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  • What You Talkin Bout Fani Willis?: A Discussion with Matt Schlapp and Jim Jordan

    Fulton County, Georgia DA Fani Willis remains on the case that accuses Trump and four other individuals of interference in the 2020 election after word of Willis' affair with prosecutor Nathan Wade came to light. Willis remains in control of a corrupt investigation that is just one part of the Left’s all-out lawfare against conservatives. Last month at CPAC in DC 2024, Matt Schlapp and Jim Jordan sat down on the CPAC stage to talk the Left’s strategic efforts to weaponize the justice system and federal government to eliminate political opponents. “We talk about the weaponization of government just look at President Trump and the escalation that the Left and the government have taken to going after this guy. I mean it started with spying on his campaign. Then it was the Mueller investigation. Then it was impeachment. Then it was a raid on his home. Then it was the Fourteenth Amendment,” said Jordan. “It’s gotten ridiculous.” Trump may be the primary target the Left’s lawfare, but he’s really a scapegoat for all conservatives. As evidenced by the January 6 trials, K.T. McFarland’s legal battle, the targeting of Jeffrey Clark, and others, the corruption has not stopped at the Left’s direct attacks on Trump but has tortured and financially drained numerous other individuals (some private citizens) simply for professing a conservative position or supporting President Trump. Jordan is leading the conservative charge in the House of Representatives to put an end to the federal government’s terrorizing of its citizens. He broke news on the CPAC stage when he revealed that his and his colleagues’ efforts have helped a whistleblower from Willis’ office sound the alarm on the inappropriate use of federal funds by the District Attorney. It goes to show that the corruption runs deep. Jordan and his fellow Republicans in Congress are working to be an obstacle to its growth and hold Willis and other justice officials accountable before the corruption becomes too great to surmount. Watch the full conversation on Rumble @CPAC.

  • The CPAC Revolution, Taking Back Our Parties: PM Liz Truss at CPAC in DC 2024

    When Liz Truss became Prime Minister of England in September of 2022, she had a plan to bring economic prosperity, national sovereignty, and stability back to the country. She planned to finalize the Brexit deal, expand domestic fracking and end reliance on Russian and Chinese energy, shrink the bloated administrative state, clean up the immigration system, cut taxes, and stop the spread of “wokenomics”.  In short, she aimed to put a stop to the Left’s growing control of the world and calculated erosion of freedom. Indeed, as she stated in her speech at CPAC in DC 2024, “The reality is the West has been run by the Left for too long and we’ve seen that it’s been a complete disaster.” The Left reinforced this reality with its attacks on Truss’ policies through the media, corporations, and government agencies, including the Office of Budget Responsibility and the Bank of England, attacks that ultimate stunted Truss’ plans. She even faced attacks from the IMF and President Biden who ironically took issue with her economic policies. Further still, Truss’ plans, though seemingly basic conservative policies, were even thwarted by some of her fellow Tories. “The reality is with that level of antagonism, I simply was not able to implement those policies, which I believe and conservative party members believe, would have delivered for our country, and frankly, I didn’t have enough support from conservative MPs as well in order to be able to do that. So, this is the lesson that I have learnt. I’ve learnt it’s not enough just to have the right policies. It’s not even enough to get the position of power that you need to deliver those policies because conservatives are now operating in what is a hostile environment, and we essentially need a bigger bazooka in order to be able to deliver,” she explained. Truss’ experience demonstrates that conservatives face challenges from all sides. Not only are conservatives finding opposition from the Left but also from within their own parties from unprincipled sellout CINOs and RINOs. Fortunately, Truss offers another plan to counter these challenges and take back conservative parties in the West. “I think we have got to challenge the institutions themselves. We’ve got to challenge the system itself, and we’ve got to be prepared to take that on as conservatives,” she proposed. She urges conservatives worldwide to take inspiration from the American Founding Fathers who challenged the established government to advocate for the will of the people. Renewed realization of the exceptionality of countries like England and America, the teaching of fact-based history, and electing strong, reliable conservatives are key to defeating the Left’s growing chokehold on the world. Truss declared, “We have ten years to save the West. Let’s get to it now.” Watch Truss' full remarks on Twitter @CPAC.

