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  • Conservative Leaders Flock to Bukele Inauguration in El Salvador

    CPAC joined a cohort of American conservative leaders that flocked to El Salvador to attend the inauguration of President Nayib Bukele for his second term. Donald Trump Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Representative Matt Gaetz, Senator Mike Lee, reporter Sara Carter, and more conservative figures attended the inauguration and festivities. “It is quite brave of Nayib Bukele to welcome prominent conservatives and Donald Trump Jr to El Salvador. Joe Biden and his team push an aggressive work agenda in these Catholic countries and blackmail them to acquiesce. Help is on the way!”, said CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. The conservative cohort was a stark contrast to the President Joe Biden’s delegation that was headed by Director of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Mercedes Schlapp commented, “Donald Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle graciously represented America and the Trump family at the Nayib Bukele presidential inauguration. The Salvadorans loved meeting him and Kimberly who work tirelessly everyday and yet took the time to travel to El Salvador to support Bukele’s efforts on strengthening El Salvador. Instead the Biden Admin sends the very unpopular Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.” The inauguration is evidence of the growth of the conservative movement worldwide. Conservatives are joining in solidarity with one another from country to country to stand up against the globalism and communism of the Left. See more from the Bukele inauguration on social media @CPAC, @mschlapp, @mercedesschlapp.

  • CPAC Petitions to End Corporate Antisemitism

    Top corporations in America, including Amazon, Target, Black Rock, Starbucks, and Coca Cola, supported BLM and donated more than $99 billion to Black Lives Matter Inc. and related causes. In doing so, they not only encouraged the violence of BLM riots but also propped up an antisemitic movement as Black Lives Matter-affiliated groups triumphantly shared their support of the terrorist actions against Israel. Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors stated, “If we don’t step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project called Israel, we’re doomed." CPAC denounces the antisemitism that is virulent in corporate America and invites you to stand with us against this blatant bigotry funded by the deep pockets of large corporations. Sign our petition that demands corporate leaders disavow their support of BLM and immediately end their donations to this bigoted organization today at

  • It's Not About Us with Elaine Beck: ft. Gordon Chang

    China is taking advantage of the open southern border. They are sending across trained soldiers pretending to be migrants to infiltrate the United States from within. CPAC board member and author of “The Coming Collapse of China” Gordon Chang discusses this and all the threats from China on It’s Not About Us with Elaine Beck. Not only are they sending spies across our unsecured border, they are also working in a secret biological weapons facility in California to breed genetically-engineered disease-spreading rodents and cripple America with another pandemic. “China is building, in the United States, the infrastructure to attack us,” said Chang. “We’ve got to be concerned that you got the soldiers coming across our border, they’re going to pick up the mice and spread disease around the U.S.” The unsecured border leaves the possibility open for China to even bring over the parts of a nuclear weapon and attack the United States before the November 2024 election. Chang suggests Americans prepare and bring change to America first by praying and turning back to God. “We always need to pray. We always need to talk to God,” commented Chang. “What we have right now, is we have the forces of hell have let loose, and we have to drive them back to hell, and we do that by fighting but we also do that by praying, by speaking to God, and becoming a moral nation, and become a nation of faith. We have lost all of that.” For more visit, or find Elaine Beck on social media @ElaineEBeck.

  • America UnCanceled: Mercedes Schlapp & Jeffrey Berk

    Founder of Truth Tells Jeffrey Berk exposes those Democrat officials who are leading the antisemitic movement in their party and discusses its impact on the younger generations on this episode of America Uncanceled with Mercedes Schlapp. Representative Ilhan Omar and ‘The Squad’, backed by Chuck Shumer, Steve Cohen, and other Democrat leaders, have led the rise of antisemitism in the Democrat Party. After decades of Leftists in academia, younger generations are increasingly in agreement with their bigotry and are adopting antisemitism as demonstrated in the recent violent pro-Hamas protests on college campuses. So how can we reverse the damage and teach up and coming generations the horrors of antisemitism and its connection to communism and socialism? Berk suggests that the elimination of DEI from education institutions is a start. “I think what you’re seeing as an optimistic trend is corporations and universities are pulling DEI funding back into policing and safety and stuff like that, and I hope that trend continues in the classroom, that these resources of transgender strippers and all this zaniness in middle school and high school is substituted with more attention to civics and history because this is really what is going to lead these children to have healthier relationships with people of other religions and other ethnicities and other perspectives,” Berk said. Berk through Truth Tells is working to combat antisemitism with a scorecard that rates every sitting Jewish member of Congress for their efforts, or lack thereof, to fight antisemitism. For more, follow @CPAC on social media. You can also follow Matt Schlapp @MSchlapp or Mercedes Schlapp @MercedesSchlapp to keep up with current events.

