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  • America Uncanceled: Savannah Chrisley Joins Matt and Mercedes Schlapp to discuss her parents’ legal battles

    Since her parents’ tax evasion and bank fraud case from 2012 to 2022, Savannah Chrisley has been a strong advocate for criminal justice reform. She joins Matt and Mercedes Schlapp to discuss the case and updates on her parents’ status.   Todd and Julie Chrisley were sentenced to 12 and 7 years, respectively, for bank and tax fraud in a case that was wrought with corruption, lies, and politics. They were painted as evil conservatives and labelled, “the Trumps of the South”, by a government agent before a left-wing judge in Atlanta, Georgia. Internal communications obtained by the Chrisleys also showed IRS and FBI agents conspiring to manufacture the evidence used against them.   Savannah Chrisley warned of the unsettling results if such corruption is not stopped, “You’re one bad prosecutor, one bad judge, one bad police officer away from this being you.”  Now, Savannah Chrisley is working to reform the criminal justice system in two ways. First, she is working to restore integrity to government agents, hold them accountable for witch hunts, and prevent corruption in the future. She is also raising awareness of the poor conditions of her parents’ prisons that include expired, maggot-riddled food, sexual assault and abuse by correctional officers, lead paint, asbestos, and more.   “When you look at our prison system, I’m not asking for it to be a Four Seasons by any means, but I’m asking for basic, bare necessities, clean water, clean food. That’s about it and no abuse. Just give us that,” said Chrisley.   A small win came for the Chrisleys in June when Julie Chrisley’s sentence was vacated for insufficient evidence that she was involved in the tax fraud. Savannah Chrisley continues to fight for her father’s freedom and for reforms to the justice and prison systems.   Watch her full conversation with Matt and Mercedes Schlapp on CPAC+.

  • CPAC Internships Build a Foundation that Can Take You Anywhere

    CPAC internships are one-of-a-kind experiences that build a diverse skillset that can take you anywhere in the rest of your career.   CPAC internships offer a variety of opportunities for whatever field you’re looking to enter. From working in criminal justice reform to development to policy to events to communications, there’s an internship for all interests.   You’ll get an introduction to the professional world and get firsthand experience in basic professional skills, like public speaking, time management, and collaboration on projects that have a real impact. Depending on your responsibilities, you’ll get further development in the skills of event planning, policy research, social media, and so much more. At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to build relationships with and be mentored by seasoned leaders.   As a CPAC intern, you’ll see the inner workings of the political world and contribute to making a difference in America and the world. The variety of experiences and skills your CPAC internship offers will build a foundation that can launch you into the career of your dreams.  Explore internship opportunities at .

  • Javier Milei - CPAC in DC 2024

    President of Argentina Javier Milei outlined his plan for the Argentina economy at CPAC in DC 2024.   His plan famously includes eliminating multiple unnecessary departments of the federal government and thereby reducing national debt, operating costs of the federal government, and unelected power of federal bureaucrats.   “The more state, the more government there is, the more violence there is, the more distortion there is, and the worse the system functions,” reasoned Milei for his limited government approach.   Free trade and free markets are another important facet in Milei’s plan to improve the Argentina economy. He uses the example of a phone manufacturer pioneering a manufacturing process and technology that produces better quality phones at lower prices to the consumer. “Of course, that would be nine businesses stay out of business, but would anyone here complain about having better phones at a better price?” he posited.  His philosophy combats “the grey uniformity of socialism” with diversity in markets and an understanding of the dignity of the human laborer.   “Your classical analysis treats businesses as if they were machines rather than organizations with humans,” he commented.    His approach, overall, seeks to free the economy from the burden of government regulations and in doing so, promote innovation, lower costs of goods, and combat the oppressive death grip of socialism, and he is determined in his purpose.   He declared, “We will not surrender until we make Argentina great again!”  Hear all of Milei’s remarks on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to see more great speeches at CPAC in DC 2025 at .

  • Bidenomics/Bad for America's Health: Doug Collins, Brenden Carr, Stephen Moore, Andrew Langer

    Director of CPAC Foundation Center for Regulatory Freedom Andrew Langer hosted a panel discussion with Doug Collins, Stephen Moore, and Brendan Carr at CPAC in DC 2024 on federal regulations in healthcare, on the Internet, home appliances, the workforce, and the environment. Overall, the panel unpacked just how bad Bidenomics is for America's economic health. Bidenomics is largely characterized by manifold federal regulations and the expansion of federal power. All that red tape ultimately steals freedom, stifles innovation, and stunts the American economy.  We are witnessing the reality of this right now. “Under Obama, the average family saw their costs rise by $5,000 per family because of regulations. Under Donald Trump...the average regulatory cost per family fell by $3,000 per family, and under Biden it’s been raised by another $6,000. So, regulation is a tax on the American economy,” shared Moore.   President Trump removed many of the regulations that were expanded by the Obama administration, but the Biden administration undid the work of President Trump and added even more regulations to the law books. The vast number of regulations is indicative of the power that unelected bureaucrats in the administrative state have over laws and the everyday lives of Americans, a concept that is threatening the will of the people. Watch the full conversation on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to see more great speeches at CPAC in DC 2025 at .