  • Circle Memberships Level Up Your Year-Round CPAC Experience

    The CPAC in DC 2024 national conference wrapped up last month with exceptional turnout, history-making speakers, and fun conservative fellowship. The excitement of our national conferences doesn’t have to end after the conference. For CPAC Circle Members, it lasts all year round. Circle Members have the benefits of staying in the know of all things CPAC with special communication and special events throughout the year. Our Circle Members have the opportunity to tune into exclusive conversations with CPAC leaders and elected officials. Last year, they had the opportunity to experience more of the fellowship and empowering atmosphere of CPAC conferences with special events including our Summit to Save America and the premiere of blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom. Circle Memberships are available in six different levels. Explore them all today and experience CPAC year round!

  • The Winners and Losers of CPAC’s 2023 State Ratings: Arkansas

    CPAC’s 2023 state ratings called Arkansas “a state overflowing with conservative policy”. Arkansas legislators earned their state this title with at least twenty bills that promoted and preserved freedom in the Natural State. Five of those bills took a strong stance in defense of Arkansas children and students. HB 1156 keeps gender specific areas separate in schools and prevents individuals from entering areas designated for the opposite sex. HB 1468 requires schools to receive the consent of parents before using different pronouns for their child. SB 199 went further to deem some gender transitioning procedures on minors to be malpractice and under certain circumstances, subject doctors to civil liability. SB 294 champions school choice and education integrity by outlining a plan to achieve universal school choice by 2025 and by allowing the removal of teachers who perform their responsibilities inadequately. SB 556 protects the religious freedom rights of students, preventing the discrimination of students based on their voluntary religious expression. Another four bills gave eviction notices to DEI and ESG initiatives in the state. HB 1307 requires the removal of state funds from financial institutions that invest according to ESG guidelines and discriminate against the energy and firearm industries. SB 62 reinforces this with a ban on the state entering contracts with such entities. HB 1559 eliminates implicit bias training for public school employees and prohibits the punishing of individuals who refuse to undergo implicit bias training. Lastly, SB 71 kicks state-sanctioned discrimination out of Arkansas by removing Affirmative Action initiatives from some state operations. Other notable accomplishments include reducing individual income tax and corporate tax rates in SB 8 (SS), removing municipal income tax with HB 1026, removing the option of ballot drop boxes with SB 258, and removing a provision that allowed for the licensing of abortion clinics through SB 138. Overall, Arkansas legislators said ‘No’ to woke and stood up for freedom in 2023. It was truly “a state overflowing with conservative policy”. View CPAC’s full assessment of Arkansas at

  • CPAC 2024 Follow-Up: Biden's Plan to Seize Patents - Bad for Patients, Bad for Innovators, Bad for HBCUs