  • Matt and Mercedes Schlapp Host the First Edition of The Schlapp Down on CPAC Now!

    Matt and Mercedes Schlapp react to news of the day on the inaugural episode The Schlapp Down. The Schlapps comment on President Biden’s reaction to reporters’ questions about Trump’s conviction, Maxine Waters calling Trump supporters “domestic terrorists”, an LGBTQ activist declaring the movement’s intention to brainwash children, FBI agents marching in a pride parade, and recent college graduates’ ridiculous, woke degrees. “Looks evil,” Matt Schlapp reacted to the clip of Biden’s smile at a question about Trump’s guilty verdict. “I actually think he knows exactly what they’re doing to Trump, and he’s greenlighting all of it. He’s glad what they’re doing.” Watch the Schlapps’ full reaction to current events on social media @CPAC.

  • CPAC Celebrates Inauguration of El Salvador President Nayib Bukele

    El Salvador President Nayib Bukele was elected to a second term in February of this year and was sworn in just a few days ago on June 1. Matt and Mercedes Schlapp along with a CPAC delegation that included Elaine Beck, Veronica Birkenstock, former ambassador Ron Johnson, and more attended the inauguration festivities. “El Salvador has a great President in President Bukele. It is our honor to be here representing America, and America is going to be helping the people of El Salvador very soon,” said CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. Bukele has led El Salvador to an era of peace after years of civil war in the 1980s and 1990s and rule by violent gangs in more recent years. In his speech at CPAC in DC 2024, he boasted of the policies in his first term that crushed the gangs that were turning El Salvador into the murder capital of the world. He also boasted of the people of El Salvador’s rejection of globalism and communism and the steps he has taken to secure his country against those dangerous ideologies. For his second term, he is now promising to turn the economy of El Salvador around and not only bring peace but prosperity to the country. Bukele’s landslide victory into a second term is a sign that, contrary to the mainstream media narrative, conservatism is gaining traction worldwide and the countries that are embracing conservatism are changing for the better. With a victory for President Trump in November, together the United States and countries like El Salvador can make prosperity worldwide. “All we need is a little bit of leadership, that’s what we need in America. Four more years of Trump, five more years of Bukele, and a few others and we can change the world,” said Matt Schlapp. See more inside coverage from the CPAC delegation in El Salvador on social media @CPAC, @mattschlapp, and @mercedesschlapp.

  • CPAC Petitions Walmart to End Abortion on Demand Policy

    Walmart, a staple company of Americans and especially American families, turned on its customer base in 2022 when it announced a new policy that pays for employees’ abortions. The policy came shortly after the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, which sent the issue of abortion back to the individual states to decide. Walmart’s policy covers abortions “when there is a health risk to the mother, rape or incest, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or lack of fetal viability.”  With “health risk” left open for broad interpretation, Walmart is essentially providing abortion on demand for its employees. What’s more, the company is also covering employees’ travel when an abortion is not available within 100 miles. CPAC spoke out against this policy two years ago and is still taking a stand against Walmart directly supporting the destruction of life and offending the morals of millions of Americans who shop at Walmart. Sign the petition and tell Walmart you oppose their abortion on demand policy at

  • CPAC Stands Up to Woke Corporations

    The persecution of conservatives permeates from the justice system to corporate culture, and CPAC has issued a petition to stop woke companies from cozying back up to Republican Congressmen. Top corporations have turned their backs on conservatives and are making a mockery of the values of the majority of Americans. Fortune 100 companies are donating exclusively to Democrats. They are implementing discriminatory DEI policies and policies that pay for employees’ abortions. They have colluded with the Left to promote false information about elections, the COVID-19 vaccine along with enforcing vaccine mandates, radical gender ideology on our children, and the violent BLM movement. CPAC is calling on Americans to make these issues known to their representatives because now that Republicans rule the House of Representatives, these big corporations will be trying to cozy up to conservatives. Make your voice heard and contact your representative at

