. Here’s a quick breakdown of "ESG": Environmental How much your company relies on energy that enriches China. Social How much your company donates to planned parenthood, Black Lives Matter inc. and the Democratic National Committee. Governance How many Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) directors you have and how many critical race theory trainings you have a year. If this sounds like a better way to judge companies than return on investment, then you agree with globalist BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: “You have to force behaviors, and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors.” Fink’s comments would not matter, except that BlackRock controls trillions of dollars of state pension and other investment funds. Thankfully, the tide is turning. So far a number of GOP state treasurers have divested from BlackRock and 15 states have taken action to ban ESG from state investments at some level. To tell your elected officials to ban ESG, sign our petition here.

  • Yes, CPAC Works on Criminal Justice. Here’s Why.

    People are often surprised when they hear about CPAC's criminal justice work. Why, they ask, does the CPAC Foundation's Nolan Center for Justice work on improving the legal system? The answer is because conservatives should always be worried about the government having too much power. Whether it's education, healthcare, or, indeed, criminal justice, all are marked by wasteful bureaucrats wielding massive power over individuals and families. It is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nowhere is that truer than in today's criminal justice system. All one needs to look at is the weaponization of the Justice Department and political prosecutions by a few unhinged DAs in today’s headlines. But our mission goes beyond that. The Nolan Center works on solutions that improve public safety, foster accountability, advance human dignity, and ensure taxpayers are getting the most public safety for their money. These are core values that everyone can get behind. The bottom line is that we all lose when bureaucrats have unchecked power. The government must be held accountable for results it delivers (or fails to deliver) for taxpayers, just like citizens must be held accountable for their actions. And when it comes to criminal justice, clearly America can do better.

  • The Countdown to CPAC 2024

    CPAC in DC 2024 will be held February 21-24, 2024 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. We will be returning to the nation’s capital! Tickets will be launching this fall, along with speaker announcements. We hope you will join us as we hear from top leaders in the conservative movement. Visit to get notified as soon as tickets go on sell or check back on for more updates.

  • Socialism in healthcare is already here - elections matter and 2024 is more important than ever

    President Biden’s Administration’s latest step to insert government bureaucrats into the healthcare system commences last week. The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ (which failed to reduce inflation but did pay for the Green New Deal) authorized government price controls for pharmaceuticals. We know from basic economics that when the government sets prices, supplies dry up, and innovation dies. Nevertheless, the woke progressives in this Administration are charging ahead, with the release of the first ten drugs that will be subject to Medicare’s price-fixing program. Here is what the American people think according the recent McLaughlin & Associates poll: For additional background on the very real consequences of these radical price controls - check out our piece in the Washington Examiner:

  • Parents Are Winning the Fight for School Choice

    America’s education system is facing an alarming decline, with the lowest scores recorded in decades. This decline is largely due to the pandemic-era isolation driven by the unholy trinity of teachers’ unions, the US Department of Education and our corrupted CDC. During the pandemic, parents were shocked to see what their children were being taught – and not taught – in government-run schools. These declines are not completely widespread throughout the American education system though. America’s Private catholic schools defied the trend and did not suffer the same learning loss as public schools. America is the land of opportunity and a student’s success should not depend on the zip code they are born into. And despite the woke teachers’ union’s insistence; not every parent wants to send their child to a rainbow-lined echo chamber to learn about the newest grievance politics of the day. Thankfully parents are fighting back and demanding more options for their kids. And so far, they are winning. Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Utah have all succeeded in passing universal or near-universal school choice programs. However, to keep momentum growing we must hold accountable the RINO’s in states like Texas and Idaho blocking progress and defy Democrat Governors like Kentucky’s Andy Beshear and North Carolina’s Roy Cooper who think only they should be able to pick the best educational option for their kids.

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