    On the morning of Day 3 of CPAC 2024, a panel on Bidenomics was held, featuring FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, noted economist Steve Moore, and former Member of Congress Doug Collins (GA-9). Though a wide-ranging discussion about the economic impact of the Biden Administration was had, Rep. Collins focused much of his remarks on the Biden Administration's proposal to seize certain patents in the name of engaging in price controls, under the "march-in" provisions of the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act. The Bayh-Dole Act has been a cornerstone in the U.S. policy of promoting technology transfer from academic institutions to the marketplace. By allowing universities to own and commercialize inventions developed with federal funding, the Act spurred a wave of innovation, leading to the creation of products and services that have significantly impacted both the economy and everyday life. However, the recent proposal by the Biden Administration to reinterpret the Act's March-in provisions represents a seismic shift. This change could allow the government to forcibly license patents to third parties, ostensibly to lower drug prices or ensure wider availability of healthcare products. This reinterpretation could undermine the very foundations of innovation by introducing uncertainty and diminishing the incentives for private investment in new technologies. Rep. Collins said, "What this is literally is marching in to where they have people who have taken government funds to find new and innovative solutions across the spectrum of products in which they come to our markets. What they're wanting to do, though, is if you've taken government money, the government wants to come in and then take your patent, take your intellectual property, and then they can do whatever they want to with it. This will send us back to pre-1980 Ronald Reagan." Panel Moderator, Andrew Langer, Director of the CPAC Foundation's Center for Regulatory Freedom added, "The greatest expansion of pharmaceutical research occurred in the years after the Bayh–Dole bill was passed in 1980. The Biden administration wants to take us back." The role of PBMs in the pharmaceutical supply chain further complicates the landscape. PBMs were originally intended to reduce prescription drug costs and ensure patients' access to medication. However, the consolidation of power among a few major PBMs has led to practices that many argue actually increase prices and limit access. By exercising significant control over formularies, PBMs can dictate which drugs are available to patients and at what cost, often prioritizing medications that provide the highest rebates from manufacturers rather than those that are most cost-effective or beneficial to patients. Collins had this to say, "There's a little evil thing out there and it's three letters called PBM, pharmacy benefit managers. Thank you. If you understand, if you get it, if you not look it up, pharmacy benefit managers are what is strangling your neighborhood pharmacies. They're making costs go up and they're doing it on government taxpayer dollars and state health benefit plans across this country... When you are taking businesses and you're causing healthcare costs to rise, opposed to what they actually say and you're making businesses go out of business because they want to control everything, then this is where the Biden administration with their help. They would rather go after "big bad business" instead of going after these businesses that are actually taking dollars out of your pocket." This dynamic raises fundamental questions about the balance between innovation, access to healthcare, and the role of government in regulating both. While innovation is critical for developing new treatments and advancing public health, there must be mechanisms to ensure that these advancements are accessible to those who need them most. The debate over the Bayh-Dole Act's March-in provisions and the power of PBMs underscores the need for policies that encourage innovation while also safeguarding public interest and welfare. Furthermore, the potential of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to become innovation hubs highlights the importance of ensuring equitable access to the benefits of technology transfer and innovation. Efforts to secure funding for HBCUs and facilitate their participation in tech transfer activities represent a vital step toward democratizing innovation. By supporting diverse voices and perspectives in the innovation ecosystem, we can foster a more inclusive and dynamic environment that benefits all segments of society. The discussions around the Bayh-Dole Act and PBMs reflect broader challenges in aligning innovation, access, and cost within the American healthcare system. As we navigate these debates, it is crucial to prioritize policies that support both the creation of new technologies and the public's ability to benefit from them, ensuring a healthier and more prosperous future for all.

  • Jews and CPAC 2024

    CPAC Shabbat convened for its 13th year of serving as a hub for Jewish conservatives attending CPAC. Organized by Young Jewish Conservatives and CPAC, the Shabbat program has become a cherished opportunity for like-minded Jews from around the US and beyond to connect around shared faith and political orientation. Anyone walking the halls of CPAC couldn't help but notice the dynamic Jewish presence at the conservative movement's most influential gathering. This year's program capped off a conference which already featured numerous programs and speeches dedicated to Israel, fighting antisemitism, and shining a light on the barbaric treatment of Israeli hostages by Hamas. The Shabbat program, held at the Residence Inn right across the street from the main CPAC venue, kicked off with a candle lighting with Rep. Elise Stefanik. Congresswoman Stefanik led the fight against the festering antisemtism at Ivy League schools and is on a shortlist of Trump VP candidates. More than 130 participants then joined together for traditional Jewish prayers, gala kosher meals, and an exclusive opportunity to hear from VIPs including Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman, Member of Knesset Ohad Tal, Amb. Rick Grenell, "The Great One" Mark Levin, and many others. Participants included congressional staffers, media personalities, grassroots activists, and many others. Rabbi Daniel Lapin provided Jewish religious leadership and inspiration. Activists shared the invigorating feeling of belonging and felt embraced by CPAC leadership and attendees. One attendee commented "being part of the rich cultural tapestry of CPAC while enhancing my sense of jewish identity is an experience that I will never forget". Program organizers, including this writer and Julie Strauss Levin, emphasized how important CPAC's leadership is on this project and how much it means to be integrated into the CPAC program.