  • CPAC Stands Up to Woke Target

    Last June, the nationwide grocery and department store chain Target debuted a Pride Month collection in collaboration with self-proclaimed “satanist” designer Erik Carnell. The collection was prominently displayed in many stores across the country and even included items for children. CPAC penned a petition to the Target CEO Brian Cornell to end the collaboration with Carnell and pull the collection from shelves. The petition cited “more than 2,000 products including “tuck friendly” swimsuits, chest binders, music, home furnishings, and products geared toward kids between the ages of 2-8 with phrases like “gender fluid,” “queer all year,” “Bye Bye, Binary,” “Pride 1,2,3” and “I’m not a girl.” Target betrayed its customer base of center-right families with this collection that was clearly intended to confuse and indoctrinate children with a radical, Leftist agenda and push innocent children towards permanently damaging and traumatizing transgender procedures. CPAC called Target out in its petition for its mockery of the beliefs of its customers and the people who have long supported them. “We can no longer tolerate your leftist policy agenda,” the petition declares, “particularly when it facilitates demonic messaging and the destruction of the American family.” Read the petition for yourself and add your name to the list of those demanding Target end its assault on America’s children and stop promoting radical political ideologies. Sign the petition at

  • CPAC Supports Trump After Phony Guilty Verdict

    CPAC is continuing its support of President Donald Trump after the jury in Manhattan found him guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records. The verdict was determined from the outset of the trial. It comes as little surprise but still a disappointment that our country has fallen so far as to weaponize its government and justice system against its own citizens and political opponents. This verdict is just another way the Left is desperately trying to stop President Trump from returning to office. “They know that they cannot defeat him at the ballot box, so they will resort to any means necessary, lawful, or otherwise, to prevent him from taking the Oath of Office,” stated CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp in the wake of the guilty verdict. It is a political ploy for the Left to impose their agenda and impede the will of the people, sadly at the expense of our justice system and republic as founded. Like we know many Americans are, CPAC is standing by President Trump because we recognize this latest effort by the Left is meant to discourage us, scare us, and prevent us from being active in elections, from voting, and from sharing our values publicly. As Schlapp stated, “The Left's actions throughout this trial, along with those stalled in the courts, have only served to galvanize support for President Trump.” We will not be threatened into silence but will only shout the conservative message louder and be more determined to secure victory in November.

  • Ben Ferguson Speaks at CPAC 2024

    The state of the country has never been more chaotic, but the state of the conservative party in America has never been more vibrant. Host of The Ben Ferguson Podcast Ben Ferguson delivers a motivating speech at CPAC in DC 2024. A lot is happening in the country to give conservatives reason to lose hope. Our sitting president, Joe Biden, is weak and incompetent. Our children are being indoctrinated and endangered in public schools. The federal government is turning on citizens and political opponents. Nonetheless, conservatives are rising to the occasion and are only strengthening as a movement. “[If] you look at where we are right now as a country, it is a disaster, but [if] you look at where we are right now as a conservative movement, I think we’re in one of the best moments of my entire life,” said Ferguson. President Trump’s 2024 bid for a second presidential term despite being hunted by a skewed justice system gives Ferguson hope, and he encourages other conservatives to feel likewise empowered to protect their children, reform the government, and defend the country. Watch Ferguson’s full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

  • Battle Belongs with Coleton Furlow and Autry Benton

    Why does such a red state have such a liberal legislature? Coleton Furlow and South Carolina State Senate Candidate Autry Benton discuss South Carolina politics and conservatism on the state level on this episode of Battle Belongs. CPAC rated the South Carolina legislature just 43% conservative overall in 2023, and representatives in the Senate were just 69% conservative. The incumbent, a former Democrat, for District 33, the district Benton is running for, is only rated at 60% with a 37% conservative lifetime rating. Why is such a conservative constituent population represented by such middle-of-the-road officials?  And how do the people of South Carolina change this? “I think it comes down to not compromising and number one, making sure that we are electing true conservatives, true conservative Republicans that believe what Republicans believe, I think, making sure we’re electing those and that we don’t have Rhinos,” theorized Benton. Benton is running to be the change in District 33. He is a native of Conway, South Carolina where he has raised his four children with his high school sweetheart wife, Amanda. He started in public service as a city council member for the city of Conway where he learned a lot about winning races and getting things done in elected office. He is a devout Christian and plans to act on his experience in city government to advocate for the needs of the people of Conway and District 33 informed by his Christian conservative principles. Watch the full conversation on CPAC+ and follow @CPAC and @coletonfurlow for more.

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