  • CPAC’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking Joins Senator Grassley in Calling out Border Czar Harris’s Failures in Protecting Unaccompanied Migrant Children

    Frank Russo, Director of the CPAC Foundation’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking, recently shared testimony with Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley of the Budget Committee on the crisis involving unaccompanied minors in America. Our testimony raised awareness about the systemic failures within the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and the devastating impact these shortcomings have on vulnerable children. Specifically, we brought attention to the significant shortcomings of the current administration's border policies, which have inadvertently facilitated the trafficking of thousands of children across state lines. With approximately 370,000 unaccompanied alien children crossing the southern border under the Biden administration, and studies indicating that 60% of these children fall into the hands of cartels, it is imperative to address the lack of adequate oversight and enforcement. The misuse of government benefits by traffickers and the ORR's inadequate vetting of guardians further exacerbate the crisis. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Senator Grassley and other members of Congress committed to combating human trafficking. The submission of this testimony is a testament to our unwavering dedication to protecting the most vulnerable among us and our resolve to drive meaningful change. We believe that with increased awareness and legislative support, we can make significant strides in ending child trafficking and holding those who exploit our immigration system accountable. This testimony is not just a call to action; it is a call to uphold the values of justice, safety, and dignity for all children. You can read our full submission by clicking this link .

  • Schlapp Down Episode 5 with Matt and Mercedes Schlapp

    Crazed liberal TikTokers, real Americans detail their economic woes, Kamala plagiarizes Trump’s no tax on tips policy, and more news of the week are on this episode of Schlapp Down.  “Socialism has never worked for anyone at anytime. It sounds to good to say, ‘We’re going to help people. We’re going to help people. We’re going to help people.’ But in the end you get hurt. So, people voted for Obama and they voted for Biden because they want it free, free insulin, freer cheap drugs, freer cheap healthcare. They want it all free, now tuition. What you see is that then you’re buying a $5 bell pepper, as she brought up, or all the staples in life are unaffordable,” Matt Schlapp reacted to a clip of one woman detailing the widespread struggles to feed families and afford healthy groceries in the current Biden-Harris economy.  “It makes no sense,” reacted Mercedes Schlapp to Kamala Harris’ plagiarizing of Trump’s no tax on tips policy, “I think when you’re looking at the fact that she’s saying, ‘Ok we’ve got to raise minimum wage and on top of that, no taxes on tips.’ That just sounds not plausible.”  Watch the Schlapps’ full color commentary on the news of the week on Rumble and social media @CPAC.

  • Swamp Secrets with Andrew Langer: The Inflation Reduction Act Reducing Innovation

    Two years ago, the Inflation Reduction Act was passed and since then, has done little to reduce inflation but a lot to reduce innovation. CASM Director Andrew Langer breaks down how the act has especially impacted innovation and free market negotiation in the medical field.   The act attempts to implement price controls on certain drugs to bring drug prices down, but the method by which the Biden-Harris administration is trying to lower prices holds a gun to the head of pharmaceutical companies. The head of the HHS sets a price for a certain drug and threatens companies that don’t comply with a 95% tax.  Unfortunately, the worst of the consequences of this method do not hurt pharmaceutical companies but are passed on to every day Americans. The Biden-Harris approach interrupts the free market cycle which limits profitability for companies and discourages medical research. As a result, treatment options will shrink and prices will actually rise.  Langer summed up, “Innovation comes when someone decides that they want to build a better mouse trap. So, the world will be a pathway to their door, but if there’s no reason for the world to be a pathway to their door, if they can’t recoup that investment, why would they invest in the future?” He added, “Nothing is ever as expensive as when the government tries to make it less expensive.”  Watch Langer’s full commentary on CPAC+.

  • America UnCanceled: Economist and CPAC Board Member Kevin Hassett joins Matt Schlapp to discuss the current state of our economy

    The Biden-Harris administration and the Left deny that our economy is heading toward a recession, but the experience of average Americans, inflation, and the recent jobs report say otherwise. Kevin Hassett offers his perspective on America Uncanceled with Matt Schlapp.   Hassett settles the recession debate right away, stating, “My guess is we are entering a recession right this minute. It will probably get dated to start in August.”  The jobs report released last week indicated movement toward a recession with the unemployment rate growing by almost a full percentage point over the last year. Real wages have also declined all four years of the Biden administration meaning Americans have less money in their pockets.   “Unless your salary is, say, 40% higher than it was when Joe Biden took office then you’re probably feeling like you’re worse off,” said Hassett. “Your salary would have to be 20-40% higher, depending on how much you borrow and interest affects you and so on, in order to be just treading water, and I don’t think most people have that kind of salary increase, and that’s why people are so upset about the economy.”  Hassett notes that though the situation is ugly now, there is hope for the economy to turn the corner in the future. Under president Trump, Hassett contributed to policies that created 3% growth when common thinking insisted growth beyond 1% was impossible. Hassett is confident, that given the opportunity, President Trump and his economic advisors can do it again.   Watch the full conversation on CPAC+.