  • Enforcing Justice: A Conservative Approach to The Criminal Justice System

    The American Conservative Union (ACU), through its Nolan Center for Justice is committed to promoting a criminal justice system that strengthens public safety, government accountability and champions redemption and human dignity with a Conservative worldview. Our efforts with current and former prosecutors are crucial in paving the way towards systemic improvement. At the front of our initiative is the Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Council, a group of seasoned professional dedicated to advancing a justice system that embodies our conservative values. By working closely with CPAC and the ACU, the council plays a pivotal role in shaping policies, identifying training opportunities, and developing best practices that resonate with fairness, accountability, and redemption. The recent CPAC session titled "Going Full Hungarian: Stopping Georgey Soros" cast a spotlight on the urgent issues plaguing our justice system, as articulated by notable figures and members of our Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Council, such as Matt Whitaker, Fmr. Acting U.S. Attorney General, Andrew Bailey, Attorney General of Missouri, Pete Lucido, Macomb County Prosecutor, and Kent Volkmer, Pinal County Attorney. Dave Sunday, York County District Attorney, also addressed the CPAC crowd, emphasizing the need for conservative values of accountability and redemption, advocating for a justice system that upholds these ideals. Pete Lucido criticized the weaponization of prosecutorial powers and the impact on justice, citing political biases and a deviation from principles of fairness and due process. Andrew Bailey highlighted the adverse effects of unchecked illegal border crossings, including increased fentanyl overdoses and human trafficking, blaming the Biden Administration's failure to enforce laws. Kent Volkmer, Pinal County Attorney, highlighted the crucial balance between mercy and accountability emphasizing that "Prosecutors have an absolute need for some level of mercy, but there also must be personal accountability...when we choose not to exercise entire classes of crime, that's when you start having [a] crisis." The discussion revolved around the alarming rise in fentanyl and human trafficking cases, a direct consequence of the crisis at the border and liberal prosecutors, highlighting how these issues detrimentally affect the wellbeing of states across the nation. As we forge ahead, the Nolan Center for Justice and CPAC remain committed in our mission to advance a justice system that is fair, accountable, and respectful of human dignity. We are inspired by the insights shared during the CPAC session and are committed to mobilizing these ideas into actionable reforms. To delve deeper into the panel's comprehensive discussion on the weaponization of the justice system we encourage you to explore the full session available on Rumble @CPAC.

  • CPAC International Summit Unites the World Against Globalism

    Representatives from 20 different countries came to the table at CPAC’s first ever International Summit at CPAC in DC 2024. Country by country shared the struggles each is facing and the solutions the conservative movement in each country is working towards to stop globalism and preserve national sovereignty. Europe Hungary is truly setting the example for combating the social engineering and globalism of the Left in Europe. They have protected children from radical transgender ideology, revived respect for family and life, and asserted autonomy over their borders. Their biggest challenge comes from the deep state of the European Union in Brussels. Hungary remains in the European Union with the hope of reforming it. Though their friends in England took the step to leave the European Union to regain their sovereignty, they continue to struggle domestically with their own deep state and hundreds of appointed bureaucratic positions filled with left-wing activists who wield unprecedented decision-making authority. “We have a major problem with our administrative bureaucracy not being responsible, responsive, and democratically accountable, and I think it’s got a lot worse,” elaborated former Prime Minister Liz Truss. England’s Pacific Commonwealth brothers and sisters in Australia are similarly facing challenges from within. Left-wing politicians have bloated the welfare system and attempted to drive a wedge between white Australians and aboriginal peoples with a proposal that would give special privileges to those of a certain race. The classical liberals succeeded in voting down the proposal and now, they are focused on voting left-wing state premiers out of office. Asia Japan and South Korea are fighting to remain the beacons of freedom and democracy in Asia, but the communist forces from China and North Korea and the woke forces from the United States are threatening their independence, freedom, and cultures. U.S. Ambassador to Japan under Joe Biden, Rahm Emmanuel, has launched a social engineering assault on Japan, influencing a new law that allows the indoctrination of the Japanese people with LGBTQ ideology. South Korea, meanwhile, is facing threats from North Korea and the growing number of communist sympathizers in the South Korean government. Conservatives like Morse Tan and Annie Chan are fighting to keep South Korea free. Tan issued the reminder, “North Korea is not a paradise. It is one jail of a country, and it is what happens when communism has been tried anywhere in the world. It means that the communist elite sees everything and crush[es] their own people, and you have the purest form of communism in North Korea combined with the fourth largest military.” Latin America Countries in Latin America are facing their own struggles with influence from China and Iran and the weaponization of their governments from within. Argentina is making headway to turn its fortunes around with the election of President Javier Milei. Milei has revolutionarily promised to dismantle the administrative state. Other countries, especially Brazil, are still struggling under the rule of corrupt politicians, judges, and bureaucrats who are welcoming Chinese and Iranian funds and warships to South America and in turn, supporting the worldwide network of terrorists, including Hamas. Israel Israel is taking these evil forces head on in their war with Hamas. “I think it’s clear to anybody who’s an observer that what’s happening right now in Israel is existential war that Israel finds itself in. Israel is standing in defense of the West, really, and this is just one front, and we’re all in this together,” said Yitz Tendler. The International Summit produced a set of resolutions which included the resolve to stand firmly with Israel. “CPAC calls on nations around the globe to stand on the side of Israel, to recognize Jerusalem as her proper capital, and to fight religious discrimination in all its forms,” the statement reads. “Further, CPAC stands with our close ally Israel and supports Israel’s military operations to achieve total victory in Gaza and other fronts. CPAC calls on Joe Biden to end the hostage crisis in Israel, and eliminate the Iran-backed Hamas terrorists.” Together, the representatives of the twenty countries at the inaugural CPAC International Summit united to stand together with Israel and against the tyrannical regimes in China, Russia, and Iran and the concerted effort of the Biden administration, the World Health Organization, and wealthy elites to impose the tyranny of globalism. Watch the full summit on X @CPAC and read the official resolution at

