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  • Tom Fitton at CPAC in DC 2024

    The integrity of our elections and federal government is in question. President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton rehashed the corruption of the Left and what Judicial Watch is doing about it in his remarks at CPAC in DC 2024.   Corruption runs deep in the federal government, led by President Biden and his family.  “Joe Biden is the most corrupt president since he was Vice President,” commented Fitton.   Biden and his family are marked by personal corruption, taking bribes from China and Russia, leaving cocaine lying around the White House, and allowing the president’s dogs to attack Secret Service members.   In his official role as president, Biden has facilitated the influx of illegal immigrants and attempts to allow them to influence elections and has overseen a DOJ that has abused its power to prosecute innocent conservatives on false charges.   Fitton notes that Biden and his DOJ have already compromised the 2024 presidential election with the host of criminal and civil cases brought against President Trump by the DOJ and radical Left-wing judges. This does not even touch on the day-of tactics such as ballot harvesting, early voting, mail-in ballots, and counting ballots after election day, that Democrats have used and are likely to use again to rig the election.   “How do we overcome it?” queried Fitton. “Well, Judicial Watch knows what to do. Sue them!”  Fitton and Judicial Watch are uncovering the Left’s tactics and most importantly, using the judicial system to hold the perpetrators accountable and prevent further corruption.   “Now, we have over a dozen FOIA lawsuits on Biden family corruption, and I think we’re going to need to hire some more lawyers to keep up,” reported Fitton. “The good news is Judicial Watch remains powerful because of the rule of law. That's why the Left wants to destroy the Supreme Court and hates so much Justice Thomas. I, for one, say loud and clear: God bless Justice Clarence Thomas.”  Watch Fitton’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

  • CPAC Launches Storefront with Trump-inspired Collection and More

    Have you seen the new CPAC store? Our storefront is your newest source for items that show and share your patriotism.   The Left has tried to scare conservatives into hiding our beliefs in public, but we are determined to exercise our freedom of expression. The new CPAC storefront challenges the Left’s censorship and asserts freedom of thought and our right to free speech.   Each collection in the CPAC store touches on different issues and powerfully conveys the message of freedom.    Our Fight For Our Country collection bears the iconic scene of President Trump’s raised fist and his determined words, “Fight. Fight. Fight.” Fight For Our Country responds to President Trump’s call. Take up the fight, and express your solidarity with President Trump and spread his bold message of resiliency with shirts, shorts, towels, and more in this collection.   Our other collection, Stop Human Trafficking, spreads awareness of the tragedy of human trafficking. Nearly 30 million people are victims of this horrendous crime worldwide. CPAC is committed to helping victims of trafficking and prosecuting their traffickers. Now, you can join the fight to end modern day slavery by making the prevalence and cruelty of human trafficking known with a variety of shirts and hoodies declaring the powerful phrases, ‘Our kids are not for sale’ and ‘Stop human trafficking’.   See all the CPAC storefront has to offer and make the cause for freedom known here .

  • The Globalist Threat to Sovereignty: Bill Walton, Brandon Weichert, Margaret Byfield, Frank Gaffney