  • America UnCanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Leah Stauffer

    Leah Stauffer, head of Half A Million Kids, a charity dedicated to foster kids, talks the foster children factor of human trafficking with Mercedes Schlapp on America Uncanceled.   20,000 children in foster care go missing each year, a startling statistic that is often dismissed, but is explained by another statistic that shows that 60% of children rescued by the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children have a history in the foster system.   Upon discovering these statistics, Stauffer was inspired to use her charity to take a new approach to helping foster kids who are victims of human trafficking. She noticed an established system to respond to the needs of foster care victims of human trafficking but lacking efforts to prevent foster children from being trafficked in the first place. She decided to take the prevention approach and focus on getting foster children adopted into stable families.   “There’s a lot of rescue, a lot of trauma, a lot of therapeutic work. I’m like, ‘Yes, but if we get the kids adopted, they don’t get trafficked in the first place. So, let’s start working in prevention.’ So, I tied trafficking into our mission. So, now we’re dedicated to foster and trafficked children because there’s such an intersection with both,” said Stauffer.  Stauffer and Half A Million Kids have a three-step plan intended to prevent or repair the major areas of instability in the lives of foster children. Her plan starts by encouraging more families to adopt and then proceeds by empowering social and case workers with modern resources and training and then revolutionizing the group home setting.   Watch the full conversation with Stauffer on Rumble and social media @CPAC.

  • Taking Action is Easy with CPAC Action Center

    If you’ve found yourself asking recently, ‘What can I do?’ or ‘How can I get involved in the conservative movement?’, CPAC has the answer for you.   The CPAC Action Center is the simplest and easiest way you can contribute to the conservative movement. The Action Center reacts to current events with petitions, letters, emails, and appeals to legislators, government officials, and corporations to affect positive change.   Our petitions and letters have succeeded in calling out corporations for their antisemitism and woke policies, the FBI and DOJ for their corrupt targeting of President Trump, J6ers, and other conservatives, and legislators to keep their campaign promises.   If you’ve just joined the movement (Welcome!) or if you’re looking to be more active in the movement, the CPAC Action Center is the perfect place to start. It’s ease and simplicity also makes it perfect for even highly-active conservatives to participate in in addition to their other involvements.  It’s as simple as typing out your name on one of our petitions at . It takes less than a minute but can make a world of difference.

  • Nigel Farage- CPAC in DC 2024

    “There is a majority for common sense,” said MP and former leader of the Brexit Party Nigel Farage in his speech at CPAC in DC 2024.   Farage’s statement points to a wave of resistance to the globalist agenda sweeping the globe. Pop culture and the mainstream media falsely present the radical, liberal minority as the majority. It can certainly feel that way as well when conservatives are discriminated against by businesses, just as Farage was refused by ten banks in the UK, and censored in the public square.   Farage encourages conservatives to resist the false narrative that they are alone. Together, conservatives are more powerful and able to fight the discrimination of big tech and big corporations.   “I was fortunate in the sense that I’m big enough and ugly enough and I’ve got a voice and I was able to defend myself, but there are so many others out there who don’t have that voice but who find themselves being discriminated against by a system, a corporate system that is now in bed with globalist, left-wing politics,” said Farage. “I was fighting this not just for me. I was fighting this for hundreds of thousands of other Britons who’d been closed down by the banks.”  The populist movement offers the opportunity for conservatives to gather in mass numbers to make their voices heard and make a difference in their countries.   Farage urged, “You get outside the capitol cities and you find a clear, solid majority for common sense. But that shift will not happen on its own. It will only happen, if we, in the populist movement, make it happen by getting people to vote for our candidates in numbers that we’ve never seen before, and we can do this, and we will do this the end, good always triumphs over evil.”  Hear Farage’s full comments from CPAC in DC 2024 on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to see more great speeches at CPAC in DC 2025 at .

  • Rep. Elise Stefanik Speaks at CPAC in DC 2024

    Chair of the House Republican Conference, New York Representative Elise Stefanik systematically exposed the failures and corruption of the Biden-Harris administration in her speech at CPAC in DC 2024.   The Biden-Harris administration has driven up inflation, dissolved the southern border, allowed our allies abroad to be attacked, weaponized the justice department against their political opponents, supported antisemitism on college campuses, and censored conservatives in the public square.   The mainstream media, as the accomplices of Democrat bureaucrats and legislators, push the narrative that conservatives are evil, and they erect smoke screens to hide the corruption and nefariousness of their comrades in power.   Stefanik declared, “What the Democrats accuse us of they are guilty of ten times over!”  President Trump together with the American people are the hope for the country to change course in 2024 before the Left gains more power and drives the country further into corruption.   “We cannot give up. The life of our country is at stake, and as we all know, the closer President Trump gets to victory, the dirtier the Democrats, their stenographers in the media, and the corrupt prosecutors will get. They will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, in their attempt to steal this next election,” said Stefanik. “If ever there was a time for patriots to step up and fight this is it.”  Watch Stefanik’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to see more great speeches at CPAC in DC 2025 at .

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