  • CPAC’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking Joins Congress in Supporting Survivors

    It comes as no surprise that human trafficking is a grim reality that not only victimizes the vulnerable but also perpetuates a cycle where survivors may be hit with collateral consequences, expanding the web of exploitation. Even after surviving abuse, victims of labor and sex trafficking are often left with limited financial resources, damaged reputations, and even criminal records. Thankfully, lawmakers have come to recognize these challenges only push victims further into the arms of their traffickers and more must be done to provide a safe pathway back into society. With the help of CPAC’s Center for Combating Human Trafficking, Congressman Russell Fry (R-SC) introduced the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act, a comprehensive bill focused on redemption and rehabilitation for victims who have earned a second chance. When CPAC launched our new policy center, focusing on the needs of victims was our top priority. Through the leadership of conservatives in Congress, our country is finally taking the necessary steps to heal survivors which then allows us to focus law enforcement resources on holding these evil traffickers accountable. As Congressman Fry spoke about directly to CPAC, this new legislative effort strikes the right balance between victims’ rights and public safety.

  • The Winners and Losers of CPAC’s 2023 State Ratings: Maryland

    The Maryland legislature was productive in all the wrong ways in 2023, earning the state the title of “California of the East” in CPAC’s state ratings. Democrat legislators in Maryland had the lowest possible individual ratings. Representatives in the Senate clocked in a 1% average rating, and Democrats in the House reached rock bottom at a 0% average. What’s more, their Republican counterparts proved to be moderate at best. Representatives in the House reached an 80% average rating but so-called ‘Republicans’ in the Senate only managed a shocking 57%. Maryland state legislators earned these ratings when they waged all-out war last year on the right to life, the Second Amendment, and free speech. Legislators passed SB 859, reinforcing Maryland as a sanctuary state for abortion, and they promoted abortion with SB 341 that requires state universities to help students construct plans to access abortion. They also proposed an amendment to the state constitution with HB 705 that lists abortion as a protected right. More laws now prevent Marylanders from protecting life outside of the womb as well and exercising their Second Amendment rights. SB 1 prohibits citizens from carrying firearms in government buildings and public spaces and HB 824 raises the legal age to acquire a firearm to 21. Finally, Maryland legislators executed an onslaught of assaults on the First Amendment. SB 5 expanded hate crime laws while leaving the definition of a hate crime ambiguous and broadly applicable. SB 540 allows the prosecution of individuals accused of “civil rights violations”, another dangerously ambiguous charge with the potential to target conservatives and political opponents. HB 1066 went further to establish an entire organization, the Maryland Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention, dedicated to preventing hate crimes and which is bound to be stacked with members from radical Left-wing groups. Unfortunately, these bills are only the tip of the iceberg on Maryland’s radical, liberal agenda in 2023. CPAC identified more than thirty bills and laws that grew government power and shrunk individual liberty in Maryland in 2023.  The full breakdown of each piece of legislation can be viewed in the scorecard on

  • Human Trafficking is a Pressing Problem "in the Land of the Free"