    CPAC Vice Chairman Bill Walton, Brandon Weichert, Margaret Byfield, and Frank Gaffney gathered on the CPAC in DC 2024 stage to discuss the globalist strategy to eliminate national sovereignty and the conservative strategy to reclaim sovereignty.   The World Health Organization and the United Nations are the major culprits behind the spreading of the globalist agenda. The WHO, for their part, is seeking to impose broad and binding pandemic regulations on the United States and multiple nations that violate basic human rights.   New WHO amendments propose mandated testing, masks, lockdowns, and vaccine passports, just to name a few, with the support of Bill Gates, the European Union, the CCP, and the Biden administration. Even the left-wing Human Rights Watch agrees that these mandates violate basic human rights.   “Right now, they are currently attempting to pass through the Global Pandemic Treaty which if they can get that through, it will give the World Health Organization a stunning amount of power, completely eradicate our freedoms here in the United States,” said Weichert, author of "Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower". “Even Human Rights Watch, very liberal organization, has said that it is a fundamental imposition upon individual rights, and it serves corporate and elite interests over the rights of the individuals, and If you lose Human Rights Watch on the Left, you’ve pretty much shown how radical you truly are.”  While the WHO is violating personal freedoms, the United Nations is looking to violate property rights. Together with the Biden administration, the UN is implementing a 30 by 30 program to permanently protect 30% of the world’s land by 2030. The program would forever prevent human use on 30% of American land. Additionally, New Natural Asset Companies that debuted in 2021 as a partnership between Intrinsic Exchange Group and the New York Stock Exchange are working to bring more land, including national parks, wilderness areas, and conservation easements on private lands, under the exclusive control of rich elites. Further, through these Natural Asset Companies, the UN planned to introduce a social credit system based on a person’s environmental footprint.  “Thankfully, we were able to jump on this and we enlisted the help of Frank and Bill and we got Congress alerted to what was going on and were able to get a number of key delays so that on January 18, the New York Stock Exchange pulled out and pulled their application to do this,” said Byfield, Executive Director of American Stewards for Liberty. “This fight isn’t over. We’re still fighting 30 by 30 and there’s a lot of these other agendas.”  Byfield drove home the importance of protecting property rights, “Either you have the right to own property or you are property.” Globalist entities are now waging all out war on basic freedoms that the American constitution is supposed to guarantee. Americans need to fight back. "[Globalism] will not die of natural causes, ladies and gentlemen," urged Gaffney, Executive Chairman at the Center for Security Policy. "It must be killed, and if it is to be killed, it has to start somewhere. This is the battle where it starts." Watch Byfield, Weichert, and Gaffney’s full discussion on Rumble @CPAC and make plans to see more great panels live at CPAC in DC 2025 on .

  • Swamp Secrets with Andrew Langer: SCOTUS Puts Regulatory State in its Place

    The list of abuses of the regulatory state is lengthy, and they largely stem from the long-held policy of allowing individual agencies to interpret and enforce law.   The Clean Water Act is a prime example where the EPA very loosely interprets the terms “navigable” and “water” in the act. As a result, a dry patch of desert in Nevada is considered “navigable water” and under EPA regulation.   The Chevron Deference is the name to this policy, which has received heightened attention recently because of the Supreme Court’s Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo decision. The Loper Bright decision overturned the Chevron Deference which deferred to agencies to interpret and enforce laws. SCOTUS, in this decision, rightfully returned power to the legislative branch to check and balance the executive branch.   “This is the way the power works. It comes out of the legislative branch into the executive branch.  This is reasserting the power of the legislature to say, ‘No, no, no, no. That interpretation is wrong,’” said Langer.   SCOTUS’ effort to restore constitutional integrity to the branches of government has stirred the chagrin of the Left. In response, Senator Elizabeth Warren has introduced Stop Corporate Capture Act that would restore unconstitutional power to agencies in the executive branch to overrule Congress.   “In this Stop Corporate Capture Act, Elizabeth Warren wants to take another step and say that...the agencies, the executive branch has the power to overrule what Congress did and reinstate a regulation that had been overturned by the Congressional Review Act. Again, this is an insane way of looking at things. Again, these are all tools that are supposed to restore the balance of power,” Langer explained.   Warren’s Stop Corporate Capture Act seeks to codify the Biden administration’s current policy of measuring the impact of regulations by their benefits rather than their costs, which sets a dangerous standard that allows for unrestricted regulation.   Watch Langer’s full break down of the overturning of Chevron Deference and the Democrats’ response on CPAC+ and social media @CPAC.

  • Why should I apply for a CPAC Internship?

    Interning at the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) provides a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of conservative policymaking. You’ll gain firsthand experience in understanding and influencing policies that shape the nation. Working alongside seasoned professionals and policy experts, you’ll be immersed in the intricate process of policy development, advocacy, and implementation. CPAC attracts some of the most influential conservative leaders, politicians, and thinkers from across the country. As an intern, you’ll have the chance to interact with these leaders, attend exclusive events, and participate in the furtherance of the conservative movement. This exposure can help you build a powerful professional network, opening doors for future career opportunities in politics, government, and beyond. An internship at CPAC is not just about observing; it’s about active participation. You’ll be involved in various projects that require critical thinking, research, writing, and communication skills. Whether it’s drafting policy briefs, assisting in event planning, or conducting research, you’ll develop a versatile skill set that is highly valued in many professional fields. CPAC is known for its high-profile annual conference, which is one of the largest gatherings of conservatives in the world. As an intern, you’ll play a role in the planning and execution of this major event. This experience will give you a comprehensive understanding of event management, logistics, and coordination on a large scale, enhancing your organizational and leadership abilities. The team at CPAC comprises dedicated professionals who are passionate about their work. As an intern, you’ll be mentored by these experts, gaining insights into their professional journeys and learning valuable lessons that can guide your career path. The collaborative environment at CPAC encourages interns to share ideas, ask questions, and contribute meaningfully to the organization’s goals. If you are passionate about conservative values and want to contribute to the cause, interning at CPAC allows you to make a tangible impact. Your work will support efforts to promote and preserve the principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and strong national defense. Being part of a mission-driven organization can be incredibly fulfilling and motivating. CPAC’s internship program is designed to prepare young professionals for future leadership roles. By providing comprehensive training, mentorship, and real-world experience, CPAC helps interns build a solid foundation for their careers. Many former interns have gone on to hold significant positions in government, advocacy groups, and the private sector. An internship at CPAC is a prestigious addition to your resume. It signals to future employers that you have experience working in a high-stakes, dynamic environment and that you possess a strong understanding of policy and politics. This experience can set you apart from other candidates and enhance your prospects in competitive job markets. Interning at CPAC offers a multifaceted experience that can significantly enhance your professional and personal growth. From developing critical skills and networking with influential leaders to contributing to meaningful policy work, the benefits are immense. If you are passionate about conservative principles and eager to make a difference, a CPAC internship could be the perfect opportunity for you. If you’re interested in applying, visit  to learn more about the application process and available opportunities. Your journey towards a rewarding and impactful career could start here!

  • CPAC International Summit Against Human Trafficking Gives Platform for Leaders, Survivors in Fight to End Human Trafficking

    On Tuesday, CPAC Foundation’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking hosted the second annual International Summit Against Human Trafficking with Kaleido Charity at the U.S. Capitol.   The summit was a forum for lawmakers such as Utah Representative Burgess Owens and Wyoming Representative Harriet Hageman, activists including Rosi Orozco and Elizabeth Ameling, world leaders like President of Atlixco, Mexico Ariadna Ayala Camarillo, survivor and now Anti-Human Trafficking Director in the Office of the Virginia Attorney General Tanya Gould, and more to bring to light the cruelties of human trafficking and collaborate on solutions that end human trafficking and provide support for victims.   The correlating issue of border security was also taken up with former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan, former Acting U.S. Attorney General Matt Whitaker, and investigative journalist Sara Carter, and U.S. and Mexico officials came together at the summit for productive solutions that engage leaders in both countries. Human trafficking is a universal issue requiring international cooperation, and despite its increasing prevalence, it also still requires increased awareness. For the second year in a row, the CPAC International Summit Against Human Trafficking gave the occasion and platform for the necessary conversations that will bring us closer to holding traffickers accountable, aiding survivors, and making communities safer.

  • Biden's Spring 2024 Unified Agenda: A Regulatory Landscape Redefined and Its Economic Implications