    The "Combating Human Trafficking" panel at CPAC in DC 2024 last week brought together human trafficking survivor and anti-Human Trafficking Director for the Attorney General of Virginia, Tanya Gould, founder of Latisha's House, Elizabeth Ameling, and Attorney General for the state of Ohio, David Yost to fight the rampant human trafficking happening in our own country. The panelists brought to light the reality that human trafficking is no longer a far away issue, but a problem affecting our friends, neighbors, and family members right here at home in the United States. Gould issued the grave reminder, "As we're moving and we're talking about, you know, the border and we're talking about this happens somewhere else, just remember that this is happening here, you know, in America, in the land of the free, the home of the brave." With a vast number of victims in the United States and the average age of individuals entering trafficking at the startlingly young age of twelve, it's a problem that can no longer be ignored but demands action from non-profit organizations and reforms of the criminal justice system. Ameling has seen through her work at her safe house, Latisha's House, how trafficking victims are often the ones facing criminal charges and incarceration while their traffickers go unknown and unpunished. She's observed how, as a result, victims are only pushed further into a cycle of crime and addiction and prevented from finding respectable employment and regaining control of their lives. "Victims of trafficking have complex trauma. They have DID. They have mental illness. They have addiction. They have a lot of things that need to be dealt with and those things don't change overnight, and so we have two houses, and we're going national, where women come and they can stay and there's addiction counseling and parenting classes and financial literacy," said Ameling. "We have to overcome barriers like felonies. Women overwhelmingly, victims of trafficking, overwhelmingly have felonies and other things." Yost as Attorney General of Ohio and Gould in her position at the Virginia Attorney General's office are working on solutions that support victims, hold traffickers accountable, and prevent human trafficking from the start. In Virginia, Gould has seen the implementation of the One Hundred Percent Back program that fosters awareness among business owners in Virginia to identify human trafficking and offer help to victims. In Ohio, Yost has taken measures to criminalize the buying of sex, rather than punishing the victims of sex trafficking, and to expunge trafficking victims' criminal records, allowing them greater freedom to find stable employment and start a new life. Still, Yost recognizes the need to address human trafficking at its root: the open southern border. Though Ohio is not geographically a border state, the effects of the open border i.e. sex, drug, and labor trafficking are still reaching Ohio, and Yost hopes to prevent these crimes from growing by securing the United State-Mexico border. Hear the panelists' full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.

  • "Adam Schiff Justice": A Criminal Justice Reform Discussion at CPAC 2024

    Brett Tolman and Pam Bondi joined their expertise as attorneys with Savannah Chrisley and K.T. McFarland's firsthand experiences as victims of the politicized justice system on a panel at CPAC in DC 2024 that exposed the corruption of the justice system and the solutions that will bring reform. The Problem The panel identified the problem lying in cases like Chrisley's parents' and McFarland's cases where falsified records, unverified claims, and fear tactics are used by politically-motivated agents, judges, and attorneys to wrongly incriminate a person or force concession to a plea deal. In McFarland's case, she was dogged, pressured, and financially drained by the Mueller investigation with the ultimate goal of blackmailing her into a false admission that could be used to incriminate President Donald Trump. She described herself as simply "collateral damage" in the Mueller investigation but nonetheless terrorized by an abuse of the justice system in pursuit of jailing President Trump. Chrisley witnessed the heartbreaking use of similar fear tactics against her parents who were charged with tax evasion and bank fraud and are now serving time in prison. Chrisley saw her mother targeted with her own, separate investigation because of her father's refusal to accept a plea deal. She saw the FBI openly admit that they failed to authenticate evidence they brought forward against her parents. She heard the prosecutor in Fulton County, Georgia announce her political loyalties, declaring the Chrisleys, "the Trumps of the South" at the start of the trial before an Obama-appointed judge. McFarland poignantly summarized the problem, "They're flipping it around to do what Stalin's henchman did where 'Show me the man; I'll find you the crime.'" The Solution Such a deep-seated and dangerous problem requires a multi-pronged solution, but the first step is to re-elect a president with a respect for the integrity of the justice system. Bondi stated it plainly, "Well, first put Donald Trump back in office, and he's going to clean up DOJ. He's going to clean up the FBI." The next step, as Tolman urged, is to stay educated. The American people need to stay informed on the weaponization of the justice system and understand how the justice system is really supposed to operate. From there, Bondi urged Americans to take action by carefully electing their local justice officials, like District Attorneys, solicitors, and state Attorneys General, who influence the enactment of the justice system on the local levels, as seen prominently in Fani Willis' case against President Trump. Hear the panel's full take on the weaponization of the justice system on Rumble @CPAC.

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