    Just after the July 4th Holiday, the Biden administration's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released the Spring 2024 edition of the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. This semi-annual publication outlines the rulemaking priorities of federal departments and agencies, providing a snapshot of upcoming regulations and the status of ongoing efforts. The Spring 2024 edition is particularly noteworthy as it implements Executive Order 14,094, which aims to modernize regulatory review by shifting the emphasis towards net benefits as perceived by the administration. This transformation has profound implications for regulatory oversight and the broader landscape of federal rulemaking. The Shift in Regulatory Oversight Since the early 1980s, the Unified Agenda has served as a critical tool for informing the public about upcoming regulations and the status of ongoing efforts. Traditionally, it has emphasized paperwork reduction, regulatory oversight, and balancing costs and benefits. However, the Biden administration has introduced a notable shift in focus through Executive Order 14,094. This order has altered the OMB's role from a regulatory watchdog to a promoter of net benefits--completely ignoring the costs to America's small businesses and working families. This changed posture attempts to make permanent the Biden Administration's goal of fundamentally altering the way we analyze regulatory policy in order to smooth the way of their "whole of government" approach to ideologial transformation of America. Key Highlights of the Spring 2024 Unified Agenda The Spring 2024 Unified Agenda presents 3,698 rules at various stages of production from over 60 federal departments, agencies, and commissions. This marks an increase from the 3,599 rules listed in the Fall 2023 Agenda. The breakdown is as follows: Active Actions (2,361) : These include pre-rule actions, proposed, and final rules anticipated or prioritized for the near future. This number has decreased from 2,524 in Fall 2023, indicating a potential slowdown as the 2024 election year progresses. Interestingly, only 405 of these active elements are new entries, up from 320 in the fall edition. Completed Actions (689) : These are rulemakings completed in the past six months, a significant jump from 431 in the Fall 2023 Agenda. This surge may reflect an effort to finalize rules before the 2024 election, mitigating the risk of Congressional Review Act (CRA) disapprovals in the event of an administrative change. Long-term Actions (648) : These actions represent anticipated priority rulemakings beyond 12 months, showing a slight increase from 644 in the previous agenda. The Impact of Executive Order 14,094 Executive Order 14,094 has raised the threshold for what qualifies as a 'significant regulatory action' from $100 million to $200 million in annual economic impact. This change is intended to streamline regulatory oversight but also reduces the visibility of rules costing between $100 million and $200 million. Despite this, the CRA still designates rules with economic impacts of $100 million or more as 'major,' ensuring continued scrutiny for these rules. The new classification, 'Section 3(f)(1) Significant' (S3F1), replaces the previous 'economically significant' designation. The Spring 2024 Agenda lists 287 S3F1 rules, a slight decrease from the 303 in the Fall 2023 edition. This shift reflects the administration's emphasis on larger economic impacts and aligns with the broader regulatory goals outlined in the executive order. Agency Contributions to the Regulatory Pipeline A handful of executive departments account for a significant portion of the rules in the pipeline. The Departments of the Treasury, Interior, Transportation, Commerce, and Health and Human Services lead the way, with 1,593 rules among them, accounting for 43% of the total. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) follows with 193 rules. Among independent agencies, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) tops the list with 113 rules. Implications for Future Rulemaking The surge in major rule completions suggests an urgency to finalize rules before the CRA's resolution of disapproval process can be leveraged by a potential new administration. Notably, the Spring 2024 Agenda includes 97 major rules completed in the past six months, compared to 53 in the Fall 2023 Agenda. This trend may continue as the administration seeks to solidify its regulatory agenda ahead of the 2024 elections. Historical Context of Regulatory Cost Growth To fully grasp the implications of the Spring 2024 Unified Agenda, it is essential to consider the historical context of regulatory cost growth. The tempo of regulatory cost increases under the Biden administration has surpassed even the Obama era, which itself was marked by unprecedented regulatory expansion. The Obama Era: A Surge in Regulatory Costs President Obama inherited a regulatory state that cost just over $900 billion in 2009. By the end of his tenure, the regulatory state had grown to approximately $2.25 trillion, with an average annual growth rate of 11.72%. This surge significantly impacted small businesses, increasing the per-employee, per-year (PEPY) cost from $7,762 to nearly $19,000. This regulatory burden placed immense pressure on small businesses, stifling economic growth and innovation. The Trump Era: A Slowdown in Regulatory Growth In contrast, President Trump's administration aimed to combat the regulatory excesses of the Obama era. Promising to eliminate two regulations for every new one implemented, the Trump administration managed to slow the growth of regulatory costs to a historically low rate of 0.33% per year. This period of regulatory certainty allowed the economy to stabilize and grow, benefiting small businesses by reducing their regulatory burden to a manageable level. The Biden Era: An Unprecedented Increase The Biden administration has accelerated regulatory cost growth to an annual rate of approximately 16%. This increase has driven the total cost of federal regulations from $2.28 trillion to $3.65 trillion in just over three years. For small businesses, the PEPY cost has soared from $19,088 to $33,105, representing a staggering increase that threatens their viability and economic contributions. The Economic Impact of Continued Regulatory Growth The continued acceleration of regulatory cost growth under the Biden administration has profound implications for the economy. The Unified Agenda confirms that this tempo will persist, potentially leading to even higher regulatory costs in the final months of the Biden administration. If this trend continues beyond January 2025, the regulatory state could reach unsustainable levels, further hampering economic growth and innovation. Projected Regulatory Costs: Two Divergent Paths Looking forward, there are two possible paths for regulatory cost growth: one that maintains the current high tempo and another that reverts to a more measured approach. High Tempo Path : If regulatory costs continue to grow at the current rate of 15.83% per year, the total cost of federal regulations could reach $7.6 trillion by January 2030. For small businesses, the PEPY cost could rise to $69,520.50, making it nearly impossible for many to survive. Measured Approach : If the growth rate reverts to the historically low 0.33% per year observed during the Trump administration, the total cost of federal regulations would be $3.716 trillion by January 2030, with the PEPY cost for small businesses at $33,706.85. The Need for Congressional Oversight To prevent regulatory costs from spiraling out of control, robust congressional oversight is essential--especially in light of the Supreme Court's overturning of the notorious Chevron Doctrine in the LoperBright decision this term. The CRA provides a mechanism for reviewing and potentially disapproving costly regulations, ensuring that only those with clear benefits and minimal economic impact are implemented. Congress must hold the OMB accountable for adhering to rigorous cost-benefit analyses and maintaining transparency in the regulatory process. Conclusion The Spring 2024 Unified Agenda highlights the Biden administration's ambitious regulatory agenda and confirms the continuation of rapid regulatory cost growth. This trend, if left unchecked, could have severe economic consequences, particularly for small businesses. As the 2024 elections approach and beyond, the pace and nature of rulemaking will be critical to watch. Ensuring transparency, adherence to CRA requirements, and rigorous oversight will be essential in maintaining a balanced and effective regulatory framework. The future of regulatory policy in the United States hinges on the decisions made in the coming months. Whether the country continues down the path of rapid regulatory expansion or reverts to a more measured approach will have lasting implications for the economy, small businesses, and the overall health of the regulatory state. It is imperative that stakeholders remain vigilant and advocate for policies that promote sustainable economic growth and regulatory balance.

  • Peter Navarro- CPAC in DC 2024

    Former Director of the White House National Trade Council Peter Navarro exposed the Left’s lawfare against conservatives at CPAC in DC 2024.   Navarro is on the growing list of Trump staffers and allies who have been criminally investigated on false terms, including Steve Bannon and President Trump himself.   “I was indicted by the Biden-Garland Department of Justice despite a more than 50-year policy against compelled Congressional testimony by senior White House officials like me. The DOJ’s hypocrite prosecutor falsely argued to my jury that I had acted above the law when they knew damn well I was simply honoring the Constitution, fulfilling my oath of office, and obeying the law the Department of Justice’s own legal counsel had long articulated and supported,” detailed Navarro.   He was charged with contempt of Congress and subject to a rigged jury filled with anti-Trumpers in Washington, D.C. Likewise, President Trump was subject to a fixed jury in the deep blue city of Manhattan. Further, in Navarro’s case, the judge stripped him of all defense, leaving his conviction inevitable and robbing him of his basic right to a fair trial.   Navarro warns that if the Left is not stopped, the lawfare will spread and our nation lost.   “As we hurtle now toward the November 2024 election, where the differences between the parties and candidates are so stark, make no mistake about that, and the stakes are so high, we are indeed in the middle of a ferocious and often vicious fight where losing is not an option,” Navarro cautioned. ‘If we lose, we will surely lose this country.”  Watch Navarro’s full remarks from CPAC in DC 2024 on Rumble @CPAC and make plans to see more speeches live at CPAC in DC 2025 on .

  • Kimberly Fletcher- CPAC in DC 2024

    Founder and President of Moms for America, Kimberly Fletcher, empowered moms and parents all across America to change the country for the good of their children and their children’s children in her remarks at CPAC in DC 2024.   “This is our pushback year,” declared Fletcher.   This year is also Moms for America’s twentieth anniversary. The anniversary adds fuel to the movement’s fire to protect American children and freedom in this pivotal election year.  The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 was a wake-up year for many parents. Remote learning exposed to parents the woke curricula that public schools are feeding their children and that eerily resembles the strategies of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao to control the minds of individuals by indoctrinating the next generations and using children to report on parents.  The pandemic woke parents up to this reality, and now, four years later, frustration is festering. Fletcher calls on parents to channel their frustration into this pushback year.   “Now we all need to unite together and realize that we’re in this same battle,” called Fletcher.   Watch her full speech on Rumble @CPAC, and make plans to see more great speeches live at CPAC in DC 2025 on .

  • House GOP Champions Election Integrity with SAVE Act, Protects Title IX with H.J. Res. 165

    The House legislative session proved productive last week.   House Republicans passed two key pieces of legislation for protecting election integrity and pushing back on the Left’s assault on Title IX.   The SAVE Act establishes photo identification requirements for federal elections. It’s the election protection we need in a time when Democrats are making blatant efforts to register noncitizens to vote. See their attempt to allow 8,000 noncitizens to vote in municipal elections in New York City.   The SAVE Act, H.R. 8281, or the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, adds extra safeguards to federal elections.   35 states already require a form of identification to be presented at polls in order to vote, and the SAVE Act extends such requirements to voter registration in all 50 states. Voters will now have to present proof of citizenship upon registering to vote, and the bill also empowers states to remove proven noncitizens from voter rolls. In a statement denouncing the bill, the White House claimed, “This bill would do nothing to safeguard our elections, but it would make it much harder for all eligible Americans to register to vote and increase the risk that eligible voters are purged from voter rolls.”  The act takes into account a wide variety of situations though and lists a number of acceptable forms of ID including state-issued ID, military ID, a naturalization certificate, and a U.S. passport.   It was introduced to the House by Texas representative Chip Roy in May, and it passed last Wednesday 221 to 198.   “Radical progressive Democrats are engaged in a wholesale attack on citizenship and what it means to be an American. Through open borders, lawlessness, and attacks on this nation’s founding principles, the Left is ripping at the very fabric that holds this nation together. We will only be able to keep this republic as a republic as long as our citizenship as Americans remains meaningful. That’s why I introduced the SAVE Act in the first place, and it's why the People’s House passed it today,” said Roy in a statement.   The bill is not only a victory for election integrity but also a pushback on the Left’s open border policies.   House Republicans also rallied together last week to pass Joint Resolution 165. H.J. Res. 165 would kill President Biden’s rewrite of Title IX that redefines sex to include gender identity and allows biological men to participate in women’s sports and utilize female-only restrooms and locker rooms.   It passed the House with zero Democrat support in a 210-205 vote. The resolution, spearheaded by Illinois representative Mary Miller, subjects the Department of Education’s new rule for “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance” to Congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5 in the United States Code. If passed by the Senate, the bill would use the power of the Congressional Review Act to null the Biden administration’s changes to Title IX. The passing of H.J. Res. 165 by the House is a major step toward protecting women’s sports.

  • How CPAC and the Conservative Movement Are Offering Home to Jewish Americans

    By Ken Abramowitz The Jewish community plays a vital role in the Republican party in general and CPAC, in particular. With some extra focus on resources for outreach, the Jewish community could and should play a far larger role. The Democrat Party is now systemically antisemitic and therefore represents an existential threat to the American Jewish community and the Jewish State of Israel. Here are a few examples:  1) The Democrat Administration did not supply Israel with a sufficient quantity and required quality weapons to win the war against Iran's proxies Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen. This caused the unnecessary lengthening of the war, increased tensions in the region and heightened animosity of Israel and threats to Jews everywhere.                                                                                                                               2) The Administration did not immediately call to stop the illegal protests on 200 college campuses that have threatened Jewish students. 3)  The Administration did not sue the major universities for illegally not disclosing their sources of their foreign financing.                                                                                                                               4) The Administration has not demanded that Governors and Mayors protect their Jewish and Christian residents. In contrast, the previous Trump Administration was highly supportive of the Jewish community. A future Trump Administration could be even more supportive in numerous ways:                                                                                       1) A new Trump administration could criminalize antisemitism (as racism).                                             2)  A new Trump administration could insist that state and local police properly protect Jewish synagogues and schools.                                                                                                                               3) A new Trump administration could encourage states to adopt universal school choice, thereby facilitating attendance in Jewish day schools.                                                                                       4) A new Trump administration would send enough munitions for Israel to win its wars with Iran's proxies and with Iran itself.                                                                                                                               5) A new Trump administration could force Qatar and Turkey to stop funding the Muslim Brotherhood and related radical Muslim organizations.                                                                                       6) A new Trump administration would stop insisting on the creation of a Palestinian terror state on Israel's border.                                                                                                                                                     7) A new Trump administration could dramatically increase the production of weapons to support our key regional allies such as Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, among others.                                      8) A new Trump administration could re-activate the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 to protect America from enemy penetration of Latin America.                                                                                               9) A new Trump administration would close our northern and southern borders from invasion by  illegal migrants, criminals, and enemies.                                                                                                     10) A new Trump administration would deport many of the new 15 million illegal migrants. In sum, Jews and Christians are looking to the new Trump administration for protection from the migrants, criminal gangs and enemies that have entered the country illegally. Far enhanced outreach is necessary to educate both Republicans and Independents as to what the new Administration could accomplish, and the evil of what a second Biden administration could accomplish. CPAC could play a major role in planning the outreach process through regional conferences and support for 5-10 surrogate speakers throughout the country, and additional 2-3 speakers in key swing states and cities.  On a personal level, CPAC has played a key role in educating me and in encouraging me to become far bolder in my support for policies that would benefit the Jewish and Christian communities. I am personally determined to increase Jewish support for President Trump from the 30% level of the last election to the more appropriate 50% level, if not higher.

  • The Interview with Rob Schmitt & J.D. Vance – CPAC in DC 2024

    The time has come to re-elect a president who puts America first. Ohio Senator and Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance made the case for President Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States at CPAC in DC 2024.   President Biden and the Democrats have time after time put Americans last. They have given Ukraine all the funding they have ever asked for but have neglected U.S. border patrol and abandoned American citizens to dangerous illegal immigrants. They have inhibited and even discouraged American industry, enriching our foreign foes and delving the United States into economic hardship.   “If the thing you care most about is a conflict 6,000 miles away, you should not be a leader of this country. Focus on our own country’s problems,” demanded Vance.   Unlike Biden, President Donald Trump has and will focus on his own country’s problems. He has a proven track record from his first term of a roaring economy, low unemployment, and world peace earned by tough diplomacy.   In return for his great service to the country, the Left has threatened him with jail time and impeded his civil liberties and campaign with phony court cases, but Trump’s continued, determined, and selfless service to his country is endearing him further to the American people.   “Most people in politics, think about this, from Nancy Pelosi stock picking to others, they get richer from having served in Washington, D.C.,” noted Vance. “Donald Trump is maybe the first politician in my lifetime who will be much poorer for having served his country. That is the best evidence that we should re-elect him in 2024. He’s actually sacrificed for this country in a way that’s very unusual for politics.”  The 2024 election is Americans’ opportunity to make America great again, and it is of utmost importance amid the Left’s efforts to devalue the votes of American citizens.  “The reason why we have a border crisis it is by design. Biden is invading the country with people who he knows are going to vote disproportionately for Democrats,” explained Vance. “So, when these guys flood the country with millions of people who shouldn’t be here, they destroy the voting power of citizens in our own republic. This is by design, and this is maybe the last very good chance we have to stop it in 2024.”  See more from J.D. Vance at CPAC in DC 2024 on and @CPAC on social media.

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